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OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)

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Posts posted by OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)

  1. I see Palaptine being overrated alot. He is no match for an ancient Sith Lord. He may have been around for 4,000 years but he would of been a mere child in the times of KOTOR. He couldn't or learned all that knowledge. Revan was a true sith Lord. Revan was power and he was like staring into the heart of the force. Many people would claim it just to be a video game but the video games story did HAPPEN like it or not. Storywise Revan could destroy many anicient Jedi and Sith with ease who possesed knowledge that the Jedi of the new order didn't have. Also for all those who claim Palpatine can do the same thing in a video game than why didn't he. He was in lots of video games. Palaptine had to minipulate people and hide his identity to survive. People make it sound as if Palpatine could of just stormed into the Jedi counsil and killed everyone but he killed very few Jedi. It was his army and slaves that did so. Revans potential was unlimited and he could learn very fast. While Palpatine was just a mere infant Revan would of been searching korrriban, and Malachar 5 and learning it's secrets.

  2. You like single bladed, double bladed, or two lightsabers? What do you think is better.



    I think the best possible combo would be


    Double bladed lightsaber (purple)


    Crystal 1 - Apocalpsye (personal) crystal - fully darkside lvl 9 crystal stats


    Crystal 2 - Hurrikaine - 1-18 unstoppable damage


    Lens - Pontite - 1-12 energy damage, attack modifier +1.


    Emitter - Expert fencing emitter - Damage energy +3, defensive bonus +2


    Cell - Telgorn Jolt Cell Mark III - damage electrical 1-18



    The stats come out like this




    Damage energy - 7-39


    Damage Bonus - + 5 darkside, 1-8 UNSTOPPABLE, and 1-8 electrical



    Criticle Threat - 20-20, x2, +3-30


    On Hit: Knockdown DC 22


    On Hit: Knockdown DC 18


    Attack Modifier - +4


    Defensive Bonus - +2


    Restricted to Darkside


    Charisma - +6


    Dexterity - +5


    Strength - +7




    When armed in both hands it looks like this



    Damage right hand - 52 - 112


    Damage Left Hand - 33 - 93



    Attack Modifeir Right Hand - +79



    Attack Modifier Left Hand - +73



    When adding up all the damage bonuses with the damage energy and MASSIVE criticle threats it is jsut DEVASTATING.


    Notice that I am lvl 50 Maruader with lvl 48 strength and have my personal crystal fully upgraded. When I cast buffing power some stuff increases.



    I have hit 313 damage on a turret with Master Fury once and oculd do even more to a foe with a lightsaber with Juyo. One round of attacks if enough to finish almost any foe.





    Here are a list of other combos I like (without the stats except for upgrades)



    For power



    Single or double bladed lightsaber (or duel)


    Color - any



    Crystal 1 - Quinxi (or however it's spelled) - +5 energy damage, +1 force regenerative points



    Crystal 2 - Upari - Damage 1-8


    Lens - Pontite 1-12 energy damage, attack modfier +1


    Emitter - Expert Fencing Emitter - damage energy +3, defensive bonus +2



    Cell - Ultimate Diatium energy cell - +5 energy damage



    This makes a deadly erngy damaging lightsaber



    I will post more later.

  3. Well we all know a HUGE war and a TRUE Sith war bigger than all the ones before it is coming so it is no doubt that this game will be HUGE. KOTR2 was one of the greatest games I have ever palyed but we find out that it is just the start of soemthing far greater and more terrifying. I wonder if we will play as Revan or the Exile? If the Exile will follow Revan or kill him and assume the throne of dark lord? Or if Revan will follow the Exile? Will they fight? Which chararcters will we play as? Will any characters from the prevuis games die? Will the Exile arrive in thr unknown regions and find out ultimatley that Revan has died trying to uncover it's secrects to a far greater power than ever seen?

  4. "As for Lukes power lvl debate........

    Lukes power increased becuase he found the kaibur crystal which was said it could increase ones force power one THOUSAND fold. But it is CLEARLY stated in another book that Mace Windus purple lightsaber crystal is the rarest and most powerful crystal and it was believed by the jedi that only the most powerful could wield it so that alone proves that Luke is not ALL POWERFUL AND THE MOST POWERFUL EVER. The Exile can also find the same crystal as luke but storywise it would produce different effects. Not only that but many people claim that since he used electric judgement he is the most powerful but another has mastered that ability as well. Plo coon has mastered it. Mace Windu can used MANY darkside powers that most people don't even know about."


