The subject of this report is Musopticon?
Standardized Attributes ranging from 0 (not applicable to subject) to 5 (subject exemplifies attribute):
Intelligence: 3
Didactic (Good): Come on, I don't read what was previously discussed in any thread.
Didactic (Bad): See; Didactic (Good).
Annoyance: 5, Hey, did I ever tell you guys the story of how one time, he totally came on to me and tried to sex me up? He was totally comming on to me one night, and I was like, "Eww get away", so he said, "Come on baby, just give me one ride on the PixiesRock fun train", and I was like, "I'm not into that kinda stuff," And he was all, "Hey just give in, I know you want me, but don't worry, I'll pay you for your time." And I'm all like, "You don't have any money." And so he's all, "I meant I was going to pay you in sex dollars." So I'm all, "Get away." And so he says to me, he says, "I want to have your man-babies." Like, what an ass hole. God.
Am I right ladies? I mean, am I right?