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Everything posted by Kroney

  1. 350 years of *continuous* records. Every month or year or whatever from 1659 to 2006. That's a lot of raw data. You may not think that a temperature increase of 1 degree is particularly alarming and that shows, not to put too fine a point on it, your ignorance of the topic. One degree of climate change on average, over the course of a year, has melted the huge amount of permanent ice in the Poles as said earlier. That's a big difference. To an ecosystem, it's an enormous difference.
  2. The poluters are the consumers. Normal people that press the pedals, waste energy and stuff. Since the Euros are in touch with this kinda stuff we can experiment with some environment head tax on them to fix the environment. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The polluters who are causing the problems are big business industries and the governments who refuse to restrict their rates of pollution. The biggest polluter on the planet by far is the US. Let's head tax them instead, since they're the worst offenders.
  3. I quite agree it's not the fault of car manufacturers directly. The root of the problem lies in mass industry pumping tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere over a period of 250 years. At this point pointing fingers of blame is worthless. Penalising those who refuse to conform to pollution laws and agreements isn't. Note that I am speaking generally, not necessarily in direct response to Balth's link.
  4. Britain has been taking records of the weather patterns since 1659. Studies of it have shown that the increase in the temperature has less than a one percent chance of occuring naturally. The temperature in central Britain has risen by a degree in the last forty years alone. 350 years of continuous records are hard to argue convincingly against.
  5. D: Who are you? Why have you got a name that I don't recognise? Hmm, Ariane?
  6. In PnP a GM can roll multiple dice at once. On a computer, even a 486 is capable of performing the same outstanding feat. And no, it didn't. The game's great atmosphere was created by good sound effects, good music and good vision in creating the blasted look of the buildings. It was not helped by interminable waiting. The game's got flaws, all games have them, including the mighty Fallout franchise. In fact, Fallout had more than most. This combat lag was, in my opinion, one of them.
  7. I used to have my own emoticon. Two, in fact.
  8. So who was the guy who nicked my stuff? I'll burn down his embassy.
  9. Your feelings about most things are pretty similar to mine. *Except* about the possibility of a torrid affair. Ergo I hate you.
  10. I quite liked the combat in Fallout, although I do distinctly remember being bored whislt everybody in a mile radius took a turn during a combat between three people. I was bored waiting in the nineties, so it's got nothing whatsoever to do with it being fine for the time or modern gamers being used to faster-paced combat. The game was badly executed in places (broken quests, unfinished content, the combat issue) but overall a tremendously fun game. It *can* be fallible, you know.
  11. You! *points finger*
  12. Conspiracy theories by the zionist bleeding heart liberals. My erection can knock holes in cheap wooden doors. This is enabled by the buildup of formaldehyde contained in every cigarette.
  13. At the risk of sounding cynical, I think that the question of Bastilla's lightsaber is easily answered by assuming a continuity issue.
  14. I am 6'2" and I have a large pee pee. I put this down to drinking and smoking too much, eating too much crap and not doing enough exercise. I will outlive you all.
  15. *says hello to Dan* *awaits punishment*
  16. Your owls get ever more sinister. On purpose I have no doubt. And hi!
  17. Where the hell is everyone? Who nicked my house? *Everyone* knows not to touch my stuff :angry: Also, I like this smiley.
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