    Right... It is just fricking crystal, so what that i is powerful? This isn't about crystals... Only most powerful Jedi could wield it? Luke haven't even been born then...And many powerful jedis has already died furing that time...


    The learning speed... :shifty:


    "However, Luke's particular form of lightsaber combat may in the end be something entirely new, with traces of Form III, Form IV and Form V mixed together with his own techniques. It is doubtful that Kenobi and Yoda had time to actually teach him the finer points of the combat Forms. Just like most other things about being a Jedi Knight, Luke would probably have to figure out whole new fighting styles to replace the ones lost during the Great Jedi Purge. It is also probable that the Jensaarai would have passed on knowledge of the lightsaber forms of the Old Jedi Order as their founders were former Jedi Knights and Padawans."


    So, Luke is great and masterful dueler. He doesn't use one form, he combines them, taking strenghts of them and leaving their weaknesses. That is true mastering of swormanship. We have seen over and over again his ever greatening skills... It looks like he might even being creating new form... Propably greater than Vaapadu.


    And for learning speed itself...The beginning part of quote: Luke Skywalker's use of Form V is probably as much instinctive as trained. On Bespin, Luke revealed that he was an extraordinarily gifted duelist after only one brief session with Obi-Wan Kenobi and a short time of study with Yoda. After that fateful duel, Luke studied some lightsaber skills from Kenobi's journal and greatly advanced his abilities. Without a Master, it was Luke's unparalleled aptitude which contributed in the impossible advancement of his skills. Onboard the second Death Star, Luke mirrored Darth Vader's own Form V technique and responded with his own furious demonstration of Form V's raw power. Observing swordsmen such as Palpatine might be astonished at such instantaneous learning in a lightsaber duel. Finally, Luke was able to duel Vader on an even footing, and defeated the experienced Dark Lord.




    "Sith Muarader rage - He can used this ability and when it overlaoded he can put his lightsaber in the ground causeing a massive electrical attack that can injury and even kill foes. Vader has also mastered this ability."


    Hmm...That doesn't fare against electric judgement...


    "Vapaad - The most powerful lightsaber form ever by far allows to feed off the darksides pwoer and make lightsaber strieks so fast they can be invisible to the human eye. It has many special abilitites including reflecting others pwoers back at them. It was stated that he used Palpatiens own rage and hatred and used it has his own wepaon in the fight. He relfected it back much like a blast bolt. He did the same with the lighting. "


    It wasn't quicker than eye during fight against Palpy... And again, each from has their weaknesses. With Vaapadu you may not be able to hold darkside back. And then you would enter into terrible rage. If you manage to hold against it long enough opponent with vaapadu would exhaust him/herself, and be easy to kill after that. And combination of other forms really could kick Vaapadu too.


    And lets not forget that even with Vaapadu Mace wasn't able to beat Sidious. He acts his lost and clearly shows after Ani's turning that he could've pwned him. For example, "Power. Unlimited power".


      Windu even states that there was two greater lightsaber user in order. Yoda and...hmm...Dooku, even though he was not jedi anymore during ep. II and III. (personally I thought that Mace and Dooku were quite equal, but that is just my opinion) Yoda is equal or little bit weaker than Palpatine, but better fighter/force user than Mace.


    and Luke manages to beat Palpy later on EU in lightsaber fight. Neither Yoda or Mace couldn't do it...


    "Shatterpoint - Mace Windu can predict the furture or sense things very good with this. He can find an enemys shatterpoint or weakness and feed upon it."


    FEED? He isn't Nihilus. :p And he still couldn't defeat Palpatine...


    Force crush? Lol, that would mean that Grievous organic remnants had more hit pointsl than most enemies in k2. Obi just shots them with a blaster and boom. :lol: He propably used grip during battle of Coruscant.


    The lightsaber crystal increase Jedis power for one and the crystal do MATTER A LOT.


    NOWHERE was it mentioned that Luke drops the weaknesses of the forms. You made that up. Also it comes NOWHERE NEAR the pwoer of vapaad. Vapaad is invisible to the human eye in terms of speed and can draw power from the darkside. It allows darksided force powers and rage to make your power way stronger. Plus the super conducting loop will allow him to defeat almsot any foe. If not for Anakin Palaptines sorry little ass would of been messed up and decimated by Mace. Mace renewed his trust in Anakin. NOTHING Lukes lightsaber form can do will even come close to vapaad. It wasn't much different from other lightsaber forms if you watch. Only his mastery of the force allowed him to use it so well at the end BUT he was drawing power from other Jedi in that battle anyway,



    Electric judegemnt would jsut be relfected back from Mace Windus lightsaber. Also electric judegement is LESS powerful than force lighting as mentioned. It is the lightside version of it.



