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4 NeutralAbout parnashwind
(1) Prestidigitator
1. Gods are not reliable narrators, as they have an agenda of their own. 2. The Wheel predates the Engwithan gods. It's a natural, amoral, uncontrolled process. 3. The Engwithan Wheel gives the gods control over reincarnation and thus over the long-term fate of the kith. Imagine Woedica using Thaos without that kind of control. The gods are reliable on this account. If you convince Eothas to destroy the wheel and not simply break it, all life comes to an end rather quickly.
I think her exact words are "When the time comes, you will have the power to reveal the souls that cling to you, to open the gateway from the In-Between to the waking world". I actually take that as, you can use the souls that clings on to you to open a path to the in between, like how you track Eothas the first time. I agree, unlike PoE1, being a Watcher in PoE2 has less significance. I believe the significance in PoE2 is that your Watcher's souls is so powerful that you get to survive an encounter with Eothas. Eothas even mentions that he will return to you part of your soul he could spare but he still needs the rest during the second encounter. Meaning, your souls is very potent. That is what makes the Watcher special in PoE2. Xoti is a soul reaper.... at least you can still right things by making her release the souls later and see her scream and suffer for it
Just because you didn't feel like explaining to the spirit or you're reluctant to do it doesn't mean it's not true. It is not that. Truth that is a choice is not "universal truth". Cornerstones of the plot will remain constant regardless of how the player chooses to play the Watcher. Meaning, like it or not, you are the Herald of Berath charged with hunting down Eothas and learning his intention regardless because you have a connection to Eothas as he holds part of your soul. This is true regardless of how you choose to play it; unless you straight out refuse and rejects Berath and end the game as soon as it starts. This connection is what makes you special, not because you are a Watcher although that helps a lot. Guarding and guiding the souls is only true when you chooses to make it true, much like your race, gender and agenda. Xoti is harvesting souls for Eothas or she believes that is what she is doing which is different. Actually, my Watcher has more trouble competing with Xoti because my Watcher is a Priest of Berath and her harvesting souls and not releasing them to the wheel really doesnt sit well with my Watcher but that has more to my Watcher being a Priest of Berath than the Herald of Berath but again that is only true under certain circumstances. Which is why ultimately I made her release the souls back to the wheel.
The Watcher literally says that's what they're supposed to do to the first spirit they "collect" on the beach, and Berath says that they're meant to open the door to the Beyond for the spirits that cling to them. The "guide and guard" part was only one of the conversation choices, no? That would be the Watcher's choice and sense of self imposed responsibility. I think the options I picked was [shrug], [if you must]. In the line of conversation options, I believe the only thing Berath constantly says is "Go as my Herald and find out what Eothas is planning". Quite the opposite, the souls are "stuck" because Eothas is NOT dead. When the Watcher tells them to move on, the souls said "But what if that brat Eothas turns the pillars dark again?"
Actually Xoti cant see or detect souls. Souls too are attracted to her. She just wiggles that lantern of hers mindlessly when the Watcher like speaks to thin air... I dont think being the Herald of Berath makes the Watcher responsible to guard or guide souls; being the Watcher maybe. The only thing Berath cares about is the cycle. the cycle of the the souls returning to the wheel and reincarnate as intended. The Guarding and Guiding part is pretty un-Berath like imo as it is a little too passionate for Berath's taste. Although I think most will agree that Xoti is a nutcase.
To be honest, the main story is very lacking; near non-existent. It can be taken out all together and we would missed nothing. IMHO, the Watcher waking up after Eothas is done throwing tantrums Kylo Ren style and having to deal with the aftermath and to discover the extend of damages done would make for a more interesting adventure. The factions... they are pretty shallow and uninteresting. Just pick up some history book and read about the age of colonization and yeah, that is about it. Huana with a caste system and the Companies trying to exploit their lands.... hmmm.... familiar, no?
