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Posts posted by Bokishi

  1. http://www.1up.com/do/feature?cId=3134032


    1UP: Is Obsidian looking at any other their past franchises to pick up, or do you have a full plate right now?


    Urquhart: Right now we're pretty full-plate, but KOTOR II is about to wrap up, so we're looking for something else. There've been some big changes at LucasArts recently, so right now we're kind of in a state of flux over whether we'll work with them some more or not. Certainly we'd love to do a KOTOR III if they were interested in one. We've also been trying to talk LucasArts into the idea of making a Knights of the New Republic. That would be really cool; you could have cameos and everything. It's only been a year, essentially, between the two KOTORs, and I think it'll be important to do something new with the series......



    ....... I'd kind of like to do something set in the near future, too; a ######## RPG set in the near future.




    Weren't the Jedi Knight (and Dark forces)-series enough?



    Nah, that was a shoot 'em up and hack n slash game. A game set in the near future with more story would be welcome.

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