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Everything posted by smjjames

  1. Sold. I think some groups would benefit greatly from having some good old fashioned Catholic love poured on them for a while. Such as.... white supremacists? Heh.
  2. While I get where the outrage would come from, we've all had annoying NPCs in games who just won't shut up, so, I can sympathise.
  3. I thought the Roman salute was with a closed fist? Then again, Hollywood probably modified it for understandable reasons.
  4. Or as I put it elsewhere, much less of a blue wave and more of a muddled mess. The Democrats made significant gains and made close races out of ones that never should have gotten that close, no doubt about that, but the Republicans made some gains as well. Maybe blue tide would be more appropriate? Would be an accurate description of the general upwelling.
  5. I posted about that earlier. Anyways, people have said he needs to recuse himself (or possibly resign from the position), but that has been pretty much coming from the Democrats. Kobach only recused himself during the primaries because he was under pressure from other Republicans (though he insisted that he, in his position as State Secretary, wasn't all that involved in the proccess. Which may be true for Kansas.), Brian Kemp hasn't had that kind of pressure.
  6. At least if Quebec becomes independent, we'd have our very own North American France to complain about French people being uptight about French language than having to refer to France in Europe. Though I guess we can still do both, heh.
  7. According to the Republicans too, 'LOCK HER UP!'. Still, point is that they haven't given any evidence.
  8. It's really more like #PurpletintedWave2018 since it's not a pure blue or red wave by any means. I know it's not as exciting or tribalistic as RedWave or BlueWave.
  9. Bannon has repeatedly said that his goal is simply to smash the establishment to pieces and doesn't appear to have a plan to rebuild afterwards. In midterms news, there was an alleged failed hacking of the Georgia voters registration system and Brian Kemp (Gov candidate and State Secretary) is accusing the Democrats without evidence. Obviously, if the Democrats are the ones to blame, it was an incredibly dumb thing to do, but given that it's an accusation without proof, I'll believe it when proof is given.
  10. Even the military is concerned about those. Though they seem more concerned about possible theft and the militias just plain getting in the way atm than of violence. The article also said that theres at least two groups from Canada (according to the person saying that anyway), don't they have their own Canadian border to defend? heh. I just find it mildly amusing that Canadian militia are going to the US-Mexico border.
  11. Sounds reasonable. Bet he would have made a great Spartan soldier, or maybe a Berserker.
  12. Its not just been reported by CNN, but by Fox, National Review, Washington Examiner, etc. as well. And electronic documents on the filing are in some of the news reports, like the Fox news web report. People file legal claims all the time, even spurious ones with no basis, or with the intent of drawing attention to a cause. I believe one of the law firms is a human rights focused law firm, all the lawyers would need would need though is to find individuals in the group willing to be the plaintiffs in the suit, and make it class action so others can be added to it. So I'm a little confused here as how the media has undermined its own credibility by reporting on what appears to be a true news story...? They are presenting is as being initiated by the people in the caravan, not on their behalf by an advocate. You and i both know who is doing this and why but the story CNN was selling on TV this morning is that the migrants themselves hired the lawyers and initiated the claim. The fact that a suit is being brought is not what is false. It's the packaging. When people start foaming at the mouth about "fake news" they are usually referring to the opinion pieces and commentary shows. The EJ Dionne, Paul Krugman, Pat Buchannan, Sean Hannity, Maddow, etc types. They exist just to stir s--t up and are under no obligation to be truthful or even logical. But if CNN, the Washington Post (I read this everyday), USA Today (ditto) or even Fox present a thing as being so in the context of it being news you can believe it is so. But even with that they can make a narrative by presenting facts in a certain light. For example if a law firm is acting pro-bono on behalf of a person or organization they are still that entities legal counsel and can be said to be "retained" by them. So rather than CNN saying "Advocacy groups for" they say the "legal counsel of" all still true but it leaves a very different impression on the viewer. It's all in the packaging. You see what i'm getting at here? Then complain about the packaging, not the fact the lawsuit is happening. Though I get what you're saying, in this one: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/honduran-migrants-sue-trump-administration-over-proposed-border-policies-n930321 (linked off of another forum), the title says the migrants are doing it, then in the second paragraph implies that advocates are doing it on behalf of the migrants. Though my reaction to your post was 'they can?' since they aren't even in the US yet.
