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Everything posted by NatureWithoutMan

  1. Thanks everyone. A few follow-ups: 1) If I go single class, do you suggest the base druid or a subclass. I really enjoyed shifting to clean up mobs in POE 1, so I think I'd avoid the subclass that turns into an elemental, but I'd be open to all the others. 2) Can you suggest a few spells from the early levels (1-3) that you all like? I have a problem of re-rolling lol. Thanks again. These games have such awesome communities.
  2. Coming back to finally play through Deadfire and looking for advice on a Druid build. I loved how versatile and strong the Druid was in PE1 and would like to have a similar experience. I mainly used the "Thundercat" build, casting a few spells and then wading into melee with the spiritshift. (RTWP) So I have a few questions: 1) Do you suggest a single class Druid? Or multiclass? I have played around with a druid/rogue which I liked especially for mobility, but what about a druid/monk? Other suggestions? 2) Now that the whole spell list isn't available, what spells are must-haves? Any spells to absolutely avoid? 3) Any small synergies I should know of? Thinking of passives that might help. Thanks in advance!
  3. I was thinking a chanter or rogue, but I am open to any class. Just interested in what people come up with. Really just a thought exercise. Any talents/spells/etc, you see a sailor having?
  4. Thanks! Never knew about novice's suffering, Is it viable early game? I was thinking of running sword and board (spear) for some extra durability early on, but if it is useful in the early levels then maybe i'll skip the sword and shield style Again, Thank you.
  5. Hey Boeroer, Mind giving some more details on that regen. boar build. Sounds like just what I'm looking for. Starting stats, important talents? I would appreciate it. Thanks! -Nw/oM
  6. Hey everyone, Wondering what class and build you like for a front-liner MC? On another note: So far Chanter has been great, but my restart problem kicked back in. Basically I was just standing there soaking up damage, which is great, but i couldnt influence the battlefield as much as I wanted. Was thinking of a front-liner Druid? Batsh!t by Boeroer still viable?Or a front-line wizard that doesn't need to rest every fight? Anyway wondering what you all liked for a front-liner, tank or damage-dealer, etc?
  7. Thanks everyone, So sounds like I'll just finish Kana's storyline and drop him. Livegood and Boeroer thanks for the advice with builds, and Blades I will definitely consider Sagani. Do chants count as spells and so do not stack? If i use expose vulnerabilities and Hel-Hyraf would it stack? I guess I thought that I could tank with a shield throughout most of the fight and then drop Hel-Hyraf and switch to the blunderbuss to hit an enemy really hard. I guess I'll stick to an aquebus or arbalest then. I have trouble pulling off the white worms invocation, so I was looking for something a little different than the typical Reny Daret, White Worms, and Thunder Rolled invocation build. I've found Thrice Was She Wronged totally underwhelming, so I was hoping to find a little niche invocation. Oh well.
  8. So I have decided on a MC for my canon run that I will port over to Deadfire. I am going to play a tank chanter with high might to melt foes with Dragon Thrashed, and was wondering about a few things. 1) I want to take Eder, Pallegina, Aloth, and Kana since they are likely to play a big role in the next game. Any suggestions as to builds for them? I was thinking Eder as Lady of pain, and Aloth as a blaster, but Pallegina and Kana both throw me off. Maybe Kana as more of a ranged support/buffer, as I won't be using many of the buffs? 2) If Kana comes with, do chants stack, or should I diversify chants? 3) I want to switch to a firearm when appropriate. I was wondering if there is any synergy with "And Hel-Hyraf Crashed Upon the Shield" and then switching for a blunderbuss shot, or is that tactic not powerful enough? Would Aefyllah Ues Mith Fir work with a blunderbuss? I know some of these questions have probably already been answered, so I apologize in advance, but I figured I'd ask all my questions all at once. Thanks!
  9. And what about if you chose an option such as "I piloted cargo ships" etc. Would be cool to have single interactive scenes for each background....even if it is only you don't get sea sick during a storm while some members of your party do. Not asking for a whole new encounter, just add an option that will recognize your background and your dialogue choice that further specified said background. Add them in where they make sense, or make one encounter take care of them all. For example if there is an encounter where you get thrown from your boat and you climb aboard a raft of debris, your crew picks you up the next night: Hunter(fisherman)- catches a bunch of fish Hunter (monster hunter)- fends off a shark Hunter (village hunter/gatherer, lived in wilderness) - spears a fish Mystic (visions) - vision that steers you toward rescue Mystic (ascetic) - find calm and peace since you were used to living a life without material Mystic (theology)- pray to Ondra and then see your ship in the distance Etc. Yeah it doesn't really change the encounter, but at least you'd see your character draw from their past and make them distinct. It would be a cheap and easy method of adding your background in. Obviously would like to see the backgrounds peppered in to other encounters, but that might be expensive and time consuming.
