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About Scat

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  1. Yeah , I probably should have warned people about that. Heavy on the resources.
  2. http://zed.cbc.ca/go.ZeD?POS=6&CONTENT_ID=...50&page=content Enjoy.
  3. http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=2300 <_<
  4. NASA locates Death Star Scramble the X-Wings!!!
  5. I only meant that the character should not be like other 'dark' female characters I've seen who seem to be defined by their gender. The tendency is to focus on the fact that a female character is female at the expense of charcter development. I for one would prefer a well developed male Sith Lord -like Sion is shaping up to be- to a more shallow female character. That could just be me though.
  6. The problem with a female Sith Lord is that she will invariably be written in a manner such that her fall to the darkside revolves, in someway, around the fact that she is female. In my opinion that is some weak sauce. If you can't design a character who has a more compelling reason for 'starting down the dark path' than rebelling against misogynism, please make the Sith Lords male.
  7. Palpatine/Sidious = insidious = harmful but enticing Vader = invader = one who enters for conquest or plunder Maul = to handle roughly Either that or Palpatine took apt naming as a feat.
  8. This isn't a bad idea but can be implemented poorly *cough* Baldur's Gate 2 *cough* when it isn't possible to redeem/turn the spy.
  9. From: http://webster.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?va=tyrannous Main Entry: tyr
  10. True enough, but ShinIchiro wasn't referring to people who missed the OT. Given that the overwhelming majority of people who watched TPM saw the OT, I stand by my assessment.
  11. Did you read any of my posts? I said that they gave it away in Ep 1 and that was a mistake. I'm saying that if they had a couple really subtle clues instead of blatently telling us it would have been much better. Information revealed in Episodes 4 and 5: 1. At the behest of his Emperor Darth Vader murdered the Jedi. Information revealed in ROTJ: 1. Emperor is a master in the use of the darkside of the force. 2. Emperor is named Palpatine Unavoidable information revealed in TPM: 1. Senator from Naboo named Palpatine. 2. An unknown master in the use of the darkside of the force named Darth Sidious is plotting to destroy the Jedi and takeover the galaxy. 3. Sidious's plan is directly responsible for Palpatine's ascension to Supreme Chancellor. In order for someone to be surprised by a "twist" revealing Palpatine as Sidious they would have to be at least 25% retarded on their father's side.
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