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Posts posted by Spider

  1. Anyway I think we can all agree that it's much less bother replacing a single disk, than it would be to replace every game that you had downloaded to your system.


    From your perspective, yes.


    My perspective is different though. Games I'm not currently playing are uninstalled from my harddrive. So for me, a broken disc is much more of a hazzle than a download.


    Besides, what if I've lost a disc? Then I'd pretty much have to buy tha game again, wouldn't I? And even if a lost disc could be easily fixed, it would still take at least a week. A week is a lot longer than a couple of hours.


    And I'd much rather not having games I currently have no interest in playing taking up space in my apartment (or on my harddrive if that was the case).


    The lack of a manual is more of an issue. But it can be solved through more intelligent design (and not the kind some wants in science classes). Look at games like Civilization. It has all the documentation you need in the game, easily accesible.


    That combined with a decent tutorial really should take care of that problem. I personally hate manuals anyway and rarely even look at them.

  2. They f*cked up TSR when they bought them out. What do we have from that rules 3.5?  :)


    Think what you will of WotC, but that's not true. When WotC bought TSR, TSR was on the brink of going under. There was no money left in the company. Then they turned the company around, partially by renegotiating with the creative people that were at odds with TSR (there is a reason AD&D is called ADVANCED D&D instead of second edition).


    I'm not saying WotC is the best thing to happen to gaming, but they did save TSR and 3E D&D was definitely a step in the right direction.


    WotC took a turn for the worse when they got bought up by Hasbro though.


    Backing up a disc is not always feasible. Backing up a PS3 game for instance is going to be kinda difficult, and the same is true for an unmodded PS2 (or any other console).


    There is also an environmental aspect to all of this although I'm not entirely sure how that falls. In my eyes, putting everything on pieces of plastic seems more wasteful than just keeping it on a harddrive, but more powerful harddrives and internet connections call for a higher consumption of electricity which is also a bad thing.


    Sucks to be you then :)


    I've got over 50 PS2 games (for example) and each one is still mint.


    Learn to take care of your discs.


    Not to be rude, but what has taking care of my discs got to do with anything I wrote in the post you replied to?


    I've had exactly one game be rendered unplayable due to a scratch and I have no idea how that happened. As far as I know it got scratched while I was playing it. I had been playing it for 4-5 hours when suddenly it would start acting funny (crashing and such) and when I took it out it had a huge scratch and ever since it can't be played without it crashing after about 2 minutes.


    Regardless, it's still beside the point. I said that backing up for an unmodded PS2 is very difficult and in the case of the PS3 it's going to be virtually impossible.

  4. I'll do two:


    First off is Michael Moorcoock (there is supposed to be one less o in the name, but that makes the language filter upset, so misspelt it is), this from the Elric Saga (if you like Fantasy at all and haven't read this then go do so immediately). Specifically this is taken from the book Stormbringer. Its not very telling to how the books read, but its very significant for those who have read the books:


    "Farewell, friend. I was a thousand times more evil than thou!"


    Then something from William Gibson, this from Pattern Recognition:


      CPUs. Cayce Pollard Units. That's what Damien calls the clothing she wears. CPUs are either black, white, or gray, and ideally seem to have come into this world without human intervention.

      What people take for relentless minimalism is a side effect of too much exposure to the reactor-cores of fashion. This has resulted in a remorseless pairing-down of what she can and will wear. She is, literally, allergic to fashion. She can only tolerate things that could have been worn, to a general lack of comment,  during any year between 1945 and 2000. She is a design-free zone, a one-woman school of anti whose very austerity periodically threatens to spawn its own cult.


    Edit: the name thing.

  5. If you are saying sattelite is a good option for high speed internet in rural areas I am going to write you off as not knowing what the heck you're talking about right now. 


    You're partially right, I don't have extensive knowledge in the area. I'm a little out of date with what different options provide since where I live access to good options is plentiful.


    I said sattelite because theoretically to me that seems like the best option since it doesn't require actual digging. But if you say I'm wrong I'll take your word for it, I'm sure you've done your research (especially given that it effects you a lot more than it does me).

  6. discs only get scratched if you don't take care of them.


    And this is why you make more than one backup.


    Backing up a disc is not always feasible. Backing up a PS3 game for instance is going to be kinda difficult, and the same is true for an unmodded PS2 (or any other console).


    There is also an environmental aspect to all of this although I'm not entirely sure how that falls. In my eyes, putting everything on pieces of plastic seems more wasteful than just keeping it on a harddrive, but more powerful harddrives and internet connections call for a higher consumption of electricity which is also a bad thing.

  7. Even Valve, who are pretty much the only major dev company offering DD aside from Bioware, still offer retail copies of everything, released on the same days the DD copies are unlocked no less.


    Just like record companies offered both vinyl and CDs in the latter's childhood. No one is suggesting that downloads will replace physical purchases overnight.


    It's very unfortunate for rural US citizen's that technological evolution is largely passing them by, but as technology improves even those areas should be able to have access to high speed internet. And we're definitely not talking 30 years here.


    There should be several high speed solutions that work in isolated areas as well, the one that seems best suited being sattelite sattelite connection.


    In a way, rural areas should be a priority since they are the ones that could stand to benefit the most from downloading content instead of physical downloads.

  8. Many download services don't offer "lifetime passes" though, because it's too easy to abuse.


    I'm only allowed 5 installs with my Eastside Hockey Manager.  I don't blame them, otherwise I could just buy the game once and give the registration code to all of my friends.


