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Posts posted by Pediatron

  1. I didn't think there was a tabletop version of the Quest mode. It is just the very long grind to level up in this mode (compared with the one quest, one reward situation in story mode) that makes the rewards so disappointing. I do have to say, though, with quest rewards being somewhat broken right now, I really don't care if I miss out on any of the card rewards so I can ignore the bug until I hit the next feat reward level. Might feel differently if I knew I would be getting tier 2 rewards for my tier 2 characters.

  2. I felt the same way you did -- had stopped playing quest completely since I was on the verge of leveling up for a feat reward I didn't want to miss. The forfeit during game does at least prevent this problem. It means you don't get any experience for defeating any banes that time, but your characters don't level up and don't miss out on rewards. You just continue to play until you beat the villian and only keep those games (when you have a feat reward approaching). I at least am back to playing with my now level 26 characters -- no more rewards worth having til level 30!

  3. I've been playing more Quest mode lately and have noticed that the card rewards are really disappointing. You would think after you finally manage to raise your characters a full level and get a reward, it would be at least worth having. I was thinking that since the players unlock tiers at various levels, shouldn't the card rewards they earn (weapons, items, blessings, spells, etc) be at their current tier? That way my level 26 characters won't be getting yet another blessing of the gods or perhaps a dagger as their next card reward. I honestly don't remember a single card reward I have gotten that I haven't immediately turned around and removed from the character on the next screen!



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  4. Wow, I am kinda shocked to see so much emotion attached to a new feature that is only a week old. First, i would like to applaud the developers for adding something new. I personally look forward to 5 pm each day to see what the new challenge is. I had earlier started a thread regarding keeping interest in the game while we (continue to) wait for AD4. I find the daily challenge a nice solution at least for me. It gives me a reason to log on and play a little everyday. I understand people are busy I am a full time Pediatrician and mom to 2 kids - often working long hours and weekends, but I still can manage a little bit of time each day. And if I don't manage to log in or finish the challenge -- I didn't actually LOSE anything. I just didn't gain something extra. 

    I acknowledge that no new feature will be loved by everyone, but this thread does seem to have lost its original topic -- of allowing MULTIPLE users to express their ideas regarding this very new feature.

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  5. I happen to agree that it would be nice to use the story mode in more ways. It is just as hard playing through the scenarios with a group of totally new characters as it was the time you played it the first time with your now experienced characters. But it can be fun to try new group especially for those of us with no experience with the hard copy game. Sure would be nice to get that gold reward while trying out these new groups, but I think starting them at Legendary level when they have no feats and no decent cards would be very frustrating.

  6. It has always kicked me to the main ipad screen with my apps -- with my original party it was right when i hit the back button after equipping the dice. with the new party, I actually got to my first location, clicked on a card -- then back to main ipad app screen. I tried a different old party -- immediate kick out when hitting back.


    If this is only happening to a few people -- just thought i should add that i did add in that new goblin character -- can't imagine that it is relevant but since it had such a big bug with that daily challenge, I thought i should mention it (guessing very few of your players managed to get the card at gencon)

  7. I got black, moss, light gray and pyrite. I tried them in various combinations on Ezren, Valeros, Seelah, Merisel, Lem and Seoni. No matter if i tried to add a single die to one character or split them up between -- if i was in story mode - i would be kicked out of entire game after a few moments of the main screen with Seoni fighting a monster when i clicked "Back". I tried to bypass by using gears to go to main menu but then dice choices were not saved. 

    I have had no problems adding dice to these same characters in Quest mode.




    The most serious bug (of many in this patch) for me is the quest rewards not working when a character gains experience during the quest but does not defeat the villian. Skipping completion rewards for actual feats in quest mode is pretty unacceptable. (I can't imagine any fix that would solve this after it occurred)

    In this case, only the character who defeated the villain wins a reward? I confess I didn't understand your problem very well. Is it related to this topic?

    From what I can tell, Quest mode is bugged such that if you do not get a "Victory" (aka defeat the Villian) it still awards XP to the adventurers but they do not get the bonuses for any levels they achieve during that reward.


    My post HERE is also related on the same vein.


    Yes, this is what I was trying to report. Ever since the patch, people have been complaining about missing out (likely permanently) on quest leveling feat rewards. I won't play Quest again until this is fixed since my characters are just about to reach level 25 where there is a feat reward. 

  9. I also enjoy the daily challenges. I see it as asking me to do something I might not ordinarily do and rewarding me if I succeed. They aren't for everyone. So far I have completed 3 of the 4 challenges I started (4 if you give me credit for the broken goblin thing - I did complete the challenge so I guess it counts even though I didn't get the reward). I think almost all of the challenges I did took me 2 scenarios to complete, not bad in my opinion. I do hope they make the reward equivalent to the challenge though if the challenges get tougher.

  10. Got a couple new sets of dice and just tried to equip one character with a new set in story mode. Again, a pause on the general pathfinder screen then completely kicked out of game. Got back in, tried continue to see if maybe the dice had been equipped prior to the error, but no.  

    Have had no problem equipping and using the dice in quest mode (although the different dice color for each character contributing to the combat does not work as others have mentioned)

  11. Working on today's daily challenge and happened to get the Goblin Golem as an ally. Decided to use him to reduce the damage from an attack by burying him. I think I had been about 10 out of 30 or so of reduced damage towards the quest when I used him -- now I am at NEGATIVE 960!!! Don't think there is any coming back from this one in a day. (bummer cause I really could have used the 200 gold reward!) (I took a pic with my iphone that i have on my dropbox account on this pc if someone could tell me how to post it -- shows my progress on today's quest at -960/30)

    PFID: 48D391306AE41F63 on IPAD

  12. So I got 2 dice sets in chests and decided to try them out with my story group of 6. I clicked on story, chose the group then clicked on the bottom right manage characters. Found the dice option no problem, got taken to the vault. There I found the option of six sets or blue and red dice along with one each of the new ones I got in the chests. Could easily move the characters to the dice and thought I was set. When I clicked back, it stalled for a moment on the pathfinder screen then kicked me back out to the main app page -- has done this each time I tried to equip dice. The dice did work for my quest party, but kicked me out every time in story mode. (Also for curiosity, if and when this does work will it keep them equipped or does this have to be done every time you play an adventure with those characters) 

    PFID: 48D391306AE41F63  on IPAD air version 1

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