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Posts posted by 'JN

  1. Nah, I doubt it. It'd be like telling the same joke twice in one night. There might be something similar to them in the game though.


    Personally, I would have rather seen the gizka serve some kind of purpose, like a way to coerce someone into handing over something you want or a quick meal. Instead, they were just one of those iffy side quests that most people ignored.

  2. Mission disarmed some of the mines in the sewers. That's the only time I ever bothered with them. My PC was focused almost entirely on strength, because I wanted to have one reliable fighter at all times. There was usually someone in my party who could deal with any other obstacles I faced, and if there wasn't, I'd just do it the hard way...

  3. If you bothered to read other threads I have posted in you will find I am not aggressive at all, but I have been having a laugh and a joke with members on here.

    Yeah, right.


    You have no idea on what has happened in my life so just shut the f*ck up, before I shut it for you.


    I never said I liked or disliked you, I have a fair few male friends but I still abuse them the same.


    Yes I have issues. There is a medical term for it, its called men.


    All depends on what my Sicilian temperment has in store for you.


    Well you cant help it can you, its a flaw all men have. Breathing that is.


    I know im hot, I don't need some spermbag to tell me that.


    I have been informed that other people see it also... Damn MEN


    Or me for that matter, and people wonder why i HATE men so much, arrogent and sexist pigs.


    You register about an 11 on the hostility meter, and that stops at 10. Half of your posts are just frustrated attempts at venting anger towards men. You saying you are just kidding is like the KKK saying that they aren't racist.

  4. When you jump on somebody, they tend to get defensive or reactionary.


    That she is displeased with you is really no big surprise.


    I know this thread is long and mostly just dead weight, but you still need to do some reading before you make statements like that.


    For those of you lucky enough to have missed the first dozen pages or so of this thread, here is what I originally said:


    Heh. My family's home town had a fire department that was half Irish and half Italian. The station had two rooms, a kitchen and a bar


    Her reply:


    Are you saying us italians are only good for cooking? Pretty racsist if you do.


    Does that look me instigating trouble to you? No, that's your Amazon friend here trying to stir things up with me. Maybe you should run a background check before choosing your friends.

  5. I dont "feed" off attention, this thread got this big because someone said something someone didnt like and then all hell broke loose. Nothing to do with attention seeking.

    No, you were just looking for an excuse to start trouble. That's typical behavior for someone who needs to be the center of attention all the time.

  6. I am not trolling, I am defending woman kind. And in my experience men are sexist.

    Experience? There's a laugh.


    Grown-ups know better than to go around offending whoever they want whenever they feel like it. Maybe you are just another one who thinks that it's OK to bash men no matter what, I really don't care. Just don't start hissing and spitting at me because you think I am being racist when you are over there spewing out more estrogen than the oxygen network.

  7. Sequel rule #1: Never write out major characters from the original without a good explanation.


    Regardless of whether or not you liked her, Bastila was a key player in KOTOR 1. You can't just silently ignore her impact on the events leading up to and surely following the first game any more than you could ignore Revan's. Sequel rule #2 is to never crap on the original's ending, but that's a different story.


    Personally, I would have preferred that they went with the LS ending from the first game and kept most of the characters, and given us some new enemies (I fought enough Sith Troopers and Dark Jedi on the Star Forge, giving me a different character isn't going to make that fun again). The formula worked. KOTOR is the only game I've ever played where I actually played the same levels over and over again just to hear the different character interactions. Soon, the game isn't just about the hacking and slashing or the lightsaber duels, it's about the story and those involved with it.


    I don't think KOTOR would be half the game it is without its deep, well-written story and its endearing characters. I don't know anything about Obsidian, so I have no idea whether or not they'll be able to emulate that. I certainly hope so, otherwise we may be looking at a dry, repetitive sequel on par with Matrix 2 or Deus Ex: IW.


    Anyway, there's always optimism. 100%.

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