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Pallegina's Panties

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Everything posted by Pallegina's Panties

  1. Might be the Wind Blights they summon -or- maybe they occasionally come grouped with those wood ladies? I think I made a mistake in letting the game auto-scale encounters in Act III....
  2. In a way, yes. Yes it does. Especially if it is your first virgin play-through of the game. And I don't recall saying it was a good system. Or a bad one.
  3. I'm not too sure about that. Seems like a very odd and convoluted way of saying so. On the other hand, it makes perfect sense if they are talking about the offspring. "Horse and donkey unions are sterile".
  4. Actually, I don't think men and elves can have children in the PoE universal. That's why there are no playable half- races. No, I distinctly remember Aloth talking about it. Probably spurned on by either Durance or the little perverted orlan druid who's name I keep forgetting. EDIT: No, actually he mentions it when you ask him about his parents and Aedyr. http://imgur.com/a/2OEuq
  5. Come to think of it, I think Aloth mentions that the offspring of men and elves (i.e traditional Half-Elves per DnD standard) are also born infertile/sterile.
  6. So Pallegina found a legal loophole of not being considered an actual woman due to her Godlike status leaving her infertile and thus not a "proper" woman per Valian custom. Which has some rather interesting repercussions when you think about it: Sterility/Infertility is a thing that can happen to regular humans (and I would assume the other races of PoE) - are they stripped of their legal status as man or woman as a result? What about a man who has been forcefully castrated, either by malice or by accident? What about menopausal women who can no longer have children? The mind boggles....
  7. The problem with the Ogre kind in particular is that they are so beefy that even if I try my damnedest to CC them, they will outlive it and inevitably hit me with those (overpowered?) insects and chain-stuns from the thunder...
  8. http://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Random_loot Be warned! Learning the secret behind of how the game actually assigns the seemingly random loot removes A LOT of the mystery and wonder of the game. But it will teach you how to exactly get what you want. Click the link at your own risk.
  9. Damn. The fact that it works for him makes me even angrier that I didn't get it in time...! :C
  10. I've always been tempted to buy the Pollaxe from the upper area of the whorehouse that, like Shatterstar, has +1 enemy engaged on it. Sadly, I'm still on my first playthrough and before I knew it the city kinda exploded before I had the chance to....
  11. I've run into a bit of a roadblock here. Whenever I have to fight Druids (especially of the Ogre kind) they just decimate my entire party: Lightning bolts that spam stun, Blight summoning for days and locust that eats up everyone's endurance/health. I could really use some pointers here. Like... is there a spell that Durance knows that can dispel the lightning bolts, and more importantly, the locusts?
  12. This. And it's boring. I love adventuring in Pillars but it's the equivalent of the world of Winnie the Pooh in it's lack of anything sexual. Have you not heard any of Hiravias' dialogue? No, actually. Never used him but I probably should. His banter with everyone - male and female alike - is hilarious in that regard.
  13. Been playing the game perfectly fine for 100+ hours up until this point. All of the sudden cloaks simply stopped "working" across all of my save files: they just stiffly and awkwardly float above and beyond all characters... I've not done any major changes to my computer be it hardware or software. The only thing that comes to mind was some automated update from Microsoft - but then again correlation does not always mean causation.
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