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About Nicze

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  1. Animancy is a science, it has nothing to do with wizards. As for animancy as a class - that's like saying that physicist should be a class. What, you drop everything mid-combat and start contemplating Heisenberg's uncertainty principle? That's cool and all, but not exactly helpful in a battle.
  2. Oh, they had trees just like that in that short story about Aloth. Though the Aedyr simply call them corpsefruit trees. What's up with Eora and their trees that smell like corpses? It's not the best place to go for a nice walk in the woods I imagine.
  3. Since apparently I have acquired a passive ability that allows me to know "how men work", I think I'm going to start writing an Eder x Aloth fanfiction.
  4. Really? I didn't know that I know how men work, thank you for enlightening me. Also I don't feel marginalized as a woman, thank you for telling me that I should.
  5. Really. Because somehow changing party size from 6 to 5 will magically make the game suitable for consoles? Even when it's still RTwP? Yes, they obviously did it because people couldn't handle one more companion, not because the combat felt smoother or whatever they decided. Change the UI! That's so simple and they didn't even think about it! Thankfully some random poster has brilliant problem-solving skills. Game development is not a democracy. But crowdfundig IS an election. And money is your vote. Im still all in. But if you cant stomach things then stop spending. Or just go along. It's not an election, you decide whether you want to support the project or not. They never lied about keeping 6-person party, if someone doesn't like it they can decide not to pledge.
  6. Really. Because somehow changing party size from 6 to 5 will magically make the game suitable for consoles? Even when it's still RTwP? Yes, they obviously did it because people couldn't handle one more companion, not because the combat felt smoother or whatever they decided. Change the UI! That's so simple and they didn't even think about it! Thankfully some random poster has brilliant problem-solving skills. Game development is not a democracy.
  7. In Tyranny it shows all the portraits and you can scroll down - at least when changing portrait mid-game, I can't remember how you pick it during char creation. Edit: Checked on youtube and it's the same as mid-game. 0:50:
  8. Hmm, sounds like you are either speaking of "Your Name", "The Prestige", or "Being John Malkovich" "Your name" that was movie i thought about. That is also an idea for quest. Maybe somewhere in Fulvano voyage. Travel back in time to change the future. Edgy enought. Romance: In past reality we meet that perfect girl/boy, but we cant take them to watcher time, so village is safed, but they had lost beloved one. lol But you can't travel back in time! Even in a world with magic! We can't just ignore basic physics in a fantasy game!
  9. Agreed. Especially if someone's playing on a laptop. I'd rather the book pages took all the screen, without the clutter.
  10. I don't think adding an image editor into a game is a good idea. Having to crop big portrait into a smaller one is also a bother, but they didn't include cropping tool in the first game. Their default portraits have watercolour alternatives, if we want custom ones it's our problem that they don't match the game's aesthetics.
  11. You have a year to work on your painting skill.
  12. Knowing my luck, that's exactly what's going to happen. (Especially since Iselmyr is only into women.) My Watcher has been hopelessly in love with him since practically day one, but it turns out he's only into men, or only elven women, or only women/elven women (bad news for my wild orlan watcher), or what have you. I know the devs have stressed being faithful to the characters even if it disappoints players, and I'm all for that... but it wouldn't stop it from being disappointing. What I want from Aloth is a weird semipolyamorous relationship. C'mon romancing two people in the same body, I can't think of any fiction that has done that. Personally, that would be fascinating... Thank Eothas I told him to dominate Iselmyr.
  13. Bellasege is back. Can't wait to lend a sympathetic ear while she talks about how she missed out on the Noble Prize in animancy because of her misplaced notes. Truly a tragic tale.
  14. This would sound like an interesting companion, follow his quest, find out where's he from, what language is that, do some investigating etc, and that ominous "that's what everyone assumes", but as a sidekick without a quest or development? It's like a hired adventurer speaking gibberish. I'll just stick with the companions for story and create adventurers when min-maxing. More importantly, what is "Storm Folk"? Have we seen that sub-race before? I don't think we have.
  15. Not too crazy about the sidekick stretch goal. This would sound like an interesting companion, follow his quest, find out where's he from, what language is that, do some investigating etc, and that ominous "that's what everyone assumes", but as a sidekick without a quest or development? It's like a hired adventurer speaking gibberish. I'll just stick with the companions for story and create adventurers when min-maxing.
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