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Darth Sirius

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Everything posted by Darth Sirius

  1. It doesn't? Then how is Obs going to show Revan (who could have dozens of different faces)? Also, Palpatine was perfectly able to transfer his spirit from his weathered body to one of his clones, so it's not like it's a completely new thing in the SW universe. Yeah but Bastilla was a major character in KotOR so I dont think they would brush her aside like that by giving her body to revan, I mean she was as big a part of the first game as him/her
  2. listen mr 1767 :angry: its a big deal for me!! GRRR
  3. Is it me being sad or when you finally kissed bastilla did you get that little smug look like when you do score yourself a chick in rl and your mate dosnt?? :D B)
  4. Me thinks it took someone a while to get past the star forge......tsk tsk :D :D j/k btw
  5. Interesting, yes, but is it plausable? I personally think its far fetched but thats just me woohoo nearly my 100th post B)
  6. Yeah sorry about that. Well I wouldn't want Revan to be dead, it would be too sad for me to handle. My Revan (bald black dude who appears in the trailer in the nice threads) told the Rakatans "You can't kill me, I'm invincible", and I stand by his word. For him to be dead would just be a huge blow to me personally. I love Revan. Just can't bare to lose him and still have idiots like Carth rummaging about. Amen
  7. hmm an interesting point but i just find it a little far fetched, i mean why would 2 characters mould into one? its a good arguement you give but the way you say i just cant imagine happening, but what do i know eh
  8. The option may still have to be there, through. Not everyone becomes a manipulative Sith Lord as soon as they get turned to the Dark side, you know . Darth Vader may be the best example here since he often seem to have prefered thuggish methods... True. Being intimidating is a part of the DS so I assume every sith lord even is capable of it :ph34r:
  9. Yeah hardly DS, I mean you can go to any place and find little townies doing that all the time, hardly on par with the dark lord of the sith MWAHAHAHA The "evil laugh" doesn't really emphasise your words. It stupidifies them. Ps: No Offense. Well it is quite hard to emphisise your true evilness through type especially when im not evil B) P.S None taken ^_^ No wonder I found your posts grotesquley humorous...Yeah! I learned a new vocabulary word! :D thanks.......I think
  10. I feel that the best cutscenes were in the visions. Like Revan getting ambushed by four Jedi and getting bombed by Malak on his flagship. I dont know, I thought all the cut scenes were cool, better than most games in my opinion
  11. Yeah hardly DS, I mean you can go to any place and find little townies doing that all the time, hardly on par with the dark lord of the sith MWAHAHAHA The "evil laugh" doesn't really emphasise your words. It stupidifies them. Ps: No Offense. Well it is quite hard to emphisise your true evilness through type especially when im not evil B) P.S None taken
  12. Ah I see :D :D Dont mind me im a bit thick :D :D
  13. Yeah hardly DS, I mean you can go to any place and find little townies doing that all the time, hardly on par with the dark lord of the sith MWAHAHAHA
  14. Of course he would be hunted, but he could either be dead or hiding like Yoda, or doing something else....and hey, we are all just speculating... Ok you got me :angry: Grr :D :D :D I got you before you even realized it.... How do you work out Revan as a large role? I wrote IF Revan was indeed a large role, im just hoping cos Revans cool!! :D
  15. You should be.... DS has better power effects though, so that is why I'm LS with DS powers...best of both worlds.... aha a sly fox!! shame on you!! :D
  16. Hey, we seem to be going through a cycle of lame repeats. I resigned myself to it around 8 days ago when people who didn't know how to search flooded the forums. Sry, that was a little harsh. like i said im sorry <----Newbish
  17. yeah sorry but i wasnt here a month ago so if im repeating any old threads please forgive me
  18. LS you get a little warm feeling inside, awwww DS you get to smack any biotch up who disrespects you!!
  19. lol sorry i couldnt think of anything else
  20. Dark sider here! Bow to me, your insolent scum!! PFFFFT Zip it apprentice!!! :D :D :D
  21. You could...if there were any left to cut up. Hehe good point! :D
  22. Well i think DS is ubercool, what about everyone else? Im just curious
  23. Of course he would be hunted, but he could either be dead or hiding like Yoda, or doing something else....and hey, we are all just speculating... Ok you got me :angry: Grr :D :D :D
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