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Everything posted by lightsidedmarker

  1. K2 -the entire paragus level.
  2. I saw the a poll for "Worst Character" and it inspired me to set up my own poll.
  3. Wow.. a lot of people voted GOTO. Including myself. Goto is one big pile of floating crap. Lets face it! There is only room for one floating orb on my ship, and thats Remote. Why you ask? Well, Goto, you have to understand that your voice not only puts me to sleep, but makes me crap my pants. Its such a hassel to crap your pants and not be able to do anything about it becuase your asleep. Remotes voice makes me giggle like a school girl. I used Goto on a mission, and he has no power over droids absolutly ever. Don't even bring up "But I can make security tunnelers!" cuz im not taking that crap in here Mr.! How often in the game do you even use security tunnelers? At the end of the game i had about 40 security tunnelers that i ended up turning into components to upgrade my saber w/. WAit a minute! I found a use for Goto!
  4. In K2 when you awaken on Peragus and have to do all this crap just to get to your ship was boring as hell for me. All it did was introduce Atton and the utility droid... and the HK droids which are more of a nuessince than a challange, and Kreia that dreafull old woman. They should have introduced them in a much more exciting way. Peragus (in my opinion) didn't really help the plot either. The fuel shortage on Citidel Station should have been brought up in a better way than "Sion missed me and accidently blew up the planet, dodged a bullet there!" I wasted 1 whole hour walking around in my undies for almost the whole mission just to do all that! The only exciting part of that whole mission was the loading screen.
  5. I've beaten the game about twice... and i did it in the same order (of planets). Since i go to Nar Shadda last i would like to know what do i get or what happens when i get full influence w/ Goto and that one red head... and the HK droid... Do you ever fnd out where the HK plant is? Can you show the red-head girl the way of the force? I normally don't talk to people other than Visas, Atton (until he turns Jedi), and the hand maiden (until she goes jedi), but by that time i can't really get points in w/ the other people. Oh.. almost forgot... the utility droid... t-something. Does he ever unlock the navicomputer or w/e. I remeber that the HK droid told me it was voice-sealed.
  6. K... rememeber in the sith traning academy how there is a room that can only be opened w/ a charge, but if you use the charge then it breaks the hololog inside? Well... can i skip korriban and come back later and open it w/ a light saber? (I go to korriban as my 1st planet). And for those who have managed to retrieve that hololog.... whats in it?
  7. maybe its just a bug in the game... sometimes atton will be talking to me and it will be coming out of the handmaindens body (happened once so far), and sometimes when I'm near a security door and i switch characters really fast someone manages to end up on the otehrside of the door.
  8. I myself use a long silver one on my right hand and a short blue one on my left hand. Traditionally thats how peopel woud arm themselves when swords where the weapon of choice... a long one to attack and a short one to defend... and i use it cuz i think it looks cool... and the silver one matches my silver armor (i don't know the name.. i think its like Jek Neshida... something like that)
  9. DUDE! I thought she was going to be easy at first... so i underestimatted her... i soon realized she was hitting 60's on me. She killed me... but the 2nd time around i wooped her so bad. The bosses were to easy, i only had to use Master Heal once. And why doesnt Kreia have that kind of power when she is in my party? She frikn killed 3 jedi masters w/o lifting a finger. wtf man! Why couldnt she have helped me frikn fight w/ the mercenaries who fight you after you rescue that one bald jedi? I bearly made it out alive.
  10. I'm confused here... so you are saying that you can effect Revans alignment somehow? Are we talking about K1 or K2? I'm thinking K2... maybe thats why I'm confused.
  11. If you are using jedi healing powers it heals everyone in your party who is near the person activating the power.
  12. Ok... i don't know if this is news (i just signe up on the forum as you can tell by my post #) but i found a way to avoid fighting that one huge storm beast... the one you fight with no escape cuz the walls went up. All you have to do is walk closly as possible on the right side almost litterally along the wall and you'll make it out w/o having to fight it. I don't know if this is also true if you walk along the left side.... but w/e. I would like some feedback... see if this works for you.
  13. wait wait... isnt carth an ademeral? Last time i spoke with him he told me to tell Revan that he was following orders (I'm on the LS). Maybe the story is different on the DS path.
  14. i thought this was the spoiler forum? my bad.
  15. Ok... i don't know if this is right but its just its worth an explination. So my guess: green = force mastery/profiency blue = weapon handeling profiency red = power, recklessness... yellow = diplomat??? purple = black guy? jk... I honostly don't know what purple represents which totally blows away this "theory" on which people's preferences to saber color according to ability is... orange= same as purple maybe? Plo Koon uses a yellow (or orange) saber... thats so awsome! I love that guy. He was my first choice in Jedi Power Battles.
  16. I dont think so... Darth Vaders name isnt Vader.
  17. The three jedi masters that try to break you from the force after kreia forced pushed them against the walls? or after you get that Hut guy to supply Citidal station w/ fuel? I never got a thank you or a we got the fuel message from that luetenant guy. I would also like to know what happenes if you help the ithorians rivals in the restoration project... I've allways chosen to help the ithorians.
  18. have you ever played SWGs it has some of that but it sucks now dont buy it.. The ithorian jedi in the clone wars seris was cool <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yeh... that guy is frikn awsome. Don't you get his hilt from the ithorian guy on citidal station after you help him out?
  19. I would would like to play as an ithorian jedi.... those guys are the coolest thing (even though they look like tapeworms. And even more (non-human/droid (besided that grey mechanic)). Another thing i would like to see is more planets, more quests/side quests, more forcepowers/feats. Since i am a follower of the light i refuse to teach any of my party memebers any darkside feats and skills. I would also like to see more hilt styles for lightsabers (so far in the game i've only seen 2). Um... what else... the ability to buy a ship, home, or maybe even a fleet of fighters. KOTOR is ristricted really to story mode and i would like to see other modes like free roam, and some better minigames that require some level of skill besides addition and subtraction. A more interactive enviorment where people treat and react to you according to alignment. I would also like to see more classes. It would be cool to be like some sort of diplomat for the senate or something of that sort.
  20. Which party memebers do you keep with you. I take the handmaiden and visa... i don't really like kreia cuz she only has one hand which makes it impossible for her to use two lightsabers or a anything that requires 2 hands. PS Is Hanhar a good character to play with? seeing as how i prefer to follow the path of good i will never get him in my party.
  21. i know that... i have a totl of like 11 sabers... its just that i want as many sabers as possible. And i think the one in that graveyard place belonged to a sith lord... i can't really rememebr.
  22. i just bought kotor2 about a week ago... and a beat it... now what? Is there some kind of free roam so i can finish all the side quests or just wander around killing bad guys? I still need to train atton as a jedi and get that one double bladed lightsaber you get in that one sith temple (the graveyard place).
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