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12 GoodAbout K-Slash
(1) Prestidigitator
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PoE, BG1/2, IWD1/2, NWN1, Ps:T, FO1/2/Tactics, F:NV, A:M&M, ToEE, HOMM2/3, VTM:B, AC4A, DS
Cooking and reading books.
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Reasons for (dis)liking a class
K-Slash replied to hrwd's topic in Pillars of Eternity: General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
I voted on Rogue. I don't have a dislike, you just have to keep them from throwing up, getting sick, run over, pushed down the hill, mugged and all the other things that could happen to a PoE Rogue. They're my favourite. If they could be made less Diablo 2 Rogue and more Thief Rogue (Is that even possible?), that would be wonderful. -
*** Massive thank you to everyone for the replies, reads and two cents/pence.*** The proto-type for Don Juan goes all the way back to when Tales of the Sword Coast came out (I was around 14 at the time) and I wanted a tankier, damage dealing Rogue that would allow me to do Durlag's Tower. So I made a Fighter/Rogue Multiclass to kill stuff, deal with traps and stay alive between load game screens. I had to make the character an Elf with Greatsword and Longbow proficiency. With access to Find Traps and could strip out of Full Plate to Disable Traps. Was much fun, difficult as all hell but fun. I thought the concept of a Fighterish Rogue or maybe a Roguish Fighter would work good with PoE's delicious skills system. I'm definitely interested in this. Maybe I should scrap the whole Don Juan is a Rogue with Fighty bits idea and go with Fighter with Roguish bits instead. I'd rather do without Riposte in hindsight, Don keeps getting smacked and then Riposte doesn't trigger. Maybe Savage Attack + Reckless Assault + Vulnerable Attack? Or something else? Maybe I should scrap the whole Rogue part and go with Fighter all the way. 1. What is this sweet WM2 ability you're hinting at? *sneeze* *burp* 2. ^^^ See opening reply. Explains the race choice. ^^^ 3. Quickswitch is pretty minimal micro management to be honest. Fire, then change, start swinging. 4. Would prefer to go without shield to be honest. So, in short, I've had a character crisis of faith. Thank you all, deeply and sincerely.
DD Fighter??? EDIT: Updated OP again. He works better as a rogue's rogue rather than a fighter's rogue. Dunno how to describe that but basically, an opportunist that goes for targets with High Deflection and low Concentration. Double EDIT: Have prayed to the Gods of Optimization. Oh, I but just a lowly scrub, furnish me with your wisdom. Triple EDIT: Have prayed at the Temple of Eternal Enlightenment. May the High Gods of PoE provide me with strength and purpose.
Hmm... I'm gonna have to sit down with a calculator and the stat bonuses and see if I can give them a quick rejangle. You're right, the speed is far too slow at DEX 4. EDIT: Right, looked at the stats and they all seem to follow a linear progression with smaller additive bonuses that I previously realised. So to rejangle the stats I've put them in terms of necessity to the character. STR: ** DEX: *** CON: ***** PER: *** INT: * RES: ***** Natively, a rogue (or rouge) has: Endurance 36 + 12/level (Very Low) Health Endurance x4 (Low) Deflection 15 (Low) Accuracy 30 (Very High) So to shore up the weakness, I think the CON + RES buffing is entirely legitimate. Having super high STR and PER, isn't what I thought it would be. In BG and similar, the stats get way stronger the more they're buffed, in PoE they gradually increase to a point. While buffing initially rubbish statistics is a good way to round out the character, the impact in the field will also be increased due to effective use of status effects and stacking with sneak attack. Core concept of Don Juan is a reliable source of damage, with inbuilt mechanical buffs for your everyday dungeon crawling needs. So with the minimum micro the character is built around (namely patience and choosing which target to evicerate), I think the following stat block would be the most balanced and fun: Mig:10 Con:18 Dex: 10 Per:19 Int: 3 Res: 18
Thanks, makes Don even more fun. I've updated the main post. Not the biggest fan of Riposte because it's because it's 20% on a miss. But I am a big fan of high RES, which will even out his defences a lot more. Thanks for the edits, I'll incorporate your words into the OP. EDIT: HOT DIGGITY, Riposte triggers on grazes too. Brilliant! Gawdddammn, that's insane. -1 Recovery is awesome! And the trap accuracy is pretty lol too. Thanks.
