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Everything posted by Anphrax

  1. Sith Information would get my vote... oh wait. lol
  2. will do, also can you tell me how to black things out?
  3. I think i understand why everyone is puzzled. Moms usually take the child to soccer games, and dads watch Nascar all day. Is that what everyone was puzzled about, or am i still confused?
  4. Oh rely well i guess its gone then lol i guess i heard rong <{POST_SNAPBACK}> im not sure how to black things out for spoilers but ill give you a chance to look away.... *spoilers* I think if your darkside you get the chance to fight atris, maybe if you kill her you get your lightsaber back? Im not sure though... ill look into it when i get home later today
  5. Im going to let you know now that there might be some spoilers here, but nothing too big since im only about 50% through the game. The first real planet I went to was Nar Shadaa, so after i completed everything there i decided i wanted to collect the bounty money on the criminals that i kill on telos (i think it was telos). I went back to the space station to get my bounty and when i got out of the ship i was on i looked out towards space and saw someone on the outside of the forcefield in a spacesuit, walking around... anyone else seen this? Ill post up a screenshot whenever i get a chance.
  6. bah, i had to close it before i saw any more spoilers [edit]also id like to see a tut on how you made that character... you obviously have a lot of extra time
  7. The light blue on that Atris has? I didnt think you could get that back. Check out the faq o gamefaqs... but be careful of spoilers. http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/game/920601.html
  8. nascar... racing cars... stupid sport. NASCAR "
  9. I see what your saying, and in some cases I agree. When parents get to that point, they should just play the game instead of their child (nice post count btw )
  10. Maybe you have already bought the card you want, but if you havnt, and you are going to buy the 6800gt, i would suggest getting the GS instead (same specs, but you can overclock it )
  11. I know these are sold out, but if anyone is considering buying a high-end card like the 7900 or the 1900xt please remember that these gpus use a lot of power, so remember to check the power req.
  12. Im really confused by your post, do you think you could clear this up a bit?
  13. or maybe they should continue to work on KotOR 3? Just a thought...
  14. You have an excellent point here. Im from Washington State, there are a few places up here that consist of only rich familys. I have only visited North Carolina twice, but both times I was over there I noticed a lot of the people there are rich, and maybe a bit stuck up. All that I can tell you is that when I played little league baseball I really appreciated it when people cheered me on, and I really hated it when coaches where pricks, or parents of some of my teammates where yelling "COME ON! YOU CANT DO BETTER THAN THAT?!?". So next time your at a sports game and someone says that, turn around and tell them what you think.
  15. Try to start a conversation with her about something else, many times if you talk to her about something that is not related (or seems as if its not related), the conversation you where looking for becomes an option. I hope this is a lesson to him/her about saving in multiple slots and multiple times...
  16. I'll admit that most of the time I dont use the proper punctuation... schutta!
  17. Ok first off id like to say that this is a pretty cool forum, and also that i know im not that good at using the correct spelling and grammer but i must ask... is it that most of the people here are 8 or 9 years old, or do they just not know how to spell? I wont name names but.... [edit]more examples...
  18. Im not sure why everyone thinks it so hard... all you have to do is keep clicking the mouse and you will speed up. When an obstical comes near just jump over it/move around it. Try to go through the speed areas so you can reach max speed faster. Ive beaten all of the best times by atleast 5 seconds. I hope my first post was useful to someone
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