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Posts posted by 'JN

  1. Signs was good because of the way all the pieces of the puzzle ended up coming together at the end. That really made the movie.


    I think Shyamalan is a very talented director, I just don't want to see him turn into a one-trick pony.

  2. Don't even bother trying to explain that to them. You practically have to put a label on your posts specifying that you are talking about the Xbox version, otherwise you get all these people spewing off crap about the PC version when they really don't know what they're talking about to begin with...

  3. Many professional reviewers seem unimpressed by the movie because they dislike the director, spending entire writeups discussing how slow-paced it is and how Shayamalan isn't Hitch****.  One of the things that has irked me about the reviews that I've read is the mention of how an example of the movie's ridiculousness is the scene involving "magic rocks".  Few seem to be able to figure out that she was merely attempting to imitate her father.

    You can't say Hitch**** on this forum? Ain't that a ****. Someone must have been playing with their magic rocks.

  4. I noted the spoiler thing, you have no one to blame but yourself :(

    When I think of spoilers, I think of the Death Star being blown up, not Darth Vader telling Luke he's his father. Sure I can't complain, but come on people.

  5. If a guy on the street wants to fight I'll give my view, and try to show him fighting is stupid.. But if he throws a punch you can bet I'll break his arm.  Try thinking before you type JN.  It would benefit you.

    I can imagine a similar scenario. I can see you preaching to people about government conspiracies, telling them that they are all cattle, then I can see some guy telling you to blow it out your ass (which you do anyway). You would respond with some made up argument involving Bruce Lee and superhuman strength given to us by the aliens, then you'd try pulling some Judo crap and end up getting your ass handed to you. That sound a little more realistic?

  6. Ya JN.. I agree.  There is no way we can have a civilizaed debate with you around.  Whether someone is teen or younger, older, whatever.  Your view on having a civil debate is crazy to me, but not suprising your level of ignorance.  Just don't come in these threads unless you want to debate the subjects.  You follow me around like a homeless abused dog.  Unlike the homless abused dog, you dont deserve any help.  **** off.

    Do you know how retarded it looks when you attack me for being hostile, and then tell me to **** off a few sentences later?


    You aren't obligated to reply to any of my posts. You can call me hostile, but like everyone else who pretends to be "civilized", your skin is just as thin as the next guy's, unless that guy happens to be from the Louisiana bayou (and for all I know he may). You people piss and moan about how guys like me aren't afraid to say what they are thinking, then you start doing the exact same thing.

  7. Threads are generally intended for computers. I've never visited a forum using my Xbox before.


    Still, Halo is primarily an Xbox game. It was released on the Xbox long before it came to PC. Even if you didn't know if the sequel was coming to PC or not, you must have known that it would be coming to the Xbox, and that the Xbox version is what sets the standard.


    I'm sure you did know that, you were just looking for an excuse to disagree with me. Better luck next time.

  8. You know, I get the feeling you two don't like each other. Do you disagree on every issue? B) One day, if even by accident, you'll agree on something and die of shock.

    We agree on a lot of things, he just won't admit it yet...

  9. Huh? Halo sucked on the PC. It was repetitive, unoptimized, quite ugly and not at all original. Why would I need a PS2 to see that?


    Chrome (by Techland) was a better Halo than Halo on the PC.

    Are they advertising Halo 2 for the PC yet? No? Then why don't you go roast a pig in your longhouse or something?

  10. I'm aware The Matrix is full of neat little extra details, but what's the point? It's ironic though.. Aren't you the same people who wrote that Fahrenheit 9/11 was just a bunch of lies? But The Matrix on the other hand.


    Farenheit 9/11 was supposed to be a documentary, The Matrix is science fiction. I have no idea where you are coming from on this one.

  11. Halo is as close to an "epic" game as you can get. The only people that don't like it are PS2 fanboys. Microsoft has all the money in the world, this is a pretty smart way for them to make more. Like it or not, games are becoming more and more mainstream. They even have a show now where they re-enact battles using the Total War engine.

