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Everything posted by Kazan105

  1. There are three things that are known about the prophecy; The chosen one would be born of the force-This means that Luke can't be the chosen one, his parents were known. Anakin on the other hand doen't seem to have a father according to his mother. The chosen one would destroy the Sith-Note that the prophecy only says that the Sith would be destroyed, not the dark side of the force. Someone doesn't have to be a Sith Lord to use the Dark side of the force. The chosen one would bring balance to the force. The Last two are the parts the Jedi got wrong less because the misread them than because they stopped thinking. 1000 years before EP's 1, 2 and 3 the Jedi believed that the Sith had been destroyed (they hadn't, they just went into hiding). Because of this the Jedi had nothing to define what 'evil', meaning the dark side, really meant and hence nothing to define what 'good' meant either. All they had was the memory of what the Sith had been like. Over time this meant that they strayed further from what they should have been like-consider what the Jedi's response to finding out that Palpatine was the Sith Lord was. Instead of looking for evidence, taking this to the senate or just going public they went off to arrest him on their own. They were also talking about taking over the Republic afterwards. Put another way they decided that the 'good' course of action would be to depose the ellected leader of the Republic and take over themselves. While it could be argued that this wasn't an evil act in itself it is interesting in that they never considered any other course of action-would the Sepatratists have continued to fight had they known that Sidious was Palpitine? Probably not. And this has what to do with the chosen one? Well, good and evil are by themselves meaningless. To gain meaning they have to have something to measure against and the only thing you can use to give good meaning is evil and vice-versa. For a 1000 years the Jedi thought that the Sith were gone, as such all they had to measure themselves against was the memory of the Sith. And memory tends to fade over time. What was happening to the Jedi was that without something to define their actions as good or evil they were starting to drift. By the time of the Clone wars the Jedi were no longer as good as they would have liked to think, they were considering actions that while not evil they were not really in keeping with what the Jedi were meant to be. (In fact you could argue that something like that happened to the Jedi during Revan's time). They were sliding towards a position where, in many ways, they would have been just as bad as the Sith ever where if not worse. They were letting the ends justify the means-Getting rid of Sidious and ending the war was a noble goal, but planning on removing him from office by force and taking over the Republic themselves was exactly what the Sith had been trying to do for millenia. Or in otherwords the force was becoming unbalanced because the Jedi were no longer truely good, or well on their way to becoming something else. The Jedi don't seem to have realised this was happening to them, nor do they seem to have considered that balancing the force might have involved not only destroying the Sith but also the Jedi. By destroying the Jedi order Anakin removed one imbalance in the force. Destroying the Sith decades later removed the second imbalance. By doing both Anakin did bring balance to the force by effectivly hitting the reset switch. The new Jedi (and of course new dark Jedi) now had to stand back and redefine exactly what they were and what they stood for. well said i say
  2. perhaps her connection to the force can keep her :"> ...easy on the eyes
  3. sounds good, but it could wear u out first haha, like fighting unarmed on marrowind
  4. There guna need a bigger screen.. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> haha oh and sum kind of co-op mode, i dont see how that would play in since its and rpg but it would be kool, perhaps xbox live...
  5. first play thru is always light side
  6. thats true and that adds to rule out traya as the real name
  7. quite well said, and we definatley have to have HK back. He's the life of the party haha plus there could always be a follow up on the factory place...
  8. out of curiosity, what exactly is so bad about Star Wars Galaxies with the "CU" and "N-blah-blah"?
  9. the combat system is the same conflict i have with city or heroes, its just click (or push) and boom theyre dead or u do some kind of attack. itd be nice to be more involved.. --> :D
  10. agreed,just a game of apprentice and master could make a good game so it would make kotor 3 that much of a masterpiece *KUDOS*
  11. that would definately be an interesting person, but is the time period accurate for a "skywalker" to pop up?
  12. i would have to agree that they are one in the same
  13. id have to say male i just saw it fitting just as revan's love interest in bastila* he had visas and handmaiden. on a side note **** ^her for being jealous of visas...haha she can hold a grudge.. for the rest of the game to be exact *sorry if spelling is incorrect
  14. true... my apologies
  15. That'll be a great day in star wars gaming history
  16. wait for the wii controller i tell u!!!
  17. like who? and any other juicy details? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yes that would be very helpful
  18. my style exactly, aside from bringing in HK 47 for his humerous comments from time to time
  19. flawless for its time -if you dont know, you better ask somebody!-
  20. these two say it just about perfectly (also using the wii controller could be nice for lightsabers in a game for that platform)
  21. Yeah they are not supposed to be in realtionships like that but the exile was well exiled so he doesn
  22. talk about holding a grudge, from people who were supposed to be flat emotionally and all that.
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