I give this game a 6/10
K-Slash replied to Reffy's topic in Pillars of Eternity: General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
I understand that perspective is subjective, but honestly, that's can't all be true. Look at Aloth, nothing bland about that mentalist. Or Pallegrina, definitely not bland. Or Grieving Mother, jesus mother of mary, she in no way shape or form is bland. -
Class popularity
K-Slash replied to hrwd's topic in Pillars of Eternity: General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
I chose you, Rogue! Seriously though, I don't have a least favourite class. -
3.04? Update on our next patch
K-Slash replied to Sking's topic in Pillars of Eternity: Announcements & News
I love the support that the team is giving to this game post-launch. Playing PoE now compared to before is so much nicer. :D -
The idea for Don Juan, came to me after eating breakfast a year ago on a Sunday morning. From that point onwards, I realised that a dedicated trap-finder/secret finder is damn useful. Having someone to help kill things is always nice too. So, here's Don Juan. =================================== Don Juan =================================== Difficulty: Easy/Normal/Hard v. 3.02 and previous versions. -------------------------------------------------------------- Class: Rogue -------------------------------------------------------------- Race: Elf (+1 Dex +1 Perception), Subrace: Wood Elf -------------------------------------------------------------- Starting Attributes: MIG:16 CON:16 DEX: 16 PER:16 INT: 3 RES: 10 -------------------------------------------------------------- Culture: Don Juan had travelled all over Eora during his younger years. Deadfire Archipelago (+1 DEX) or The White that Wends (+1 PER). Choose the one that you think is coolest. -------------------------------------------------------------- Background: Don Juan had tried his hand at many lines of work over the years, his skill was always in the mechanical. Labourer (1+ to Mechanics/Athletics), Merchant (+1 to Mechanics/Lore) or Scientist (+1 to Mechanics/Lore). -------------------------------------------------------------- Skills: Dump as many points into Mechanics as you can (try to hit 10 asap) and then expand with left over points into Survival (Cap it at 9 for the +2 movement speed rest buff). -------------------------------------------------------------- Talents: Level 1: Sneak Attack, Crippling Strike Level 2: Weapon Focus: Soldier Level 3: Reckless Assault Level 4: Vulnerable Attack Level 5: Dirty Fighting Level 6: Shadowing Beyond Level 7: Vicious Fighting Level 8: Quick Switch Level 9: Persistent Distraction Level 10: Arms Bearer Level 11: Deathblows Level 12: Interrupting Blows Level 13: Sap Level 14: Arms Bearer Level 15: Shadow Step -------------------------------------------------------------- Explaination of Talents: Crippling Strike (Active - 2 per Encounter): You get to use it twice an encounter, and with Don Juan's horrendous INT being able to do it twice is twice as nice. Weapon Focus (Passive): Soldier: For that lush +6 to hit stuff. Reckless Assault (Modal - Accuracy): When you want to rush in an lamp things. Vulnerable Attack (Modal - DR modification): Brilliant talent, much love for this. Dirty Fighting (Passive): Crits make things explode into chunks. Vicious Fighting (Passive): Chunky goodness expanded. Shadowing Beyond (Active - 2 per Rest): Nice for running away and getting healed. Even nicer if you just go invisible and then cast a scroll/shoot someone in the face. Persistent Distraction (Passive): -1 Engagement for your target is annoying as all hell. -6 to all Defenses is beautiful. Interrupting Blows (Passive): Perception + High Interrupt Weapon + Interrupting Blows = Interruptmania, with more science! :D Quick Switch (Passive): The opening volley of a fight will help loads when facing tough creatures. Deathblows (Passive): Gorgeous passive talent. Makes me very happy. Sap (Active - 2 per Encounter): Stun them. Stun them good. Feign Death: Use this to take a breather. Don Juan had feigned his own death fourteen times in the last year alone. Shadow Step: Know nothing about this, but it sounds cool. Here's the relevant copypasta: By stepping through the Between (?!?!?!), a rogue is seemingly able to teleport across the battlefield for a few moments, automatically returning to his or her starting position when the effect ends. -------------------------------------------------------------- Weapons Arquebus/Pliambo per Casitàs(!)