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Everything posted by Kroney

  1. OK, so now I'm thinking about doing a mid-way full upgrade with enoguh expandibility to grow in later on. This is what I am considering. ASUS M2N4-SLI AM2 mobo. This has two PCI-E 16x slots for SLI should I want to go down that route in the future. For now I'll be relying on one GPU, but I like to have the options. Similarly, it supports SATA RAID drives, while I'll be making do with the old IDE drive for the moment. Radeon X1900XT 256mb GPU According to reviews, this offers the best performance in its bracket. Maybe I'll add another card in the future if that is way things go. AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200 Mid range dual core processor. I don't really think I need anything more powerful than this currently. Again, the mobo can support more hardcore processors should this become a bottleneck further down the line. 2GB DDR2 533 RAM Starting to become the standard. My only gripe is losing the GB I already have. It's only DDR. Suggestions?
  2. Really? I thought you were out in BC for some reason. I'm over in Nova Scotia a fair bit, the girlfriend's family live in West Kings. Aylesford, to be exact.
  3. MSI K8N Neo2 AGP mobo AMD Athlon64 3200+ 1 gig Corsair RAM Seagate Barracuda 160 gig IDE drive Audigy 2 Geforce 6600GT
  4. It's all moot anyway as I'm not looking to buy a much larger CPU, I'm not really looking to buy one at all, so I'd be getting a 939 mobo. If in the future I did then decide to upgrade, the path is clear. The high end stuff is out of my reach for the moment, so I'm happy plugging along with AMD.
  5. Psh. Intel. Never.
  6. So what are the current crop of PCI-E cards like? I am willing to spend about 200 quid. I was thinking of maybe a Geforce 7900GT or a Radeon X1900GT. I've lost track of which cards are good. It's been two years since I last really researched this stuff. Help me
  7. New PC? Seriously, a Geforce2? And an MX at that? No wonder you're having problems.
  8. I'm rather hoping to not have to upgrade my CPU at all for the two years.
  9. So, I am currently running: Athlon 64 3200+ Socket 939 MSI K8N Neo 2 939, AGP mobo 1 gig DDR RAM 160 gig Seagate Barracuda IDE drive Geforce 6600GT AGP GPU Here's the thing. I want to migrate to PCI-E but I can't afford to completely rebuild my system. Suggestions, please. Obviously the motherboard and GPU are going to go. All the PCI-E motherboards I've looked at don't list IDE ports in their specs, they're all SATA/SATA2. Does this mean that I@m so far out of the loop that they've stopped building IDE ports into mobos or are they still so commonplace that manufacturers just don't bother listing them? Secondly, as far as I can see, my CPU is more than capable of keeping up with most things still running. However, is 939 a dying format and should I just bite the bullet and go to AM2? I'd really rather not fork out more cash for a CPU and SATA drive if I don't have to, particularly as I want to get a copy of XP 64 bit edition. Oh, I should mention that I need this upgrade to last another two years.
  10. British, myself.
  11. Eight minutes? No. It was on the second page. 24 hours more like. Board times are often wrong. This board doesn't seem to get numbers right very often at all, in fact. Post counts, for example. I would be more willing to believe you were it not for all the data flaoting around on the net that says you're wrong. I've yet to see any credible information on the scale of the links I've provided that in any way disproves the increasing concerns the scientific community have. Suit yourself. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Uh oh, I made a mistake. Clearly the Earth isn't subject to global warming then. Hooray, we're all saved. etc
  12. I provided you with the information you were asking for. After all the "hassle" we've gone through you could at least have a look and give me your thoughts. That is, if you haven't already made up your mind that you're not going to believe anything I've said. You wanted raw data and now you have it.
  13. FF8 was awesome. I nearly wet myself with excitement when a uni friend showed me the opening FMV. FF8 tops FF7 in every way. I lub that game. I want my Playstation back now :angry: I thought that game was the pinnacle of FMV use. FF9 did it well too, but FF10 went far too far with it. Overall I think the Japanese are probably the most adept at it, I haven't really seen much int eh way of convincing FMV from Western developers since Dawn of War. Like HK says, though, Diablo 2 was also pretty good. It seems to be something of a decaying art.
