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Posts posted by 'JN

  1. I'm at the arena now, and so far, I've been using Legendary Strike on ghosts and Fortune's Favorite on just about everything else. I haven't encountered any truly challening foes so far.


    Combat has proven to be a bit shallow - basically all you need to do is know when to power strike and when to jump out of the way. Plus, your followers are basically useless in combat, so they're really only good for support. It's too bad the combat isn't as deep as the story or the dialogue - but there's always the next 20 hours or so of the game...

  2. Doom 3 isn't bad on the Xbox. It isn't great, but it isn't bad. It's just kind of boring.


    The controls are fine, and the graphics are even better. This is not a game to be judged based on ten minutes of gameplay. I had absolutely no complaints about how the game handled - but I did get sick of walking into a room and just waiting for something to crawl through a vent or materialize behind me.


    If you want to gripe about the Xbox version not looking as good as the PC version, fine, but don't say it's an unattractive game. It's the best looking game on the Xbox. There's virtually no competition - Riddick was close last year, but there wasn't nearly as much detail, and the loading times were abominable.


    The original Doom games are excellent ports, and are almost worth the price of admission by themselves. I just hope you don't mind using the directional pad to change weapons instead of tapping keys. If you don't plan on playing old school regularly, though, a rental would be a better idea.

  3. By the way, there IS a news network that doesn't waste time being civil. 


    Its called FOX News.


    Half their hosts actually dont bother wasting time on being civl.

    A few guilty parties on FOX: 




    These guys obviously have a Republican or right bias.  But they dont admit it half the time.  Anyway,  I just hate their bullheaded way about their shows.  They always talk over their guests and not with anything more than yelling and filler to shut up people when they try to get a point across. 


    Compare that to left or Ind/Dem hosts like Jon Stewart and Bill Maher(politically incorrect).


    Maher keeps it WAY more civil and lets his guests speak.  He lets them talk then he gives his view of the things they said.  This guy obviously is Democrat/Ind.  But then , he's pretty open about that.


    Way more civil than the FOX group... they are usually nasty, talk-over-you, disrespectful and frankly that equals unrespectable in my book. 


    SO the point:  Civility is a good thing.  If you dont think so, there is something wrong.  Or maybe you're a republican.  :)  :-P  OK ok, that was unfair, there are plenty of jerk Democrats too, and rest assured i feel the same way about them as I do Hannity and Orielly.


    Would you try addressing the point instead of looking for an excuse to whine about FOX?

  4. Could we possibly have any more knee-jerk reactions on this forum? I guess Jon Stewart is one of those white-listed celebrities now, just like Michael Moore and Maddox. All you guys would have to do to complete the fanatical ground-kisser image would be to start a cult, assuming you haven't already. I'm a Bush lover now? Are you trying to prove your ignorance or what? I make it very clear through my posts exactly where I stand. I'm not the one hosting a "comedy" show and making remarks like this:


    'FROM A PURELY comic perspective, you'd want Mr. T to be president. That would be truly fun. But no, I don't cheer for the demise and erosion of the world purely for my own professional standing. I can write jokes about anything!"


    Stewart uses his show to cover up his partisanship, rather than having to defend his credibility like everyone else in the business. It would be different if he came out and admitted that he is a Bush-hater and that he pandered to Kerry, but he doesn't do that. His appearance on "Crossfire" was him "crossing" the line, and if he's smart, he'll keep his mouth shut before putting himself in a league that he doesn't belong in.

  5. The country was founded to provide freedom for all people; freedom for Christians to worship, think, and vote as they like, but also for non-Christians.  Couple that with the fact that the Christian church (as a whole) has been on the wrong side of numerous scientific and social issues over the past two thousand years, and I say we ought to be more secular than not.


    Indeed. The notion of one bringing his own religion into politics is unamerican, because this is a land of religious freedom, and since there are practically more Gods being worshipped out there than there are stars in the sky, by using yours for guidance you are exhibiting a sort of bias that discriminates against all who do not worship "your" God.


    This administration is the most theocratic that has been seen in a long time. I hate religion just as much as anyone else (probably even more), because it has the power to do exactly what it did in this election - lead people around by the collar and make them blindly follow a certain cause for all the wrong reasons.


    That's not to say that I'm upset that Bush won. I'm glad Bush won. While I'm not going to be joining the guy's fan club any time soon, he is the lesser of two evils. Kerry is a phony and a liar, and he would do things just as bad if not worse than anything Bush will do. The difference is that he wouldn't do it because he believed in it, he'd be doing it because of the direction that the wind is blowing.

  6. Jon Stewart is just another Bush-hating moron. The only difference between him and any other Bush-hating moron is that he hosts a show that isn't funny. You can't attack his credibility, because he's just a comedian, yet he'll go on to someone else's show and attack theirs. I wish that news networks would hire some hosts who don't waste time pretending to be civil and who will slap morons like Jon Stewart back into their place. The ones we have now basically just sit there with their phony smiles pasted on while some jackass guest gets away with saying whatever he wants.

