I'm going to dodge. I didn't get to decide where I was born or anything. Sure, I love this country, but I don't think there is anywhere I would love enough to fight for under these conditions. Sure, if every other country was a horrible dictatorship, and this was the only country that I could live with out fear, I could see myself fighting for that. But as it stands, I don't want to fight.
Sure, I'll bet some of you are thinking it's selfish, unpatriotic, and/or ungrateful. You may be thinking that I should fight for my country, or get out. You'll think, "Hey, it's your duty to fight for this country, you've had the privelege of living here, so you should fight when the time comes" You may think that, but I don't. First off, when I'm 18, I seriously don't think that'll I'll have the money to move to another country. It isn't really my fault, I don't think many 18 year olds do have that kind of cash. A lot of people would call it a privelege to live in the United States. Most of those people, have never lived anywhere else. There are plenty of other countries that are just as great as America. Some, are better.
The bottom line is, I don't want to have to fight for any country. I just don't feel it should be an obligation of being born in a country, to have to fight for it.