  14. I meant to say that I'm on the British right, fact-fans. The left are Conservatives.
  15. I guess I can assume that I've won.
  16. The great thing about English is that you can nod it when a person is speaking it clumsily, which is a pityness. For what it's worth, I don't vote either, out of despair of being able to make my vote count in any specific way. It is not enough merely to vote against the guy in power since all his opponents are similarly bad in other areas, or even the same. I'm a on the British left, a socialist, there is no one I can vote for who anywhere near represents my views. Perhaps the BNP, but if you know anything about British politics you'll understand why there's a snowball's chance in Hell of me voting for *them*. In 1997 I supported Labour. Now I don't. I realise not voting is the equivalent of voting for the status quo but in the absence of any alternative it is the only political expression I feel justified in making. My only comfort is knowing that there are still pockets of Old Lbour in the New. Anyone want to buy an island with me and start a Socialist Utopia?
  17. I thought this was going to be about Cliff Richard.
  18. Something I came across today. Thought it might be of interest. I notice the link I provided has been restored in the above post, too. All the data you could ever hope for. Thanks metadigital. Here is the direct link to the Central England index, which has been running since 1659. I place it here as it may be hard to find from teh link in the previous post, which deals with more recent, but global data.
  19. You pruned the link. It took me a while to dig it up, if you have it in some archive thread I would be grateful if you could return it. Also, I don't think my comments were particularly out of order. Except maybe the first sentence clickie
  20. So very sorry, I did say I didn't have much time. Sorry to bore you. Try reading this one. Climate change
  21. I believe it is arrogant to assume that you can do whatever you want without consequence. It's all swings and roundabouts isn't it.
  22. Actually, an impending ice age may not be that inaccurate. With rising temperatures comes melting of the polar ice caps, with that comes huge amounts of cold, fresh water being dumped into the oceans. Net result, the oceans cool, the Gulf Stream cools, and the surface area of ocean increases. Water reflects heat, land absorbs it. So more heat is reflected away from Earth, whilst the warming influence of the Gulf Stream is removed and the overall temperature of two thirds of the Earth's surface drops. Net result, a new ice age. Given the gigantic length of time the Earth has been around, we can see that small, rapid changes and fluctuations over a handful of centuries doesn't happen in Earth's history. The gap between any significant change in climate is huge and the causes easily discernible. This is new.
  23. I'm sure I can dig some things up. I dont' have a lot of time right now, so I'm just going to throw some links at you in the hopes you'll find them interesting. I'm assuming you want evidence of climate change being not attributable to nature, rather than evidence of the UK's weather records. I will try to find something more detailed tomorrow. Greenhouse gas emissions climate change more serious than previously thought sun dimming troposphere warming The consensus seems to be that scientists are worried. Granted, these links are all from the BBC and I'm well aware of the inherent untrustworthiness of relying on one source. As I said, I'll expand when I have more time. From everything I've read on the subject, and I have read a fair bit being interested in it, the most positive thing we can now look forward to is maybe avoiding the most catastrophic effects. It seems we're already too late to actually reverse anything.
  24. Hardly. This is the coldest August/September Iowa has ever had. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I live in South Georgia, and we've been having 50 degree nights here for the last week or two. Unusual in the extreme. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Global warming is a somewhat fallacious term. Climate change is more accurate. We're not looking at the world simply heating up until everything's a desert. We're looking at extreme weather systems. Iowa has had the coldest winter on record, it'll probably keep getting colder. Or alternatively start oscillating between frigid and warm and damp winters. Georgia and Britain are both baking. Britain has had a string of summers that have been far, far hotter than anything we've had before. A couple of summers ago, we had the hottest summer on record. You'll remember that "on record" here means since 1659. This year we've had the longest summer that I can remember. From April to late September it has been 16 degrees or over. To put it in context, by now it should really be more like 13 or 14. We've had more storms and freak weather systems in the last ten years than we've had in the last fifty. The British have a reputation for moaning about the weather, but never have I heard people calling it "unnatural" before and that's happening with more regularity. Climate change isn't simply a scare story anymore, it's happening all around us if only people would care to look.
  25. Industries are in business in the first place because they're satisfying the needs of consumers. Consumers drive the behaviours of business industries. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I do quite agree that we need to change the habits and attitudes of the consumers to effect meaningful change, don't get me wrong. The only way that's going to happen in the period of time we have to halt (not reverse, halt) the damage already done is by governments forcing businesses to comply.
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