  10. Just curious what your favorite class and disposition is for your Watcher? I tend to run all my characters as benevolent yet clever (aka smart-a**). Most recent class is monk
  11. I know that your class doesn't import over, just asking which class you played on the save file you will use. I guess the question is what class did you use when you completed the game in your "favorite/RP/most complete" playthrough?
  12. So with the Deadfire fig campaign coming to an end, what class and build are you using for your save file to be imported over? I don't think your class will be locked in, due to changes in Deadfire, but think it would be interesting to hear what everyone has settled on as "their class".
  13. Hey ya'll, As I look more at the party members for Deadfire, I can't help but think my MC will be a midrange striker. Elder, Palegina, maybe even Xoti can all be in the frontlines. Aloth in the back. With party comp set at 5, I'll probably end up playing a striker, or "commander". Someone who can sit in the middle of the party and either hop in and dish out some serious damage, or buff/heal the group (or preferably both) What classes do you guys play in the midrange or as strikers? As "commanders"? I'm thinking either a Barb, or druid for DPS, or chanter, paladin to provide some midrange support (and hopefully damage)
  14. Thanks, trying to decide on a party for 1st potd playthrough. So I want to tank and still do damage
  15. Do sheilds affect chants and invocations the same way as spells?
  16. Hey everyone, what are some of your favorite talents and abilities? From an effectiveness standpoint if you wish, but really, what have you had the most fun with?
  17. Is it possible to have a high DPS and weild a shield? What class, talents, and weapons?
  18. I really need to play planescape. But ill finish my POE playthrough first lol. Also really want to play Banner Saga (1&2)
  19. 1) Suikoden 2 2) Fallout (1 and 2) 3) Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 4) Breath of Fire 3 5) Chronotrigger
  20. What if when you travel to a new area, your entire party sets up a camp or caravan on the outskirts and you select who to take with from there, dialogue is open, you can choose your party (or reroll easier upon a load), and your stash could be located here. Also love the idea of having interesting NPCs who join your stronghold. See suikoden 2 Finally, I am not opposed to characters demanding to go with you on certain quests. Can go other direction, and need to stay in camp for so and so reason. Fixing a horseshoe or caravan wheel. Praying on an important religious holiday, etc. You can maybe still drag them along or not take them even if they insist, but they complain and it affects your relationship.
  21. Really like having all 3 shots, having an active talent associated with it wiith a paladin. So 1: Flames of devotion, 2: dual wield or runners, quick switch, scion of flame? 3: zealous focus, 4: level 2 not picked or gunner 5: sworn enemy? 6:?? What about rogue? 1:crippling 2: runners, dual wield, quick switch? Backstab???!!! 3: escape or dirty fighting 4: level 2 not picked or gunner? 5: deep wounds....reposte? blinding? 6: ???? I am probably going to play both together up to 6 and see what i like better..
  22. Thanks guys, While I am sure a ranger would work great, and obviously fits the archetype, I have actually played the most with the ranger, and think i will try a different class. I just die a little bit inside every level I pick a passive for the pet. I like the class, just wish I could forgo the pet, or that it leveled on its own. Anyway, I love the idea of a rogue, or a kind wayfarer (for rp). What builds would you suggest for the first Act specifically? Race- Aumaua for the extra weapon slot i assume? Would a Kind Wayfarer DW paladin with light armor even be playable? I assume with faith and conviction, I might be okay on the defenses? (PS I play on hard so I don't have as many issues with squishier chars) . I was honestly thinking of a ranged Barbarian (again for rp), but the holes in the build are just too large, and the fundamental ability for the class wouldn't even be used. Thanks guys. I know you are all probably sick of these novice questions which don't present any nuances of the game, but it does really help reading all your insights.
  23. Hey guys. I posted a topic awhile back looking for a woodsman build and in the same line of thought, am now looking to start a new game with a similar idea. Looking for a MC that will use an Arquebus and then jump into the fray dual wielding a hatchet and knife (or some similar combination, sabre? just too good). What class would get the most out of the arquebus, while still being good at jumping into melee?
  24. Id like it if traveling caused random encounters (most with scripted interactions, some just a few creatures) and the use of survival skill could allow you to remain unseen or to leave the encounter or to position yourself better. Survival skill is always under utilized in games and I'd like it to feel more relevant. Or just use skills to avoid. Anyone can pitch camp but if I have high stealth I can utilize camouflage or mechanics I could set up traps around the area or lore I know the safe locations in the area, or athletics you could outpace the approaching bandits, etc. Let the crappy encounters that aren't scripted have outs that relate to your build, skills or class, so you don't have to fight them.
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