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The Named One

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Everything posted by The Named One

  1. I'll never again get into a game that is, at its heart, endless. Seems MMOs are characterized by this quality, so I don't think I'll ever play another one again, no matter how 'cracked' the formula is.
  2. All the reviews that you linked in the other thread were an 8 score or above except for the 1up one. Heck, he even linked to an 8.6 review as proof of people not liking it. The reviews are by and large either very good or good, while never perfect or amazing. Also, BF2 was a great game.
  3. I'm sloowwly getting used to the camera. I've also decided against my clich
  4. My impressions after playing a few hours: I turned everything on low except texture detail which is on high and character models are actually quite pretty as such. Chain mail armour looks great up close. However, I can't say I'm overly enjoying my experience so far (just been told to go to the swamp). First, the game makes me feel like it begrudges moving anywhere. The camera throws itself around haphazardly, and no setting I've tried seems to allow for a nice fluid experience. The most I could do is turn down the mouse sensitivity for the middle mouse button control, but that seems to effect the speed at which the screen moves when you push the edges. Hopefully I'll find some way of dealing with the camera that makes the game at the very least playable. I also now see what reviewers mean when they talk about the sheer quantity of items you receive. Yes bag space is plentiful, but it'll take ages sorting through all this stuff. I liked conversations, and that skirmish with the bladelings and dwarves alongside the town militia et al was quite fun. But when I finished for the night I felt more relief than yearning to continue. I hope that changes.
  5. Bah, the game won't work again because of this "disc can't be found or authenticated" error. D-Tools is definitely unmounted and off but still it won't work. Any other suggestions?
  6. Right. My understanding is that Josh's problem with romances is that they are arbitrary and shallow ie that because your character = a certain gender they will romance you. He used gender=male as an example of how binary romances are but he might as well have said gender=female. There's no argument here about quality of romances for different genders. My point about the Viconia romance was that there are no pretenses of depth at the start, that she fancied you because she thought your body was attractive, which is what it probably what it beleivably would be. Yes it was binary, but it wasn't based on non-existant personality traits.
  7. and becouse the character is male, the romance has to be shallow? what's this about genders anyway? Equally GOOD quality romances for both! <_< <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Before I make a fool of myself by explaining this, is this guy the forum satirist or something? Is he being serious?
  8. He means because the character is male. He would have the same problem where the males fall for the female character because GENDER=FEMALE At least with Viconia it starts off quite shallow "You have the musculature that drives women wild" or somesuch.
  9. Interesting thread. I can't say I've experienced romances in games beyond BG2 and PST, and I've always thought the next LOVETALK was another thing to look forward to. But as I think I read somewhere that Chris Avellone said, a fleeting, never truly expressed romance is the best of all (a bit like that romance on werewolf island in TOSC ). I really can't think of a romance in any other game I've played except the obligatory romances in all FF games 7 onwards. Incidentally, are there romances in NWN2? Anyone experienced one yet? Is it any good?
  10. BG2 before NWN2. I've got to that immensly satisfying point where it's faster and more efficient to send my main char in alone with boots of speed and carsomyr+5 cutting everything apart and soloing dragons/liches. Just exceeded the level cap for BG2 too so he now has whirlwind. Gauntlets of Dex are so imba. (also, Vicky makes for a very good romance)
  11. It's the classic vocal minority situation. The vast majority of people don't write on forums, least of all if they enjoy the game.
  12. Impressions so far... the menu screen looks cool. Always good to see a fresh new menu screen to remind you you've got a new game. In other words, just as I got it to work I had to catch a train that takes me home from uni for the weekend. Gragh. Dreading what it's going to run like with Big Bottom's report though. Would you say the graphics card is the weakest part of our setup BB?
  13. Yay, it works! I shall wait for you in death's halls my love..
  14. Hmm.. how do I disable virtual drives? Daemon tools isn't on either.
  15. It arrived, installed it, patched it, loaded it up... "Original disc could not be found or authenticated." The cds definitely in there, anyone know what that's about?
  16. Would they sticky it if it was inaccurate though?
  17. Thanks for the responses Killuminati, Big Bottom. I'm looking forward to this now
  18. Would I have to put it on Low settings with 1gb RAM, Athlon 64 2800+ (does that mean 2.8ghz or something less? never understood that. belarc says it's 1.85ghz but I heard that means it's assuming it's a pentium or something), Raedon 9800 PRO Or could I push it to medium? Any recommendations?
  19. I'll never understand the adherence to that rule in the infinity engine games, it's rendered pointless and a big waste of time in any save/load environment and an irritating, unpredictable imbalance everywhere else.
  20. Dnd classes aren't really balanced towards solo play/leadership IMO. There's quite a few classes there I know I should avoid for the game, not that I can identify them.
  22. I get it, I get it. There are good mods. I'd get the LG Collectors Edition for the original games but that's sold out on PLAY UK, so I might buy it separately. Is the OC something I should avoid?
  23. Jaheira was my romance of choice. I loved the bit when she talked of exploring other lands with you once it was all over. Next play through I'll probably try Viconia.
  24. A BAGH!
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