Not all indie music is rock alternative or electronic, hip hop, ect... All indie music is is independent i believe. Alot of it does suck, alot of pop sucks, alot of all genres sucks I think, it just takes time for an individual to weed through to find what suits their pallette. I guess I like indie music so much because thats where I find the most originality, and less glam/pop/materialistic music that suits me.
See, now in all the "indy" that I have heard, I find it has just as little originality as anything else, if not less. All their voices have that characteristic sort of, I don't know if I should call it whiney higher-pitched, or what. Most of the music strikes me as bland and boring also, but thats just me. But like I said, it's not only the music, but also, the whole indy-persona that every person who listens to this stuff that I know has.