  12. Well, 'JN, I was actually hoping to hear your version of why you feel it is complex and what kind of symbolism you've seen in the movie. You see, I have lots of friends who claim that Matrix is deep, but when asked to explain why, most people don't know. They just parrot what others have said.


    Surprise me with something intelligent!

    I'm not a parrot, and I'm definitely not your friend, so what the hell do you know?


    The movie is chock FULL of symbolism. Some of it you can understand right off the bat if you're familiar with the source material, some if it you might not get until the second or third time around. There are a lot of people who think that the movie is based entirely off of Baudrillard's Simulacra and Simulation, which is in one of the first scenes of the movie (Neo keeps his pirated software in a copy of it). There are a lot of books that the movie borrows heavily from, but the Bible is definitely the most signficant. There are biblical references at almost every single turn in the movie. Take Neo for instance. He is the perfect Messiah figure. His Matrix name is Thomas (an obvious reference to doubting Thomas), and it is not until he dies and is resurrected that he finally becomes who he is meant to be.


    Neo, Morpheus and Trinity also form a sort of Holy Trinity. Morpheus is the father, Neo is the son, and if you don't know what Trinity is, don't ask me.


    That's not even touching on the symbolism of the actual theme of the movie, which is a much more tricky and subjective area. There are all sorts of smaller touches that you have to really look closely for, like the plaque of the Nebuchadnezzer (it's actually a passage in the bible), or my favorite, the woman who is watching "The Prisoner" when Neo runs through her apartment.


    I didn't have to explain any of that, but I decided that I would anyway, just for kicks. You happy now?

  13. 'JN, don't be f*cking moron.  I rarely agree with PoC, and he really gets on my nerves with all his pseudo scientific beliefs, but he's right this time dammit.  <shuders>  I have to agree with him, it makes no sense not to legalize it.  Even though I haven't even ever done a cigarrette, or had a even so much as a swig of beer; so I'm obviously no druggie, it makes not an ounce of sense not to legalize industrial hemp.  It doesn't get you high, it has many uses, and the nation stands to gain greatly from it.  Everyone who knows anything about William Randolph Hearst knows he was a liar and a glutton, he also started teh Spanish-American War with propaganda printed in his paper.  And while everyone was in the depression, and he was still flush with cash, he had Hearst Castle built in South Cali, by literally importing pieces of castles from Europe and rebuilding them there.  It even had a zoo for crissakes, with refridgerated cages for arctic animals.  The guy was FUBAR.  I'm posting this on Civilized Debate on the Tech forum I frequent right away.

    Civilized debate? Don't be a dumbass. "Civilized" debate forums are for prissy, high strung teens that like to pretend they are above everyone else.


    I didn't say anything about whether or not hemp should be legalized. I'm for legalizing a lot of things, including marijuana. It isn't that simple though. Go ask a cop. They get a ton of arrests related to drugs, which leads to more money and ultimately a better image for them. The expenses come from the prisons or whatever other "corrections" the government tries to use to straighten these people out.


    That isn't the point here though. Do you think POTC knew any of this crap before he read this article? Hell no. Potheads (and those wishing they were potheads) love throwing this stuff around. Christ, his name even has POT in it. Either that or he watched too many episodes of Happy Days.

  14. Complexity is purely subjective, but the Matrix does have a lot of symbolism. Whether it's effective symbolism can be argued, but it is there, and there's a lot of it.

    Don't bother explaining that to him, he's just here for a quick hit & run, which is usually what he does whenever he attempts to troll. I think it's a full moon thing. Where the hell are those silver bullets when you need them?

  15. You know what this site needs?


    Miss Jessica Urquart's awesomely hyper super duper too much caffeine at once front page news. The current www.obsidianent.com homepage is just a little too boring. We need somebody like Miss Urqhart to seriously overdose on caffeine and go wild with that keyboard!



    What the hell are you talking about?

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