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About Vladmorik

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  1. I have to say, I'm very dissapointed in the current ship system. It takes forever, and it is absolutely not why I want to play this game, at all. It also takes a very large amount of gold. The daily cost is fine, it's at a good level, but the cost of all the supplies you need? Surgeon supplies. Repair supplies. Ammo. Food. Water. Raw gold for payment. Edit: Not to mention balancing morale, so unless you want to feel like a cheap miser of a captain and buy nothing but rice and water.. Imagine how much this stacks up over the entire span of the game, not *just* the beta. Look at how long a full playthrough of the first game took. And considering we're just starting with this crew, the number of supplies needed is just going to go up unless we actively try to avoid the ship part of the game as much as we can, won't it? Wouldn't that entirely defeat the point of the system? How are we supposed to feel comfortable exploring the game like this? We're being punished for taking time to do anything with the ramping cost of our crew breathing down our neck the entire game. It feels more like babysitting my bank account than exploring the world with glorious abandon. And as far as combat, it's an abomination. Not that it's complicated; no it's pretty simple, but I spent 10 minutes in a fight with a random ship I saw, winning start to finish, and suddenly they just destroy my entire ship in one turn out of the blue. A system where that is possible is going to pretty much guarantee I'm going to avoid ship combat as much as possible. (I was at 20 hull and suddenly, all in one turn, I got hit for 7, 7, and 7, all hull, and it instantly ended the game.)
  2. I feel just having a straight Strength stat, over all, makes the most sense. I definitely agree that it makes things awkward for porting over characters from the first game due to a core stat difference, but Might never really made sense to begin with. The all inclusive meta concept of stronk was very gamey, very anti-immersion, and kind of plot-holey all around, due to the already patch-notes-included reason of 'This wizard is a book worm, does no physical exercise in any way shape or form, but is capable of benching 350lb as a side effect of being good with magic'. Might just being this metaphysical concept of being powerful was.. it just didn't feel like a *stat*. It felt like a random modifier you'd get from a buff, rather than a core physical or mental aspect of a person. Also, as for Resolve being the magic stat, it makes a lot of sense over all. Force of will is a very classical concept when it comes to defining how strong one's magic is, in pretty much every fantasy setting to date aside from your generic scholar wizard. Think of a corny movie with a main character using magic; they use Force of Will to do 'The Thing.' Sorcerers from D&D are based on Charisma and thematically scored as using Force of Will to better use their inherent magical prowess.
  3. Wow, seems people very much want to dismiss mechanics for the sake of defending the game. I don't know what there is to discuss here; maybe I came off too overbearing on the subject due to frustration from other issues, if so I apologize for that. But my point remains. Currently the beta is very short, and it became very clear that if I made mistakes (as we all do, that's why quicksave and quickload is such a beloved function and so popular) that I'd HAVE to reload because it was alarmingly punishing. I'm fine with taking lumps due to an error I make, story or mechanic wise, but this is harsh enough that it very much disrupts the flow of the game. We don't need to make a ton of rests due to the length of the closed beta, but I'm assuming the full game is going to be MUCH longer, and it's going to add up. For the one who said you haven't played, every time you get an injury you lose 25% of your max health, up to 4 times. At the 4th time, you die instantly, permanently. Every trap triggered gives an injury, every time you are knocked unconscious gives an injury, and I imagine (but have no evidence to support as of yet) that much like PoE 1, it's possible to get injuries from poorly done scenes during dialog events. On top of the -25% max health, you get variable malices, such as minus to stats, to accuracy, defense, etc etc. This isn't an opinion, this is just how the mechanics currently function. The opinion is that I feel that is way too potent and pushes people to just instantly reload around it, or spam rests to fix every small error that is made.
  4. You really can't. There's not really a point to disagree with here, man, so I don't know what you're responding to. You can see SOME traps, such as spike traps, with your eyes. Other traps, such as many necrotic lance traps, are -totally- invisible at all times. Though that may be an issue with model loading, as sometimes there are corpses with sight lines that I can't see but can loot, but as it stands it makes no difference. If you happen to not see a trap yourself and auto path into it, it's either you have to rest. Again. Or you reload. would also assume that a character with 15 perception wouldn't have an issue detecting them, but so far said rogue built for traps and perception has only detected two traps, and I've manually worked around many more than that. But, otherwise, the injury system remains way too overbearing. Injured people become more likely to become injured again and force require rests due to how strong the debuffs are, that is just how it is. You get many skill malices and the massive quarter of your hp removed, so unless the character that is injured is one that stays well away from the combat at all times.. or you managed to cheese the game in a way that you're so impressively over powered that nothing can beat through your armor or self healing.. ..which would be a totally different unbalanced issue..
  5. The injury system, at the moment, seems to be a very viscous cycle of making characters totally useless and spamming rests. If a character gets injured, through combat OR traps OR I imagine dialog scenes, you are then practically (mechanically) forced to have your entire party take a full rest. Why? Well, the injured character is so debilitated by the new injury system that they become completely worthless for combat. -25% health per injury? All that begets is the character becoming more likely to get injured in the next combat. Again. Over. And. Over. I rather like the immersive feeling of *not* needing to sleep after every other fight, and not needing to save scum just to keep that fleeting sense of time in the story rich RPG game. I'm okay with having fewer spells on account of them being 'encounter' types now, but I'm also totally fine going back to the PoE 1 system of injuries and spells if it gets rid of this current problem. Also, on a side note, it seems totally inefficient and subpar to build a rogue for both stealth and mechanics at the same time. At the moment, my rogue is barely capable of doing either of them and I haven't branched any points off in any other direction. Every available point has been split between just those two, and she is more or less totally unreliable for dialog scenes and most locked objects/traps. I've had to reload at least 10 times alone due to having half my party injured from traps I was completely unable to detect or disarm, and .. y'know.. not wanting to spend 8 hours sleeping per hallway.
  6. Aye, hopefully this is all in working order! I've never made an attempt at using these forums, but I am very interested in the goings on.
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