I am also very disappointed that the Watcher does not get to question Eothas about his logic. Reveal the true nature of the gods, break the wheel and then leave the kith to their own devices? Is Eothas the God of stupidity? Crazy and sour people like Pallegina and the Republic will definitely try to create their own "gods" to serve their interest. It will definitely create a "Gods Race" to see which nation or people could succeed first in creating new Gods. Concelhuat is a saint compared to the Engwithans. He just wanna become a Lich, he largely leaves other alone or he leaves the majority alone. Unlike the Engwithans who combined their collective stupidity into the God known as Eothas. Also, I get a feeling that the writers are constantly trying to cast Animancy is a positive light in the name of progress. Harvesting and sacrificing the souls of hundreds and thousands and refine their essence of stupidity into Gods is anything but progress... it is congress.
I feel you OP. If you play a lot of D&D rule games like BG/NWN, PoE will take a little getting use to. The following is my take on the combat system in PoE: 1. Firstly, think of combat in PoE as a turn based tactical game like Banner Saga, Final Fantasy Tactics. Instead of "turns', you have to manually pause a lot. There is even a whole option page to customize auto pauses. 2. PoE combat is more about resource management than tactics. Unlike D&D rules like BG/NWN, you have to play this like a Korean MMO; ie Tank, healer and support. You will almost always take damage and always do damage, thus managing heals and regen is key. For example: If the Attacker has 20 accuracy and the defender has 20 defense, it all comes down to the D100 roll. You will notice that -ONLY- a roll of 15 and below will result in a miss. Meaning, 85% of the time, the attack will do either 50%, 100% or Crit damage. Sames goes for debuffs. Each point of accuracy/defense advantage increases your chances by 1% thus theoretically, you will need more than 85 points in defense than the enemy to escape damage for sure. 3. Because of the MMOish trading damage system, a lot of skills works really well; especially debuffs. So what if they take only 50% of the debuff, it is still a debuff and subsequent debuff will have a better chance of scoring its full effect. Daze, Blind, Fear, Terrifying, etc. Very effective. Use them. However, this also means that enemies will also have an easy time charming/dazing/paralyze you because you simply cannot raise your defense high enough to be safe from them. Pay attention to the Priest's Prayer for immunity spells - you will need them especially on higher difficulty. Like those BS banshees that teleports and spam AOE paralysis, the game throws 2, 3, 4 of those at you and if you are not protected, you are pretty screwed. 4. Combat can be a drag if you do not do enough damage because there is simply too much regeneration going on in PoE, a negative effect of the MMOish trading blow combat system. So, pay attention to their DR and immunity. Equip your characters with backup weapons that does different damage from your primary. One thing I find most confusing in PoE as a new player is figuring out vulnerability. If you mouse over an enemy, you will see that the enemy has a base DR value. Then you will see under that, DR for Slash/Pierce/Crush/Fire etc. The enemy is vulnerable to attacks in the second roll that are lower than its base. Meaning, if an enemy has a base DR of 10 and Slash DR of 5; it means it is weak against slash. 5. Range attackers. At least half your party should be range attackers only because pathing is really bad. When you are walking around, your characters have a small collision box, meaning 2 of them can walk side by side but once combat starts - they suddenly start blocking each other and that can make movement and getting melee attackers into position a pain in the behind. Thus, range attackers are important. 6. Pause, use the auto pause and use pause a lot. Characters in PoE are very stupid. Sometimes after using a spell or a skill, they will simply stand around and do nothing or go do something that will get them killed. You will need to micromanage them. OP said that debuffs dont last long - yes they dont because if you dont overcome their defenses, chances are the debuffs are only at 1/2 duration (roll < 50) and if you do not pause the game, you likely wont have time to take advantage of them. Finally, unlike D&D rules where lots of characters can hold their own. In PoE, your entire party need to fight as one. The fighter knocks an enemy down to interrupt them and to draw aggro while your range attacker takes advantage of the situation. Knocking a character over and then beating them yourself like in D&D games simply dont work well in PoE. Remember, Sir Pause-a-lot is the most powerful entity in all PoE
I dont think Magran is close to breaking the pact tho. Berath explains that Gods cannot intervene directly onto the mortal realm or it will tip the world over. So there should be at least an understanding among the gods on this matter. They can however work through mortals and that is what Magran did. Eothas as far as we know intervened directly. So Magran can easily justify her actions, she does not need to hide anything if all she cared for is to punish Eothas. Something is not right about Magran and Woedica