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Everything posted by Carrie

  1. *marks off days on calendar* Can't come soon enough!
  2. I know I heard elsetopic about someone wanting to see lightsabers and other weapons sheathed/holstered, rather than out all the time. That's a great idea. People should react different if someone has their guns out. It should provoke the local authorities or someone. But... Wouldn't a Jedi Robe also do that? Armor might not, but a Jedi robe would be recognized by SOMEONE, and they'd call down the bounty hunters to get you for the Sith lords, I'd think. Normal clothing should be made more important... And as a side rant to that... Basic clothing should be at least partially interchangable between characters. I mean... no cross dressing (unless you're silly or nuts), but if I'm playing a female main character... I want to be able to put Mira's outfit (minus the rocket launcher) onto my character if I'm tooling around trying to not look like a Jedi, while she's armored. Any chance we'll see an option like that?
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