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Posts posted by 'JN

  1. It is intermittent now. Sometimes it will happen through a series of posts, sometimes I can keep posting without a problem. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it.


    I also don't have any problems editing my posts, it's only when I add a reply or use the fast reply function.

  2. I vote Brejik.


    He has the awesome power of 'grating, annoying voice'


    I actually cringed in horror when I first heard him speak after the swoop race.


    Brejik was a complete pushover. He didn't fit the role of an inner-city gang leader at all. What is with Bastila telling me she saved me? Saved me from what? That guy? Deadeye Duncan could have kicked his ass.

  3. I am honored to be seen as an idiot by one of such paleolithic knuckle walking simian perception as yourself. lol.


    Monkey perception? Crappy flames are crappy flames, so don't waste time and energy trying to make them sound better by repeating yourself a dozen times.

  4. You do have those choices....  lol.. And many more.  Did you mean like be abl to go back a save if you screw up? lol.  FUnny how thought converted to text is inadequate in many ways ;)


    Thought and text seem to be inseparable with you. I saw that you had posted in this thread, and thought to myself he's going to reply to my post...and make himself look like an idiot while he's doing it.


    It never fails.

  5. Ivan, in regards to the topic, that is a bit of a low-blow, isn't it?  If brother Mike had written a summary of the Bush, Jr. years would you take the same stance?


    That would sound better wouldn't it? Preach the word, brother Mike! The topic has to be flexible too, because we all know that it has NOTHING to do with the author...

  6. So, in other words, you disagree with him, don't want to deal with it point by point, so save yourself some time and write him off as a snotty celebrity know-it-all. Am I reading you correctly?


    Haha. Yeah, let's deal with a bunch of regurgitated points for the umpteenth time when the author isn't even around to defend himself.


    If he is just one of the guys, you go send him an e-mail or something and get him to come here and say his piece. Until he does, you can blow that article out your ass.

  7. Again, we aren't talking about some random celebrity suddenly getting it in their heads that they want to write a political article and only getting it printed because of their name, only to fade back into obscurity. Ron Jr. has been a Liberal political activist for years and years.


    Would we know about his political activism if it weren't for his father? Beats me. He certainly writes well enough that I think he makes a good editorial columnist, no matter who his dad is. As such, we're dealing with pointless historical revisionism; given his eloquence, it isn't 100% clear that he's only being listened to because of daddy, so why waste time even thinking about it?


    You are missing the point. So what if he speaks well? That's only surprising because he's a celebrity (or something like that). Wrong is still wrong, and when it's been wrong for a very long time, it certainly isn't interesting. Why waste time thinking about it? Good question.

  8. We could have an entirely new thread about actors and their particular brand of advocacy.


    You could just quote one and have him speak for everyone.


    "Americans are like wild dogs, obedient to anyone who feeds them and hostile towards everyone else. Now excuse me while I go kiss some ass at a book signing, have a thousand-dollar meal and liposuction all the fat out before today's Leno taping".

  9. Yes, I would have. I've posted plenty of political articles on other message boards I frequent, not because of their author, but because I agree with their message and like to see my esteemed political opponents try and deal with their points. :)


    That didn't work very well this time did it?


    You wouldn't have posted the article if it wasn't written by Ronald Reagan's son, because you wouldn't have known about it. The only reason it was in that magazine to begin with was the author.

  10. The article seems decent enough as an editorial of Bush's tenure.  The problem I see is that it suffers the same barriers in use of language and assumptions as the right-wing radio guys.  It's message appeals to the believers, ticks off the non-believers, and bores the rest of the folks who say, "I don't want to read something that long."


    I was wondering where you were.

  11. The forums and topics load fine, and I have no problem previewing my posts, but whenever I try to submit them, I simply stare at my post while my browser pretends to be doing something. If I load the forum page or the topic, I'll see that my post is where it's supposed to be, but that's the only way I can tell. This just started today, and I'm not sure why.

  12. Why do people expect others to argue about subject matter that is copied and pasted? I have no problem arguing with people over any number of issues, but only when they are speaking for themselves. Copied and pasted arguments come across as nothing more than a giant waste of time, and basically give off the impression that you aren't able to put together a decent argument of your own.

  13. Agreed.


    What does that have to do with why Ron Jr.'s beautifully written article is invalid because he's the ex-President's son?


    It is neither valid nor invalid on the basis of his name, yet the article is posted under the pretense that it is. Aside from the remarks regarding his father's death, there is really nothing here that I haven't seen before, and certainly nothing that warrants a full response.

  14. American citizenship entitles a man to speak his opinion and be heard, so far as I'm concerned. The only qualification for getting your opinion heard in this country is an ability to state your case eloquently, and thus have people listen to you, which has quite clearly been accomplished in this case.


    This is not an aristocracy. Everyone's opinion means something, if people will listen to it and acknowledge it.


    So what? I can go to Church and listen to someone tell me that I'm going to hell, that doesn't mean he's right, or that I don't have the right to call the guy an idiot.

  15. i'm curious what qualifies him to make such an assessment, over anybody else, and why anybody cares?  being a son of a president doesn't make him any more credible.




    Kind of like those movie stars who think that their opinions actually mean something...

  16. After playing KotOR,my mind would be so fucked up that i would see choices of what to say to people, and i would also say some of the alien phrases...


    I would like to have choices like that in real life.


    > Do you have any idea how fast you were going?


    No officer, how fast was I going?


    No dumbass, how could I possibly know that?


    Not fast enough...

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