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Pallegina's Panties

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Everything posted by Pallegina's Panties

  1. Well, that's a victory in itself, I guess. More heads (and more importantly, portraits that fit them).
  2. I mean, the possibilities are almost endless here. Like we have Earth(Nature) and Fire, but no Wind/Air/Lightning. Water? And since we have Avian you could have things like Reptilian and whatnot.
  3. Yeah, I'd even take Blind over Charm/Dominate if they rely much on physical attacks.
  4. I don't like Charm/Dominate at all, to be honest. Because for some reason the enemy just likes to cuddle up next to my party as if they were summoned pets/ranger companions - which results in them getting a free pass past my frontline to my squishies when they do turn hostile again... EDIT: Plus, there are plenty of bugs with your buffs lingering on them afterwards - my party killed Edér in a split second because of a ex-Charmed/Dominated enemy retained his "Take The Hit" protection, lol.
  5. The dragon(s) attack my party upon ending the conversation - in whatever hap-hazard situation my party finds themselves in. As I said, there is no time for setting up.
  6. There's no time for anything. They literally do one attack a few seconds in that kills everyone. Even if I had time to move my d00ds, their personal army just rushes in and locks everyone down anyway. Really, these encounters are so cheaply designed....
  7. Well, as I said, they just wipes my entire party a few seconds in. Not really any opportunity to learn anything.
  8. One of my earliest and fondest memories is playing Baldur's Gate II as a kid, and the whole Lord Firkraag. I recently ran across both the Alpine and Adra Dragons and I had my Immunity to Fear spells and whatnot at the the read but... Unlike Firkraag, these Dragons have a literally army with them. Not that it matters because each one ends the fight just a few seconds in by doing some kind of AoE that decimates my entire party. What is going here? Don't tell me I have to either hit max level or otherwise cheese these encounters...?
  9. It is not really that I want to squeeze every ounce of effectiveness out of my character. It is just that the Barbarian have sooooo many little talents here and there that are all pretty neat.
  10. I guess it is a matter of being optimal or not. Talents are few and far inbetween. Wouldn't want to go for an sub-optimal choice.
  11. So in essence full attack abilities are not worth it on anything but a dual-wielder?
  12. Is there a point to picking up these kind of abilities (such as the Barbarian one) if you're not? It just seems that they are built around dual-wielding and not much else. Like, two weapons get a huge benefit from these but what about two-handers?
  13. I've not played around with Dual-Wielding yet, but I would assume the fast attack speed comes from attacking seperately with each weapon in succession, rather than a single combined attack with both. There are however abilities that use a "Full Attack" which deliberately attacks with both weapons.
  14. Again, that seems like a bug or oversight in the coding moreso than something intended. It really makes no sense.
  15. Awww damn, the tier I was thinking about (Premium Digital) is $54 on Obsidian's own site, while it was $45 on fig... Why is that? EDIT: In fact, all packages are quite a bit more expensive in general.
  16. Only really got into the first game because I bought it during the Steam summer sale. Loved it so much to the point where I'd love to back the sequel, but there's no way to do that now, is there...?
  17. Wat. These talents not working on DoT abilities seems bafflingly stupid to the point I'd call it a bug... Sigh. There goes my Chanter build down the trash, then.
  18. Current portrait of my Bleakwalker. Current portrait of my Barbarian (but I guess it fits to a crazy and/or evil character of any class). I love this for a any female Amaua character - you can make an exact in-game model with the mohawk haircut and the right skin settings. Some artist actually posted it on their twitter, having made a custom portrait for their character and everything. Unfortunately I don't remember who they were...
  19. The Wiki one (there are plenty of player-made ones that are utterly false floating around it there) has never failed me. Once I realized that they meant day of the in-game month, not the day of the total-days-played counter.
  20. Really, I hope they improve upon this in the sequel. All these items should be available at stores, with the caveat that they cost lots of gold. Your reward for finding these things "in the wild" should be that they are free. Things being loot exclusives should be reserved for things that have a set spawn, such as powerful weapons and armour (like Tidefall Greatsword). Having things exclusive to a random* loot system is sadly quite terrible game design in the end. *it is not really random when you think about it, but that is the impression a player who is unaware of how it actually works experiences it to be.
  21. That is still true for PoE, innit? Not in the traditional sense, but they do allow you to pick locks above your current skill level.
  22. Segani makes a good mechanic too, since it couples naturally with her Stealth - a scout who cannot spot traps is a dead scout!
  23. Well, whenever you get an actual look "under the hood" of a game (so to speak) I'd say it removes a bit of wonder and magic of the game. That was the point I was trying to make.
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