    You always exagerate things to be on your side of the debate when their not. Luke ONLY beat Palaptine WITH LIEAS help. If it wasa fight between Palpatine and Mace WITHOUT Anakin....well we all get the picture. Mace would of won.


    Emerald Lightning aka electric judgement is most powerful force power, I say sorry, so I do. :-"


    So, Vaapad is all powerful neat-o-killing

  5. No flurry does not. Cause the damage on flurry would be to low and have a HORRIBLE chance to hit against powerful foes when at lvl 10 strength. Plus each attack used with flurry with high strength would be like twice as much damage meaning you can kill the foe MUCH quicker. Strength is one of the most important stats their is to a combat master. I don't worry about it as a force user but for weapon masters, guardians, and sith Murauders you need high strength to make a good character.


    Did I mentioned Weapon Finess somewhere...? :p

    And I doubt I need additional damage, all my builds with their 10 srt (Sentinel/Assassin, Sentinel/Watchman, Sentinel/Marauder) cut like a hot knife through butter through enemies and already slack them away in 1 hit (Hard difficulty)...



    I highly doubt that. In fact I know that's not true. :rolleyes::rolleyes: I have 47 strength and don't kill my enemys in one hit. I am lvl 50 and have all the super good feats you are talking about. You are either making stuff up, or cheating if you kill your enemys in one hit. The only attack that really finishes the average enemy in ONE hit would have to be force crush. Otherwise it would take like 4 lightsaber attacks. What is the highest you can hit?

  6. who needs to be a tank when you crush the other guy to the point where he can't do anything?



    Well when using the speed bonus and everything it all adds to to being most likly more damage but I see your point. I like force crush better for heavy force users but when playing as a maruader I sometiems wish I got force enlightment.

  7. Kaiburr crystal gives you:


    Wisdom +3

    Constitution +3

    Regeneration +3


    Other then that, the Kaiburr crystal is perhaps the most powerful crystal that can be used in a lightsaber. The Kaiburr gem bestows insight and fortitute upon it's owner. If that makes Luke powerful, then how powerful can the Exile become with his/her personal Crystal?



    VIDEO GAME GAMEPLAY STATS. In the books it could increase your pwoer one thousand fold. So yeah it would be inteteresting what the Exiles crystal does. My guess is it is the same power as the Exiles though storywise as it reflects his own power and is bonded to him.

  8. That single line is not even all the proof. Many people can think of it meaning different things but the Exile DID (STORYLINE WISE) LEARN force and lightsaber forms within mere SECONDS and used them to a greater effect against the master of that force pwoer who has studied it for years. That is how fast the Exile increases in power. Kreia loved revan alot as she has mentioned. He was not just another jedi to her. She may be the one responsible for turning Revan evil as she taught him teachings that were not from the jedi order. She said Revan was power. Staring at him was like staring at the heart of the force. She said the exile was like the DEATH of the force. The Exile can learn almost any power instantly storywise and he has the potential to destroy the force. He is a wound in the force. ANother resource suggestions that he is more powerful is you have the option of saying in the game becuase in giving up the force one can GAIN ABLITIES NOT POSSIBLE OTHERWISE.


    As for Lukes power lvl debate........

    Lukes power increased becuase he found the kaibur crystal which was said it could increase ones force power one THOUSAND fold. But it is CLEARLY stated in another book that Mace Windus purple lightsaber crystal is the rarest and most powerful crystal and it was believed by the jedi that only the most powerful could wield it so that alone proves that Luke is not ALL POWERFUL AND THE MOST POWERFUL EVER. The Exile can also find the same crystal as luke but storywise it would produce different effects. Not only that but many people claim that since he used electric judgement he is the most powerful but another has mastered that ability as well. Plo coon has mastered it. Mace Windu can used MANY darkside powers that most people don't even know about.


    Mace Windus rare powers that are not known by most people are.


