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Everything posted by Hawke64

  1. TESIII: Morrowind. Decided to check out Solstheim after all, then, after resolving the quest I came there with, returned to Pelagiad. And the memories of the modded experience came back. Also, the density of the combat encounters felt (not "was") somehow higher than on Vvardenfell. Unavowed. The MC needed at least 1 more pixel per eye.
  2. She is a paladin and a very passionate one. I would have liked to have both, the paladin and the cleric, in the party. Of course, the hirelings were fine, but they could not fly or righteously stomp the evil-doers. If Halsin does not have an exclamation mark above his head, he is not looking for sex at the moment. I don't think that he has anything else to do in Act 3, but might be mistaken.
  3. Unavowed. Finished the game. It was a decent point-and-click adventure with some flexibility regarding the puzzles - there are several companions to take on missions and they provide different options for the solutions. Also, there are some options for the character creation and the quest outcomes. Got stuck once somewhere close to the end (tried to break a bottle against a table, which was not the intended path). Tried to continue with Batbarian. Died repeatedly. I definitely don't want to replay it from the start, but I am unsure how to continue. Should check all open paths, I guess, considering that it is a Metroidvania.
  4. 32GB RAM and an i9 CPU should be quite enough for gaming. Though, getting more storage space (4TB+) might be reasonable - anything that requires these specs is likely to take a lot of space. Additionally, the PSU, the motherboard, and the cooling system should be adequate. The number and type of ports are probably less relevant if you are not going to upgrade some parts. I have been with my current PC for 8 years as well (I do have a spare one should anything go wrong), so cannot recommend anything more specific.
  5. There is quite a lot of combat, which, despite being very comfortable and good-looking, might get repetitive quickly. Still, it was a fun game with some interesting mechanics and story developments (which I don't remember). I think, the main storyline was mostly linear with 1 branch at the end of each chain of side quests? The reincarnating fey (?) were quite original, though. I also haven't played the newer expansion myself yet - it was released after I replayed and uninstalled the remake (40GB+, I think?), so might try some time later. --- Unavowed. A point and click adventure in the urban fantasy setting. So far so good, if slightly too easy. But at least I understand the logic of the puzzles.
  6. I played Bloodmoon 15-20 (?!) years ago with a modded distribution of the game (it already included the mods on the disk, which makes me believe that it was not an official version) and not particularly looking forward to trying again. I also dislike snow-covered areas. I probably will replay the main game or finish the side quests at some point, though. Edit. Prompted ChatGPT about the main narrative themes of Morrowind. I guess, the Internet contained quite a lot of analytical essays on the topic - the result was reasonably well-written and concise. I find it somehow amusing that an LLM can produce something that would require familiarity with the specific work of art, the surrounding concepts, and history from a human. A bit generic, but readable: Will reread the available materials and try to write something more specific.
  7. Reached a satisfactory point in TESIII: Morrowind. I've got a house in Pelagiad and moved all my items from the magical corpse in Balmora to the various containers in the house (the corpse had unlimited storage capacity, the containers did not). I also tracked down and eliminated the Mournhold branch of the Dark Brotherhood and (after several attempts and looking up the most broken combinations of alchemical concoctions) their employer. Additionally, in Mournhold, it was somehow odd to have Levitation limited just after I had gotten used to have it. Overall in the expansion, in terms of design and gameplay, the "dungeons" being literal dungeons and the local sewers system became more noticeable, while the foes were hitting significantly harder than in the main game. I also had a rather unexpected side quest with an unfriendly and deadly normal-looking NPC. The encounter ended with me reloading. Though, I liked the concept of a large multi-area city that is not Vivec.
  8. If they said that they are friends, they are safe from each other. The logic in the cut-scenes in general seems a bit odd sometimes.
  9. TESIII: Morrowind Leaders need no helmets. I very much agree with the idea when I play a sniper. I think I broke the dialogue. Got blindness for the second time (the first time from some magic boots). Spoilers for the Tribunal expansion.
  10. https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/unity-are-changing-how-their-heavily-criticised-runtime-fee-works While Unity has proven that they can change the agreements however and whenever they want, it seems that at least for now, the situation has stabilised.
  11. Thank you for checking. Might be region specific, I guess? Still only the wallpapers and OST for the game. Contacted the support about the issue.
  12. If anyone has Cyberpunk 2077 on GOG, is it possible to download the previous patch with the lower system requirements? I don't see it in the Extras.
  13. TESIII: Morrowind One of the very few merchants with gold. Negotiating with the Great Houses Negotiating with the Ashlander tribes End-game
  14. TESIII: Morrowind. Was chosen as the Hortator for 3 Great Houses (several councillors died unexpectedly. Very tragic) and as the Nerevarine for 4 tribes. Somehow, the Great Houses were easier to convince than the tribes, which involved dungeon crawling, slavery, wiping out a group of worshippers, and expediting succession. Finished the main story line. Discovered that potion effects stack together and the Dunmer Living Gods wear very little armour. Going to finish some side quests and the Tribunal expansion. I think, the assassin whose armour I used for most of the game was related to it.
  15. https://www.paradoxinteractive.com/games/vampire-the-masquerade-bloodlines-2/news/welcome-to-the-chinese-room Somehow mixed messages. As a Nosferatu, I guess (played a Toreador), the experience was to hide in the sewers until no one is watching, because of the possible Masquerade violations.
  16. 1. There is 1 mandatory battle. 2. Unhygienic. Which corpse, by the way?
  17. I suspect it might be the general complexity of the ruleset. There are tooltips, but they might be insufficient. I used to auto-level up unfamiliar classes and focus on the ones I knew. Also, it should be possible to respec relatively early. I think, overall, PF had a more user-friendly GUI than Larian's D&D game, though the inventory systems were rather inconvenient in both (PF had less junk items). But. The level progression screen and actual pause!
  18. There was an Argonian Morag Tong NPC and the wiki does not list being a Dunmer as a requirement, so should be fine. Edit. Just in case, there are 2 technical issues - the settings were resetting (making Morrowind.ini read-only solved it) and the window outline appearing on start or focus change (switching resolutions helps).
  19. TESIII: Morrowind. Became a clan-friend of an Ashlander clan, the chosen of Azura (sort of?), and most importantly found several pieces of Daedric armour that I could not wear effectively and a merchant with 10,000 gold per day, successfully solving any financial issues for some time. Also found an ebony short sword and several pieces (not a set) of glass armour and became the highest-ranked Blade agent in Morrowind. The only issues so far are occasionally falling through the floors in Vivec, the inability to do main quests out of order (was visiting the Hlaalu councillor several times without the ability to ask him to make me the Hortator), and that Caius Cosades did not tell me how to get to Tel Fyr and I could not ask anyone (so had to look up online). Also, I probably should have started as an Argonian. Though, I do like the story so far.
  20. About the TOS update - https://gameworldobserver.com/2023/09/14/unity-license-terms-github-repo-removed-retroactive-changes
  21. Larian's D&D game. Act 3, bugs and spoilers (Orin's quest line):
  22. Same. Though, Obsidian has been using Unreal Engine for their latest games, except Pentiment, so it should not affect the future titles and cannot be enforceable for PoE and Tyranny (or at least I hope so). Also, I doubt that Microsoft would welcome the proposed installation fees, considering how Game Pass works. Regarding Cyberpunk 2077. Increasing the already high system requirements is not exactly a user-friendly thing to do and given the size, keeping backups is challenging. Well, downloading and installing it in the first place is challenging - at the moment the GOG version is 112GB and 28 pieces. Shouldn't have purchased, I suppose. Edit. For some reason, replies don't get submitted on the first attempt. Odd.
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