I blast throud the security doors and make my way down the hall!
"Pyoo! Pyoo!" I say as I blast the gaurds with my laser blaster.
"You know, you don't have to make the sound yourself, the blaster already does that." Says Carth as he makes his way down the hall behind me.
"Kablam!" I scream as I shoot shoot him in the face. "How about a little laser eye surgery?! Haw, haw, haw, haw, haw. See what I did there? Because it shoots lasers, and I shot you in the face?" I say to Carth's dead corpse.
I make my way to the door at the end of the hall. "Senator, I'm here! Let me in!"
(Door opens)
"Mira, you've made it- What happened to all of my gaurds?!"
No time to explain senator, now take of your pants. We haven't much time."