Kill Jar Jar
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Everything posted by Kill Jar Jar
I partly agree. Give Obsidian a chance to tie up the loose ends in KOTOR 2 and it could go from being a good game to a great series, in my opinion. I hope Obsidian does KOTOR 3, but I hope LA allows them the resources to do it right. Its an opportunity for atonement with the fans that were disapointed by TSL's ending/cut content. I'll say this, if we see KOTOR 3 with a pre-Christmas release, it'll go from my must buy list to my wait for the reviews list. I want to see the trilogy to its end. Kriea's talk of Revan going off to fight the war with the true Sith has me waiting for a new character to find out what happens to Revan & Exile, and I want to be blown away by the next game. If I see a rushed game that's looking to capitalize on the fan base, with the knowledge that if it says KOTOR on it, it'll sell, I just won't buy it. I'm a believer that the fans have no louder voice than how they choose to spend their money, and if I have to wonder whether KOTOR 3 is everything it should be I'll use my voice. That said, I have no doubt Obsidian has the talent to put together a great game, and I am rooting for them on the sidelines.
Oops, you're right, despite your lack of tact. How embarassing. Yes, I meant Obsidian, when I typed Bioware. Post has been edited.
I wasn't sure where to put this, but since it concerns plot info regarding KOTOR 3, I thought I'd put it here. I received the March 2005 Game Informer today. From page 40: "Obsidian did pretty well taking over for BioWare in KOTOR II: The Sith Lords, and it's got more up its sleeve for the third installment. A source tells us that the game is going to reveal more about the HK series of droids, including where they are from and who makes them. Also planned is an exploration of the Outer Rim territories following in Revan's footsteps." So, I'm guessing Obsidian's working on the project. It sounds like they may possibly be taking material that was cut from 2 to use in 3. At least we know that 3 is in the works. Obsidian, if you guys are on it, please don't make a great game with a let-down ending like KOTOR 2. I really loved your game, but the end left me with an "is that it?" feeling. And with the rumors that it was rushed out, that LA possibly muscled you into shipping an incomplete game, it really hurts your reputation in the eyes of the fans. If you guys are working on it, please make it the masterpiece we know you're capable of.
Alright, first off, I did a search, so don't flame me if this has been asked already. I haven't posted much since before the game hit stores, but since it did, played through, LS male. Put it down for a few months, then just finished as a DS male. And just started a female character, whos 3/4s light, just getting to Telos. One of my goals that I didn't acheive on my last game was retrieving my character's original lightsaber from Atris/Traya. I remember reading from a Dev interview (sorry, don't have a link to the source) that it would be possible to get it and it is very worthwhile. Any help here? Also, the ending cutscene. I didn't note any difference playing lightside or darkside. Just a somewhat different scene on Dantooine when Kreia speaks after all the Jedi masters are dead, and different responses from her when she tells you the fate of your compadres at the end of the game on Malachor V. So I'm guessing that's it? No different cutscenes? Just a visual of your character heading off to a distant system, presumably to find Revan? Is there anything else to find? I know Kreia ends up saying that there's no great revelation, only you, or your character, so I'm guessing maybe that is all there is, but I'd like to know if there's anything else. Thanks
You didn't mention the masked Sith. He's my pick.
I don't find this entirely surprising, becuase Juhani could have wound up dead by the end of KOTOR. I've been thinking that it wouldn't make much sense if any character who could be dead by the end of KOTOR would be able to join the party in TSL, but might make cameos. So, I'm thinking Canderous, HK & T3 (T3's already confirmed), would be the only characters who might be available to join the party. I know you can't confirm or deny any of my above thoughts, Akari, but am I on the right track here?
I'm asking too many questions you can't answer, Akari. Here's one you should be able to: What's your background & how did you land your position in Obsidian working on this project? Tell us a little about yourself. EDIT: Oops, this was already asked. Please disregard, unless you wish to expand on what you've already said.
So, when is Obsidian supposed to be done with its part? Great thread, BTW. Thank you for taking time to answer the salivating fans questions.
See page 3 of this thread.
I've got another question: When it come's to the storyline, it's my understanding that Obsidian's doing the writing & I'm supposing Lucasarts is responsible for approving the story? I'm wondering if that's correct. Does GL have any input as far as the story is concerned, or is there anyone outside of Obsidian & Lucasarts that has a say as to what happens in the story? Also, how long did the writing process go before it was "right" and who did the research to look for inconsistencies with the rest of the SW universe?
For me, a major draw to KOTOR was the characters. Do you have any idea what the timeframe is as far as official releases of info regarding different characters that'll be in the game? I know you can't go & start naming names, but personally I'd like to have info that goes farther than speculation pertaining to the Kreia, Atris & Masked Sith character.
Maybe the mystery planet is Earth??? http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=2395
Oops, Old Skool beat me to the question. Thanks for the reply, though.
But Canderous would kill with no thought, until recently, but Mira won't kill at all, unless she's in danger, then she regrets it....but I hope she is swayable... I guess I didn't get my entire thought across when I cited Canderous as an example. First, he had his own code of ethics, albeit from the skewed standpoint of a Madalorian warrior, and he wasn't really a good person, until after the PC completes his sidequest & he starts to think about his life. What I didn't really articulate, though, I always thought Canderous would be a more appropriate romance interest for the female DS character than Carth was. After all, Carth takes off due to incompatability issues.
Old Skool & I were just discussing: Will there be more than 1 romancable character given the PC's gender? For example, in KOTOR, if I was a DS female character, I might have wanted to persue the Canderous avenue rather than be locked into Carth. Shoot, if she wasn't a Cathar, I might have rather gone for Juhani, than Bastilla.
Is she a romance, or is your level 5 ignorance kicking in? At this point, I'm hoping that the romance portion of the game won't be limited to one character per PC's gender. For example, I could see Atris being the romance character for the LS character & Mira being the romance character for the DS. It'd be good for the all important replayability, not to mention the jedi pimp in training.
I've been anxiously waiting for Fable. It should be out mid-September.
Too much information: I don't want to know if you play X-Box live in the buff.
After rewatching the new TSL trailer....
Kill Jar Jar replied to Tyrell's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
I haven't come out of the closet about being a Star Wars geek yet. I'm afraid I'll be shunned by my friends & family. -
What will Revan's fate be?
Kill Jar Jar replied to Kill Jar Jar's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Unless I'm way off, I think Chris Avellone is in charge of writing the story (don't castrate me if I'm wrong CMA) My guess is LucasArts gives him a broad topic to write about, basically telling him what he CAN'T include, then they lock him away and let him do his thing. O.K., so Bioware's character is now in the hands of Obsidian... :ph34r: