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Posts posted by 'JN

  1. Could you have wasted any more time making a completely moot point? The movie doesn't try to fit into the same niche that its predecessor did. I figured that out about ten minutes in and had no trouble enjoying it after that. It's a semi-intelligent Hollywood action flick, and an entertaining one at that.

  2. Just leave well enough alone. All over this board for the past few weeks, threads have been closed for no reason, posts are disappearing when there is no reason for them to, all because it's "in the best interest" of the forum. So what if your registration date doesn't mean anything? Everyone with more brain cells than posts already knows that, and those who say otherwise just make themselves look like idiots. Like anything else, the content of your posts is really all that matters in the long run. Leave it be.

  3. I don't think I've ever opened an attachment that wasn't a .txt or an image file. It's just too dangerous. I would like to meet the people that waste their time planning and making this garbage in a dark alley some time with a baseball bat. It'd have to be a metal one though...

  4. so basically there was no point in you responding, but you chose to anyways.


    Good job, sparky.


    Don't act like the "post in a thread just to get a reaction" maneuver is anything new here. How many times on this board has someone started a thread about a game or a movie and been bombarded with one-line replies like "that game sucks!" or "worst thread ever!"? There is rarely a point to anything on the internet, and everyone needs a good flamewar from time to time.

  5. That's because with age cartilage is slowly replaced with solid bone in your body. So they try to slow that process to keep themselves more flexible. But the drugs they use for that disrupt their bodies' natural growth/maturation, that's why they look like freaks. And you don't even want to know what sorts and how many problems they have after their 'athletics' career has ended...


    They probably have to sell all of their medals just so that they can pay for their medication...

  6. On topic in Way Off-Topic?


    I was thinking the same thing. This forum needs more interesting discussion. Everyone is afraid to present any opinion that someone might disagree with, an approach that keeps the forum very tidy, but also very boring.

  7. Van Helsing vs The Belmont Family


    Mercedes Lackey vs Maddox


    Maddox? How would that guy ever do a "vs"? He just wastes time on his crappy website that people waste time reading. Put that jackass on a forum and see how long he lasts.

  8. uh...you know that white zombie is rob zombies old band right?


    blade vs angel from buffy...i want blade to kill him.


    I second that. Even though he's not a vampire, he should kill that Reilly guy too. Why does Buffy always fall for dimwitted prettyboys that have more secrets to reveal than Chuck Barris in a confession booth?

  9. You know gymnastics were so much better when there was really something at stake.  Bring in a bull and see how many of these athletes can hop over the top without getting gored to death.  Make gymnastics a bloodsport again!  That's my vote.  :)


    That doesn't sound very Christian...

  10. I agree the way countries go about the olympics is some what appalling.  Are you saying China is alone at wanting to be the best at everything?  We as a nation we might not do it the same way but I am pretty sure if most americans are polled they would say they would rather be first than second.


    Everyone wants to be the best, it's just a question of how badly they want to. We can accept that we are not the best at everything, and that's why Americans tend to dominate in certain events (many actually) and have only a minor presence in others. The Chinese end up in pretty much any event that they can practice for (which is why you don't see them doing Equestrian). The Chinese think that their society is superior to all others, and since their athletic program is run by the government, it follows that their athletes feel the exact same way.

  11. I can't talk, I'm a suburban wimp.  My plan for fending of an intruder is...um...give me a second here....carry a shotgun?


    Just make sure he is dead, otherwise you will probably end up in court.


    "Why, I was just cleaning the man's windows, and I broke one by accident...next thing you know, he's shooting at me!"

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