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Everything posted by thepixiesrock

  1. Did I say "I flunked a lot of exams. Studying just isn't my thing."? What I meant to say was, "Truly."
  2. I had an error returned. I flunked a lot of exams. Studying just isn't my thing.
  3. It doesn't matter, I just picture you as that guy you had as your avatar when you firsted joined up. In fact, tonight is a lot like that one Friday night that we had that wild party.
  4. I don't have a picture on this computer, it isn't my computer.
  5. I just stumble into topics, read the last post, and reply.
  6. Am I right fellas? I mean, am I right?
  7. It's the other way around. Zing.
  8. Tom Waits - Green Grass.
  9. Sounds like someone is fishing for a knuckle sandwich...
  10. Tome Waits - Shake It.
  11. I killed it.
  12. I'll do you next.
  13. Ralph my boy, lets not make fun of bisexual women's dead mothers.
  14. The subject of this T.O.M.B.S. report is: Child of Flame
  15. When I saw the movie, all of those bad jokes got everyone except myself to laugh.
  16. The subject of this report is Musopticon? ____ Standardized Attributes ranging from 0 (not applicable to subject) to 5 (subject exemplifies attribute): Intelligence: 3 Didactic (Good): Come on, I don't read what was previously discussed in any thread. Didactic (Bad): See; Didactic (Good). Annoyance: 5, Hey, did I ever tell you guys the story of how one time, he totally came on to me and tried to sex me up? He was totally comming on to me one night, and I was like, "Eww get away", so he said, "Come on baby, just give me one ride on the PixiesRock fun train", and I was like, "I'm not into that kinda stuff," And he was all, "Hey just give in, I know you want me, but don't worry, I'll pay you for your time." And I'm all like, "You don't have any money." And so he's all, "I meant I was going to pay you in sex dollars." So I'm all, "Get away." And so he says to me, he says, "I want to have your man-babies." Like, what an ass hole. God. Am I right ladies? I mean, am I right?
  17. I saw King Kong. It was actually okay, Jack Black was extremely good in it I thought.
  18. I wrote all of the Wikipedia, free encyclopedia, articles.
  19. The subject of this report is Eldar ____ Standardized Attributes ranging from 0 (not applicable to subject) to 5 (subject exemplifies attribute): Intelligence: 3 Didactic (Good): 2? Didactic (Bad): 2? Annoyance: 0 Chutzpah: 3 Wits: 4 Charisma: 5 Will: 3 Eloquence: 4 Kindness: 5 ____ Assessment of reviewer
  20. Next time someone does me, can you give me like, superhuman investigating abilities, and like, x-ray vision. I want some sweet machine-gun arms and rocket boots.
  21. went down to the beach and saw Kiki and she was all like "Eeuuhhhh." and I'm like "Whatever." Then this chick comes up to me and she like "Hey aren't you that dude?" and I'm like "Yeah whatever." So later I'm at the pool hall and this girl comes up to me and is like "Awhhh" and I'm like "Yeah whatever." Cause this is my United States of Whatever! Yeah this is my United States of Whatever.
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