  7. Athletes being arrogant? Since when is that anything new? These days, baseball is just an excuse for people from different parts of the country to get on each other's nerves. I actually like the sport itself, and I do watch it on occasion, simply because it's exciting and it's one of the few games where both individual and team accomplishments are equally important and skill is actually required and not acquired by steroids (unless you're a designated hitter). The fans are what ruin it though. Remember what happened to that Cubs fan last year? That's ridiculous. I can't stand it when people argue about baseball teams and feel the need to refer to them as "we". "We"? You are not part of "we". You don't have a team uniform with your name on it, you'd have to round up to fit your batting average into three digits and you couldn't catch a pop fly unless the baseball had a cream filling. The only thing you can contribute to a baseball team is your money when you pay for overpriced seats, that way you can make sure that some overpaid guy who isn't from your city and probably doesn't even speak English will stay on the team. The only saving grace of die-hard baseball fans is that football fans will always be worse.

  8. Someone once asked him if he was the best in the world, and he said "as long as the movies say so" (or something to that effect). The best fighter is probably in a monastery somewhere, breaking bones in mere sparring matches and healing through meditation. Still, no one in Hollywood has ever come close to matching Bruce Lee's physical stature and abilities. Hell, bodybuilders still can't figure out how he managed to get the sort of physique that he had. I haven't seen anyone kick a 300 pound bag to the ceiling recently either.

  9. Worst argument ever.


    The fact that people DID like the original movies suggests why they're posting so passionately about it.  People speak up and voice their opinion when something DOES matter to them.


    So to shoot down someone else's point of view by saying "if you don't like it, tough" is a rather weak comeback.


    The fact is Lucas ruined, for many people, one of their favorite movie trilogies growing up.  And he's done so in a manner where he comes across as arrogant to the same fans who made him famous in the first place.  That's what people are angry about.


    Horrible post. I give that a 3.4 out of 10. Why don't you focus on the points that people make in their posts instead of the ones you write on scorecards?


    I don't agree with all of what Chemix said, mainly because I can't read most of it, but he is essentially right in that it is Lucas' property, and he has the right to do what he wants with it. You can accuse him of screwing over fans, but rich directors like him do that all the time.


    "Tough" is exactly the word that needs to be applied to this thread. Lucas will do as he pleases with the series, and if you don't approve, then don't give him your money. That's all there is to it.

  10. Am I the only one who can see what's really going on here? The storm didn't kill that chair, it was murdered. Look at the other chair in the background. It's just sitting there passively, almost hidden behind the table, acting like it doesn't even know what's going on. This is insurance fraud. First Mr. Chair goes, then all of a sudden Mrs. Chair gets a hefty set of benefits and hooks up with a new friend on the other side of the table. Don't believe me? Check up on those chairs, I'll bet you anything that they had an umbrella plan...

  11. Attacking the interstate? What? Terrorists want to KILL us, not make it harder for us to get to work. Trying to "cripple" an interstate would be a waste of their time. A bridge would be a better target, but you have to remember that their resources are limited.


    I would not use any underground tunnels in or out of New York city until after the election. Those are some of the most vulnerable and substantial targets available to them right now.

  12. Incidents like these show how incredibly biased CBS really is, and how far all of the left-wing Bush haters will go to try and validate a document that is obviously false.


    There is no excuse for unprofessional behavior like this, and I hope that Dan Rather is kicked off of the airwaves and that CBS is never heard from again.

  13. The draft will not be brought back, because most people know that it's a bad idea all around, and that there would be a public outcry if such a thing ever happened. People who support the draft don't want it because our military needs it. They want it back because they think that the military is some sort of school that serves only to instill discipline into loudmouthed youngins, which is not what it is meant for at all.

  14. Who edited my contribution to this thread?


    It's impossible to tell anymore. Apparently, the moderators think that Obsidian's guidelines for them roughly translate into "do whatever you want", when the forum guidelines clearly define what is and isn't allowed.


    As for this thread, I don't know why you bothered replying in the first place. I stopped taking it seriously the second PotC said that he had been "investigating" this matter in-depth. This is all obviously copied and pasted off of some site or some forum, and if there were any proof here, you would have already heard about it. It's not worth anyone's time to bother with it.

  15. I was in the dentists's chair getting drilled on 9/11, and of course the guy had a TV on and he kept pausing to look at the screen (with the drill still whirling in my mouth) and saying "look at those poor bastards".


    I was lucky the terror attack in the US didn't inflict grevious dental harm in me in Australia!


    Are you serious? I was at the dentist as well that morning. First time I had gone in a while, in fact I remember scheduling the appointment for that day. They only had a radio there, so I listened to the reports coming in and the rumors flying around. There was a sort of eerie silence after the news of the second plane striking the other tower came in, a silence that I'd imagine was very similar to that heard on many radios in December of 1941.

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