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Everything posted by thepixiesrock

  1. I don't want to spend the money on a Wii.
  2. What about the StarFox games they have made for the Gamecube? Are those any good?
  3. When Hades posts, I cry. I cry for joy, because of the truth he speaks.
  4. Ok, so I want a new consol, but I don't want to spend the money for one of the new ones comming out. I have Playstation 2 and X-Box. So, I was thinking about getting a Gamecube. So what I want to know, from you, the Obsidian Forum Community, is if it is worth it, and what are the "must have" games. Preferably, the people that actually own, or have owned the system. I don't need to read a bunch of posts about consoles sucking. Not only do I not need them, I don't want them either. Please.
  5. I know it was. I was reffering to the fact that Hades was right.
  6. Also, you just sort of assumed black people were poor. What makes you think that? Because they weren't that poor at all.
  7. Grasping? What am I grasping for? I thought you said something racist, and you say you didn't mean it to be racist. That's all there is to it. No grasping. I didn't know what reason you had to imply black people were cheap, and I didn't know the reason for even saying something racist. Thats why I had assumed you were baiting. That does not apear to be the case now. My mistake.
  8. I used to listen to Modest Mouse a few years ago. Maybe it is a dequired taste. I didn't make that word up just now.
  9. Frank Black - The Marsist
  10. I took the fact that you said the reason black people play football is because they didn't have to buy their own equipment as racist.
  11. Frank Black and the Catholics - I Gotta Move.
  12. Her lips are too big.
  13. I will admit I had a lot of fun playing paperboy.
  14. It sounds a lot like you are baiting, what with the racism and all.
  15. Hahahahaha I hate football too man, but seriously, stop being a moron.
  16. Your stupidity is terminal. And I just cured it.
  17. At least Tetris wasn't on the list though. Am I right fellas? I mean, am I right?
  18. Look, the facts are all there, and have been laid out for you. The less MMOG the better. They are a disease and must be cured.
  19. Oh, ok, yeah, I see. Sorry for the confusion. Not you Hilde.
  20. Eldar doesn't get his PM's answered jus tlike how he doesn't answer mine.
  21. No, you aren't. Minutemen - Spillage.
  22. When he said a rich white kids rugby, he was talking about American Football.
  23. Am I ever!
  24. Yeah, prett much the whole, hip "I'm listening to this sweet indy band, and that makes me cool and non-conformist. Check out these sweet new retro-clothes I just bought."
  25. Duck Hunt was sweet. I had that, Supermario Brothers, and I think thats it from the list.
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