D major, two sharps, zero flats. sharps include F and C. The chords in the key of D major include D Major, E minor, F# minor, G Major, A Major, B minor, C# Diminished.
Go ahead, throw another one at me. I dare you.
Well, it's my gift to DL. You shouldn't have been peeking at her presents! *shakes fist and yells incoherently at pixies*
Anyway, anybody seen Harry Sorne? I haven't seen him in a while...
Is that some sort of sexual enuendo with a double meaning?
Because DL is my freind, and I would never do something like that.
Spellmar says -5 points
Uh, I don't know where you get these strange ideas, but you sir, must be mistaken. If you reread my post, you will see that you sir, are mistaken.
The camera and the way it was like more of an arcade fighting game got to me. I felt like I had less controll over my character, because most of the time, I would hit the bottons and be thrown into some combo, and I couldn't controll where my character went to.