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Everything posted by Bokishi

  1. Dude get 7950 only 100 bucks more for double power
  2. Well duh, Hades is one smart cookie.
  3. Wassup brother hutt is back, and you can't compare these two games, it's like apples and oranges.
  4. I really dug that part where Fisher got taken hostage, then they ask him questions while slapping him
  5. He was a moderator who used to get mad at my large sigs, but they were never even the size of the one you have now "
  6. Without a single post; he hates us!
  7. Anyone have Heroes V? How well does it run on your rig? I'm considering getting that game for my dad, but his comp isn't the most up to snuff (gfx 5200, 1 gig RAM etc).
  8. Not really, they can be killed someway first, and then have their head cutoff.
  9. Maybe I'll get GRAW for 360, because I heard it's really different from the PC version.
  10. Wasn't that like a showcase game for the nvidia 5900
  11. I never beat ROE, it got too boring.
  12. Because 6 bunch can't run Quake 4, Chaos Theory, or FEAR at resolutions higher than 1024 * 768, acceptably?
  13. I'd switch to 7xxx simply because none of the 6xxx can run Quake 4, Chaos Theory, or FEAR at resolutions higher than 1024 * 768, acceptably. But kaftan's 6800u was the best of the 6 bunch.
  14. That's alright, 6800 is a crap card anyways
  15. Anyone know the Emulation Ninja's email so I can tell them to get Panzer Dragoon Orta on 360??
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