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Posts posted by Bokishi

  1. Really!!! omg!!! No I don't care, you knew what it was didn't you. I guess I could take half an hour to go look for the quote, but you know what it was, and we all know what it was so does it really matter? I don't know how much it differs any way(the last quote im pretty sure is right, enlighten me if it isnt), is it such a crim I don't duble check my quotes? NO CANDY CAR FOR YOU!! COME BACK ONE YEAR!!! (get it Seinfeld and the soup nazi) no? don't remeber, pff you guys dont know nothing.


    -Out of sight, out of mind (no its not a star wars quote thank you very much)

    I dont want a candy car, as it will melt if i drive it. And jeez what a temper you have there little boy.

    Here, eat a donut instead.

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