    For unlimited downloads to work, there needs to be a controlled system in place which can enforce all kinds of DRM in it's very structure. Sort of like Valve did with Steam (I'm not sure Steam allows unlimited downloads since I haven't tried it and can't find any reference to it, but that is not really the point). The X-box is ideal for this since it already has that system in place with X-box Live.


    I'm not saying this is something that can be applied today, although it's a process that can definitely be started within the next 5 years.

  9. For me to accept downloading it has to be what I would consider a throwaway ammount. Like rentals'


    I don't doubt it will happen at some point. But I doubt it will be in Bills lifetime let alone the 360's.


    To clarify, I didn't suggest that downloading would replace buying physical discs during the 360's lifetime. I just said with a large harddrive it would probably be a feasible option. The two complementing eachother.


    It already is a feasible option on the PC, Half-Life 2 was sold in this manner if I recall correctly.


    In order for downloads to become accepted by the mianstream I do believe the games need to be cheaper than their physical counterparts. I don not, however, believe it needs to be as low as the price of a rental. The price should reflect that the costs for packaging and distribution have been considerably lessened though.




    Discs protect you from hard drive failure.


    Discs will be around forever.


    Discs can be scratched. I've had this happen with a PS2 game of mine, so Discs are in no way eternal.


    Depending on how a downloading service is implemented, it can even be safer than discs. If you can re-download the game again without any additional costs, then you have a very large number of back-ups.

  10. 2. I've got a PsP , and it's great for travel, but do you seriously think I'm going to watch movies on it rather than a big screen TV and a home theatre system given a choice ?


    Actually, for once I think Bill is right. His track record of predicting the future is sketchy at best.


    I currently have my computer hooked up to my TV and home theatre system and vastly prefer digital media over anything that comes on a disc. It's not a feasible alternative to most people yet, but once 100mbit internet connections become the standard I think it could very well be.



    So unless Bill expects me to strap a home theatre system to my back I'd say he's talking bollocks any comments ? I mean if he seriously expected download to be the future why did the 360 only come with a 20 GB HD ?  :thumbsup:


    This I do agree on though. If downloading is the future, of course a harddrive is essential. If the X-box shipped with a 300GB harddrive, then selling games to it over X-box live could actually become a feasible option within it's life span.

  11. He promised to give him Jean Grey when they conquered the world.


    Or was that Scott Summers?


    Didn't that happen after the Mutant Massacre? My memory is a bit fuzzy, I'll admit, but didn't that happen when Apocalypse turned Angel into Archangel giving him his wings back? Or rather new wings.

  12. Ultimate sucks. It screwed up the charaqcters.  :p


    I disagree. I think the Ultimate versions are excellent. I grew up with these characters and love the originals, but the Ultimate versions was a fresh view. And if you don't like the Ultimate versions, then just don't read them. They don't affect the core mythology in anyway.


    Either way, the Marvel way with Ultimates has got to be better than how DC does things. How many times have they restarted their mythology by now?

  13. It might be the bonus which is gained when all the party members wear costumes that fit the era. E.g. Age of Apocalypse


    No, Age of Apocalypse gives you +100% offense.


    I suppose the team bonus applies if you create a team from specific eras.


    Another could be Storm, Wolverine, Colossus and Nightcrawler (the second generation of X-men if you will. Haven't tried it though and the game is uninstalled so I can't check).

  14. I had Storm instead of Iceman for a long time, but he got swapped in because he could both do bridges and put out fires.


    storm can put out fires with her whirlwind


    But not build bridges, right? Or did I miss that? I knew she could put out fires (but I had built her up with lightning instead of wind so I'd have to respecialize) but wanted a character that did both.


    Rogue was good in XL2. I can't say about XL1 since I haven't played that, but Southern Smash wasn't the only thing that did damage. I liked to play her because she was versatile. She wasn't the best tank, but she could hold her own and she had a few complimentary things going on as well (Flight, Heal). I never did get Power Theft to work though.

  15. Bought this on friday and to be honest finding it kind of dull. We enjoyed the first one, but even multiplayer this one dosnt seem to grab. Got upto chapter III and so far the only time anyone has died is by accidently flying off the map.


    Probably going to be returing it but before we do , what characters did you find interesting and why ?


    I thought it was great fun. The controls were a bit awkward (PC version) but that's only to be expected.


    It was very easy in the beginning though, but it got harder from chapter 3 and onwards.


    My team was: Cyclops, Wolverine, Iceman and Rogue with Rogue being the character I played (except when I needed the other's powers to solve puzzles).


    I had Storm instead of Iceman for a long time, but he got swapped in because he could both do bridges and put out fires.

  16. So basically what you guys are saying is you didn't like the first person in Bloodlines? 


    Man, it was cool what with the gun all swaying around and stuff.


    Hades hasn't even played so I don't think he's saying much (other than having learnt his lesson and never touching a Troika game again).


    I on the other hand loved the First Person view in Bloodlines and think it added a lot to the atmosphere in the game. But it's got to be a non-party based game if it's going to be a RPG. If I have a party I want to be able to see all my characters at the same time.

  17. I totally lost my interest for Dragon Age.  More than one year passed after the announcement and what we got? Absolutely nothing! I wanna hear about features, wanna see some screenshots may be, or i wanna know who the damn publisher is!


    Now i am looking for Mass Effect.  It is more interesting than DA.


    The next time someone asks why developers (usually) don't officially announce games until very late in the development cycle, I'm going to point them towards this post.


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