  13. I was about to share with you a real idea I heard from a NGO in the USA about how the immigrants could be moved legally to Canada as Trudeau has some adviser who literally says Canada will take but then I realized its a terrible idea as its only a short term solution The moment these immigrants would be settled in some Canadian icy mountain hellhole it would set a precedent that this type of illegal immigration works and another caravan would be deployed and we would have the same issue but worse as now there is a sense of a objective which just makes people more driven to get to the USA ' So they need to be stopped at the Mexican border and an alternative camp found in Mexico or another Central American country, surly there must be some island they could use if you see the map below ? https://www.vecteezy.com/vector-art/147469-central-america-map-vector How about Ellis Island? More seriously though, who would be using the island? Would the US be managing the camps on the islands (as Australia does Nauru) or would Belize or Honduras be using their own islands? It's possible Guatemala and El Salvador have smaller islands not visible on that map. Also, the EU tried the same proposal with camps or centers on other countries territories and the North African countries involved flat out said no (the article I read didn't give specifics). So, if the countries say no, then that option is out unless you want to militarily force them or something. Australia was only able to do the camps on Nauru because that tiny island country is heavily dependent on Australia. I'm sure you and US politicians would like to think of Mexico and the Central American countries as vassal states, but we don't have anywhere near the kind of leverage Australia has over Nauru. If Trump didn't demean and trashtalk immigrants, maybe those countries might be willing to cooperate.
  14. Being mugged once in a normally peaceful and safe environment isn't grounds for asylum, true, but the thing is that the situations these people come from are places that are violent and not safe all the time.
  15. There ARE neo-nazis in Canada too, don't think your country as being exempt from that contagion.
  16. Nice job painting all of Europe as Nazis, volourn.... /s
  17. That made me laugh (in humor, not at you) so I tried to Google it up, to no success. Link? I thought that was Poland, not Spain? In any case, haven't heard that particular term applied to Mexico.
  18. Every time I think you cannot be dumber you prove me wrong That's funny. It's exactly what I thought when I saw that you are literally incapable of checking a source included in the article before claiming "fake news". Try pulling your tongue out of the tangerine-in-chief's anus for a second, you may even start seeing what's in front of you. Sharp_One, sometimes I'm pretty sure you are being willfully ignorant just to 'troll the libs', or are you really that blind and dumb? And while we're at it, LETS DECLARE WAR ON MEXICO! ****YEAH! MAGA!
  19. I wonder what Trump thinks the troops are actually going to do, shoot at the immigrants? Since they really can't do all that much. The catchy Op name is apparently 'Operation Faithful Patriot'....
  20. She wouldn't be Chancellor for life, I think we all knew that. I suppose theres still a chance that the German Parliament could force her out in a vote of no confidence or that she steps down before that point.
  21. More like trying populist nationalism of far-right flavor than fascism. Seems more like Bolsonaro wants the return of the military dictatorship from decades ago, if anything. Definetly a hard right swerve for sure.
  22. Prove that he was a democrat, though perhaps, just PERHAPS it was balanced out by the fact that the bomber was a die hard Trumpite? Or did you completely ignore that fact? And yes, I'm sh1ttalking at you.
  23. Did you miss her "basket of deplorables" or recent "we cannot be civil" speeches? Or should we add this to your "did not hear about this" mountain? No, I didn't miss those, I'm talking about Trumpian level rhetoric, imagine it dialed up to 11, or maybe replace Trump with Hillary at a Trump rally and use the exact same language he uses.
  24. Time for a Reformation redux: electric boogaloo? Although, is that more a Protestant/Evangelical thing or are Catholics about equally infected by it? Not sure how that'd work though since the Reformation was in part a direction away from a central authority. Not that there aren't authorities that a lot of people look towards, just no central official one which dictates how things should be.
  25. The point is to lead by example, if Hillary Clinton did the exact same rhetoric and divisivity, we'd probably be in the same position as far as divisiveness goes. Yes, people don't have to follow Trumps lead, but a lot of people do follow his lead.
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