    Vapaad - The most powerful lightsaber form ever by far allows to feed off the darksides pwoer and make lightsaber strieks so fast they can be invisible to the human eye. It has many special abilitites including reflecting others pwoers back at them. It was stated that he used Palpatiens own rage and hatred and used it has his own wepaon in the fight. He relfected it back much like a blast bolt. He did the same with the lighting.


    Sith Muarader rage - He can used this ability and when it overlaoded he can put his lightsaber in the ground causeing a massive electrical attack that can injury and even kill foes. Vader has also mastered this ability.


    Shatterpoint - Mace Windu can predict the furture or sense things very good with this. He can find an enemys shatterpoint or weakness and feed upon it.



    Force crush - we all know what it is. He used it on General Grevuis and crushed his sternum.


    he has many otehrs as well so I doubt luke is the ONE HUNDRED PERCENT most powerful.


    You still fail to recognize the fact that the Exile only increases in power because he/she has to! It's an RPG VIDEO GAME in which your main character and party members LEVEL UP, hence, they increase in power, and by the way, do you have any quotes from any of the characters in KOTOR II that back up your supposed myth that the Exile can learn a force power/technique within mere seconds? If so, don't go making that claim, I certainly did not remember anyone mentioning that the Exile can learn a technique instantly in KOTOR II, I still beleive you misunderstand the difference between gameplay and storyline.


    Like I've said before, the Exile has to WORK for his/her kills, he/she ONLY increases in power AFTER he/she has killed someone, NOT during or before battle so 'if' the Exile is not powerful enough to defeat another force-user then he/she will lose. The Exile is not the uber-powerful/force-god you make him/her out to be.


    But go on, prove me a wrong, show me a quote/s that mention the Exile can learn a force-power/technique within mere seconds...


    All this is completley off and wrong since he learned them WHILE he was fighting or in trouble and all it was part of the story so accept it. He gained powers NOT POSSIBLE otherise from giving up the force as the story told. He can bring DEATH to the force.

  9. "As for Lukes power lvl debate........

    Lukes power increased becuase he found the kaibur crystal which was said it could increase ones force power one THOUSAND fold. But it is CLEARLY stated in another book that Mace Windus purple lightsaber crystal is the rarest and most powerful crystal and it was believed by the jedi that only the most powerful could wield it so that alone proves that Luke is not ALL POWERFUL AND THE MOST POWERFUL EVER. The Exile can also find the same crystal as luke but storywise it would produce different effects. Not only that but many people claim that since he used electric judgement he is the most powerful but another has mastered that ability as well. Plo coon has mastered it. Mace Windu can used MANY darkside powers that most people don't even know about."


    Right... It is just fricking crystal, so what that i is powerful? This isn't about crystals... Only most powerful Jedi could wield it? Luke haven't even been born then...And many powerful jedis has already died furing that time...


    The learning speed... :x


    "However, Luke's particular form of lightsaber combat may in the end be something entirely new, with traces of Form III, Form IV and Form V mixed together with his own techniques. It is doubtful that Kenobi and Yoda had time to actually teach him the finer points of the combat Forms. Just like most other things about being a Jedi Knight, Luke would probably have to figure out whole new fighting styles to replace the ones lost during the Great Jedi Purge. It is also probable that the Jensaarai would have passed on knowledge of the lightsaber forms of the Old Jedi Order as their founders were former Jedi Knights and Padawans."


    So, Luke is great and masterful dueler. He doesn't use one form, he combines them, taking strenghts of them and leaving their weaknesses. That is true mastering of swormanship. We have seen over and over again his ever greatening skills... It looks like he might even being creating new form... Propably greater than Vaapadu.


    And for learning speed itself...The beginning part of quote: Luke Skywalker's use of Form V is probably as much instinctive as trained. On Bespin, Luke revealed that he was an extraordinarily gifted duelist after only one brief session with Obi-Wan Kenobi and a short time of study with Yoda. After that fateful duel, Luke studied some lightsaber skills from Kenobi's journal and greatly advanced his abilities. Without a Master, it was Luke's unparalleled aptitude which contributed in the impossible advancement of his skills. Onboard the second Death Star, Luke mirrored Darth Vader's own Form V technique and responded with his own furious demonstration of Form V's raw power. Observing swordsmen such as Palpatine might be astonished at such instantaneous learning in a lightsaber duel. Finally, Luke was able to duel Vader on an even footing, and defeated the experienced Dark Lord.




    "Sith Muarader rage - He can used this ability and when it overlaoded he can put his lightsaber in the ground causeing a massive electrical attack that can injury and even kill foes. Vader has also mastered this ability."