/Long-Feller(!) - Custom Arquebusses would do awesome as well. Greatsword/Pikes/The Hours of St Rumbaldt (!)/Tidefall(!)/Tall Grass (!) + Durganized Steel + Corrosive Lash -------------------------------------------------------------- Weapons and Armor Head: Dandy Hat of the Diseased Yak Armor: Coat of Ill Payment/Sanguine Plate Hands: Gauntlets of Accuracy/Gauntlets of Swift Action/Gloves of Manipulation Boots: Shod-in-Faith Belt: Coil of Resourcefulness/Don Paco's Codpiece of Vigor Rings: Your choice, as long as you're happy. Cloak: Liliths Shawl/Hiro's Mantle -------------------------------------------------------------- Equipment Every lockpick you see. Food that helps PER / DEX. Potions that speed him up. -------------------------------------------------------------- Play Style: While the rest of the party forms a defensive line or gets stuck into the enemy. After the mage has ganked the enemy, have Don Juan open with a rifle round to somethings face. Then, quick switch to another rifle, doing the same again. Or a scroll of something hilarious, bouncy and painful. When all ranged weapons have been emptied, find a nice target with lots of health with dehabilitating effects on it, run in and gut it. Rinse and repeat. -------------------------------------------------------------- Formation Postioning: Place Don Juan somewhere in the back lines, then when the time is right, run out and stab something. Works especially well in the middle field, beside a pally or fighter with a pike. Or EVEN BETTER, the party Cypher/s (OUCH! THAT'S GONNA STING). -------------------------------------------------------------- Legendary Don Juan - Dual Wield Style / The Blender Version Rumours speak of Don Juan wielding two-weapons... -------------------------------------------------------------- Level 1: Sneak Attack, Crippling Strike Level 2: Weapon Focus: Ruffian Level 3: Reckless Assault Level 4: Vulnerable Attack Level 5: Dirty Fighting Level 6: Shadowing Beyond Level 7: Vicious Fighting Level 8: Two Weapon Fighting Level 9: Persistent Distraction Level 10: Quick Switch Level 11: Deathblows Level 12: Interrupting Blows Level 13: Sap Level 14: Arms Bearer Level 15: Shadow Step -------------------------------------------------------------- Weapons Blunderbuss/Lead Spitter (!!!)/Scon Mica's Roar Any two Sabres/Resolution(!)/Purgatory(!)+Durgan Steel+Corrosive Lash -------------------------------------------------------------- Play Style: As above, but even closer to the action. Just fire the Blunderbuss when enemies reach your lines and are getting magicked. Then move in and turn on the blender. -------------------------------------------------------------- Formation Postioning: As above, maybe a little closer to the enemy but not at the front. -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks -------------------------------------------------------------- The team at Obsidian for making an awesome game. Thanks to AndreaColombo, Boeroer, Blunderboss, LadyCrimson, Blovski and other users who'd posted awesome builds/advice. Special thanks to you, for reading. -------------------------------------------------------------- Discussion If you have any more ways to make Don Juan more awesome, please post below. I'll be happy to reply to you, he's not my precious, so if you know of ways to make him more optimal then I'll be happy to take it onboard. -------------------------------------------------------------- EDITS: #1: Gloves of Manipulation added to Equipment #2: Rejigged the Attributes #3: Included the Coil of Resourcefulness (I love it.) #4: Riposte added to the build. Thank you, Patch 3.03. #5: Rejigging of the stat block. #6: Rejigging again. Need more wham. #7: Removed all reference to Scrolls. Having low INT meant that the AOE's were tiny. Maybe best to leave the magic to the mages. #8: Rejigged stats for maximum *wablam* and removed Riposte, replaced with Interrupting Blows. Added Shadow Step, even though I know nothing about it. But it sounds cool.