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Blog Comments posted by mccrispy

  1. OK, I think that means that I'm finally done with the game. I play with no treasure in Story Mode, reserving my treasure for use during Quest Mode. Now with no QM to play I have no incentive to buy treasure with my gold so I have no incentive to play through on SM once I've done one run through at Legendary. I presume that OBS have done due diligence on the data and that I am in a very small minority in running without treasure in story mode. Very disappointing.

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  2. @Flounder: Re Quest Mode: I'd ask that whatever you do respects the fact that there are current players who prefer to play Story Mode without Treasure. Quest mode is where we play with the treasure that we have spent our gold/cash on. That requires separate characters for Story and Quest mode. For me, Quest mode should be the "playground mode" of PACG, where we get to try out all the odd combinations of location cards that we don't access during Story Mode (usually as a result of party numbers) - it's not about the story, it's about the craic.

  3. Of all these super-fancy things of which OBS is obviously so proud, the only thing that I care a fig about is "We were able to get a big revision to our leveling system. You'll no longer get Basic cards for gaining levels anymore and each class has a customized advancement track." And gaining Character-appropriate Boons for level rewards. Awesome! Congrats on getting that sorted OBS. Of course it should have been 2 AP-level patches ago... but I guess we should be grateful for small mercies. Though of course my Quest characters won't get the benefit of this, having already capped and wasted many, many Card "Rewards".

  4. By the time the Devs have finished spending their dev time adding unnecessary frippery and unneeded features instead of fixing the bugs in the game that make the game unreliable - adding "wrinkles" that defeat your best planning, planning that is based on the known rules rather than random screwage, the game will be playable - but I'll have already finished with it. Lovely! "thanks for beta-testing, mccrispy"

    Of course all these new - unwanted "features" will be as full of bugs as the other unwanted "features" that have been introduced (because OBS wouldn't know what QA was if it bit them in the ass). Features such as the "improved UI", that screwed up Z-order amongst other things, or "fancy dice", which caused a wide range of problems. For goodness sake OBS, focus on fixing the many bugs that have existed for multiple AP-level patches. Some of these bugs are totally egregious and make playing the game a right royal PiTA (e.g. Scry/Augury with Ezren requires a VRT - Vault Round-Trip almost every time)

  5. So what, exactly is gold acquired through gameplay for now? There's a chance that this will backfire on OBS: if we're all refusing to buy chests with gold (because OBS have got their monetization calculations wrong and want to drive gamers to spend IRL currency instead of in game currency), we'll all accumulate gold that we'll spend on content (APs, Character Pack, whatever). Clearly this is all about money, which can't be being helped by the continued failure to release AP4. It's a bit of a smack in the teeth for those of use who have supported the game from the beginning, helping OBS get the game up to production quality (not that it's anywhere near production quality yet), now we have to pay for a feature that was the only benefit of continuing to play while we wait for AP4!


    The only way that I might be persuaded to use my gold to buy chests would be if there was a feature that allowed me to buy multiple chests in one "transaction". I am not going to perform 10 transactions to buy 10 chests, one at a time.

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