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Everything posted by Paabo

  1. Sorry? I think you're confused. You can already restart as many times as you like. I'm just saying there should be an easier way to restart a scenario than to forfeit, go through 6 loading screens and skip the dialogue just to do it. Sometimes you can see inevitable defeat, and you just wanna jump back in and try again. It should be easier than it is to do this. Yes, restarting Here Comes the Flood to get rid of the +4 to acquire boons is probably not what the devs intended, and is probably considered cheating. But to be fair I hate that freaking scenario and would skip it altogether if not for my completionist tendencies. 1d6?? Every single time??
  2. Playing Jorgenfist on Legendary, I had had Merisiel use her Emerald Codex fairly early on- 2 consecration and 1 mass heal. Later, as it became obvious that I was going to lose soon, I used a consecration and gained a few more rounds. Kyra is up next, and I noticed that down in the bottom-right where you would normally see the extra "deck" afforded only Merisiel by the codex, was a smaller, face-up consecration. "Huh", I said, "I wonder..." as I attempted to drag the consecration into my hand. It worked! I also dragged the mass heal. I ended up also using the second consecration, but was forced to discard my entire hand due to an encounter, mass heal included. As per the wildcard rule of the scenario, I was prompted to bury a card. Now, I'm not sure if burying mass heal is the reason I got to keep it, or if I would have kept it had I buried another card instead, but when I won a few turns later I was delighted to find that I was now the proud owner of a shiny new mass heal. I do feel slightly silly for reporting such a fortuitous bug, but I assume the devs most certainly did not intend for the codex to function in such a manner; thus, I bring it to your attention. tl;dr - sometimes you can drag spells from the codex to your hand, and you get to keep em after!
  3. So it seems this happens when a bane or henchman deals damage to multiple characters at one location. It's happened to me several times in different scenarios. It doesn't always happen, which I'm sure is the truck to figuring out the problem and fixing it. These guys seem fairly on top of it though, so I'd expect a fix in the near future.
  4. I'm sorta okay with leaving that part as is. The fact that it is annoying and time-consuming to restart is the only thing stopping a player from "modifier shopping." I totally admit that I will click as many buttons as necessary to forfeit scenarios with particularly terrible and non-fun modifier combos, but if it were really easy to back out and restart it would just allow players to keep rolling the RNG until an "easy" scenario came up. Yeah I can see where you're coming from, but in the end what does it matter, really? It's not like the game is competitive. If you wanna reroll wildcards all day, I say you should be able to. It's all about user enjoyment!
  5. I should clarify- Ezren discards, Kyra fails the save l and discards, THEN the game locks. I experienced the same thing on Into the Mountains against the lich king-looking henchman, and I saw a similar post from a fellow forum-goer describing the same situation.
  6. Playing Sandpoint Under Siege on Heroic; It's Kyra's turn at Sandpoint Cathedral, and she draws that Hunter enemy that does 1d4-1 damage before you act. Because of the rules of the scenario, Ezren (who is also at the Cathedral) must summon and fight Longtooth. I fail my dex check (of course- Ezren isn't exactly very nimbly-pimbly), and discard the required amount of cards. The game is then stuck- I can open the menus, forfeit, etc., but I can't fight the Dragon. This seems to be a recurring theme; When encountering an enemy who requires a check from all characters at a location or take X damage, the game seems to freeze after discards. However, it only seems to happen when there is more than one character at a location.
  7. I had a very similar problem on Into the Mountains: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/89926-bug-into-the-mountains-freezing/?do=findComment&comment=1854224 A fellow forum-goer suggested I visit the vault and come back. I haven't tried it but if you're still stuck it could work? Sorry, no one seems to know why this happens
  8. Of course; with any free to play setup the focus will always be on the money makers.. Can't really fault them there. Also the UI *works*, and there's plenty of actual broken stuff in-game which needs fixing. I don't expect any quality of life improvements anytime soon.. But a man can dream
  9. Would just like to say that aside from the random bugs we all discuss in the forums, the game runs quite beautifully on my Galaxy Edge 7
  10. Sorry if this is the wrong place to put this, but I find myself wishing rather frequently that there were a button in the menu that would allow you to restart a scenario with your current team- rather than having to forfeit, load several screens, choose the scenario again and skip past the dialogue. I realize that this would necessitate discarding any boons you may have collected, but one could easily add a prompt which says "This will discard all boons acquired during this scenario. Continue?" It feels a little nit-picky, sure, but the number of times I've restarted Here Comes the Flood on Legendary because I've been given the "all checks to acquire boons are increased by 4" wildcard has given me plenty of time to think between loading screens.
  11. I have not tried that, as I wasn't aware that was something that could fix it! Thanks for that tip I just replayed the scenario and did not encounter the bug- however I just realized that both times it happened I was forced to deplete my hand with at least one character when taking the necromancer damage, leaving me with no cards. Perhaps this is what triggers the bug?
  12. Cowplow- ummm forgive me, but that doesn't make a whole lot of sense. You're saying the devs intended to sit one of your characters out unless you can *fail* a check? While I wouldn't put it past them (after the debacle that is Here Comes the Flood), that just sounds plain silly. I haven't gotten to Legendary in that scenario yet, so I can neither confirm nor deny this bug. However, from the description provided, it does sound to be incorrectly configured.
  13. Can confirm this- Kyra took 1d4 PLUS 1 damage, but both of my other characters took the normal 1d4-1 damage.
  14. I also experienced this issue- used Kyra and her Holy Light, but was still forced to take the 1d4-1 damage for melee attacks.
  15. I should clarify: the game doesn't "hang" like it did with Kyra's exorcist heal bug, because I can still examine the location via the left hand pop out, and can still forfeit and return to the main menu. Progress is simply broken in this case.
  16. So this has happened twice now: I'm playing into the Mountains on Legendary, and I fight a henchman (I can't remember his name, but he looks like the Wraith King from LotR). The one that does 1d4-1 cold damage? Anyways, I beat him, take the ridiculous 1d4 necromancer damage to everyone, then the game hangs.. No option to close the location, but the blue arrow is there and it asks me to confirm my action. I have a screenshot but I dunno how to post it here.
  17. Just throwing my hat into the "me too" ring. Seems like this has been a problem for the past two patches. Can we get some info from someone in the know as to how many more patches will be released before this very specific, game-breaking bug is fixed?
  18. Really though, just excitedly downloaded the new patch and this is still a problem! This should be a priority, my story mode is locked until it's fixed... Very frustrating. If the goal is to get people to spend money, you'd think you'd want to present a playable product..?
  19. I'm also having this problem. I've never been given this option previously, but suddenly the game decided to display a popup explaining how cure works like I haven't used it a hundred times before. Now my adventure is frozen and I can't even forfeit. If I've got to delete this adventure and start from scratch that will probably be the end of this app for me..
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