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Posts posted by Bokishi

  1. Yeah? If Shaq was so great, then why did we have a hard time finding teams that would accept him in trade? I'm talking about a Nowitzki trade.


    The truth is that Shaq is overpaid and clearly not worth the money. For the $30 million he's demanding he should be making every singe one of those freethrows. The Hack-a-Shaq was becoming the Laker's weakness, one hit on the big fellow would send him to the line, causing an instant turnover because everyone knows he misses them.


    The only great thing about Shaq is his domminance, but what good is that, when he is beginging to miss his layups as well?


    Clearly, for $30 million, we could and should have better players.



  2. Why is this worth debating if we already

    know the answer to the initial question?


    Charcters from KOTOR 1 are returning. Now get over it.

    We could be talking about the number of gizka that could be concealed in Mira's hair,

    or whether some undefined smudge in the background of a screenshot might be Jolee.


    You know, something important.

  3. I saw the Finals, where they got a 4-1 humilation. Thanks to Shaq being so old and missing every crucial freethrow and obvious layup. Dr. Buss was muttering bad things about Shaq by the Final's disapointing end. He isn't worth $30 million, I tell you that! Trading him while he is still worth money is the smartest move for this situation.

  4. Oh for heavens sake, im getting sick and tired of seeing posts just like this everywhere.... For all I care they all could have died in some accident and it wouldent bother me one bit.... STOP MAKING USELESS TOPICS if some people had brains, they might actually go back a page and see that basically 10,000,000 of the same damn thing exists!!!

    Too much Redbull indeed.

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