    Hmm...That doesn't fare against electric judgement...


    "Vapaad - The most powerful lightsaber form ever by far allows to feed off the darksides pwoer and make lightsaber strieks so fast they can be invisible to the human eye. It has many special abilitites including reflecting others pwoers back at them. It was stated that he used Palpatiens own rage and hatred and used it has his own wepaon in the fight. He relfected it back much like a blast bolt. He did the same with the lighting. "


    It wasn't quicker than eye during fight against Palpy... And again, each from has their weaknesses. With Vaapadu you may not be able to hold darkside back. And then you would enter into terrible rage. If you manage to hold against it long enough opponent with vaapadu would exhaust him/herself, and be easy to kill after that. And combination of other forms really could kick Vaapadu too.


    And lets not forget that even with Vaapadu Mace wasn't able to beat Sidious. He acts his lost and clearly shows after Ani's turning that he could've pwned him. For example, "Power. Unlimited power".


      Windu even states that there was two greater lightsaber user in order. Yoda and...hmm...Dooku, even though he was not jedi anymore during ep. II and III. (personally I thought that Mace and Dooku were quite equal, but that is just my opinion) Yoda is equal or little bit weaker than Palpatine, but better fighter/force user than Mace.


    and Luke manages to beat Palpy later on EU in lightsaber fight. Neither Yoda or Mace couldn't do it...


    "Shatterpoint - Mace Windu can predict the furture or sense things very good with this. He can find an enemys shatterpoint or weakness and feed upon it."


    FEED? He isn't Nihilus. :p And he still couldn't defeat Palpatine...


    Force crush? Lol, that would mean that Grievous organic remnants had more hit pointsl than most enemies in k2. Obi just shots them with a blaster and boom. :lol: He propably used grip during battle of Coruscant.


    The lightsaber crystal increase Jedis power for one and the crystal do MATTER A LOT.


    NOWHERE was it mentioned that Luke drops the weaknesses of the forms. You made that up. Also it comes NOWHERE NEAR the pwoer of vapaad. Vapaad is invisible to the human eye in terms of speed and can draw power from the darkside. It allows darksided force powers and rage to make your power way stronger. Plus the super conducting loop will allow him to defeat almsot any foe. If not for Anakin Palaptines sorry little ass would of been messed up and decimated by Mace. Mace renewed his trust in Anakin. NOTHING Lukes lightsaber form can do will even come close to vapaad. It wasn't much different from other lightsaber forms if you watch. Only his mastery of the force allowed him to use it so well at the end BUT he was drawing power from other Jedi in that battle anyway,



    Electric judegemnt would jsut be relfected back from Mace Windus lightsaber. Also electric judegement is LESS powerful than force lighting as mentioned. It is the lightside version of it.



    You always exagerate things to be on your side of the debate when their not. Luke ONLY beat Palaptine WITH LIEAS help. If it wasa fight between Palpatine and Mace WITHOUT Anakin....well we all get the picture. Mace would of won.

  10. I think you should be able to choose between Revan or the Exile in gameplay. They should fight or team up or soemthing dpeending on your path. I think they should include crystal like mantle of the force and heart of the guardian from the first KOTOR pc version. A few new abilites, feats, and powers would be nice. I think electric judgement would be an awesome power to have as the lightside.

  11. No flurry does not. Cause the damage on flurry would be to low and have a HORRIBLE chance to hit against powerful foes when at lvl 10 strength. Plus each attack used with flurry with high strength would be like twice as much damage meaning you can kill the foe MUCH quicker. Strength is one of the most important stats their is to a combat master. I don't worry about it as a force user but for weapon masters, guardians, and sith Murauders you need high strength to make a good character.

  12. Force enlightment. It cast force valor, speed and aura all at once at their lvls you have them. So if you have all master valor, speed and Aura than it will cast master of all those buffs. In english it makes you a tank. Whats even cooler is you can go cast those powers individually and they will double your stats for what those pwoers do except for master speed.

  13. Well it's true that Luke is powerful any way you look at it but is he truly a God as most people make him out to be or could it have to do with drawing off the combined strength of other jedi allies and the kaibur crystal increasing his power? Look has moved and minipulated planets with the force wich is well........... really POWERFUL and one force push should kill ANYONE than. He has moved black holes which way billions of tons and called them down to attack siege monsters. These feats easily may set him as the most powerful FORCE user but are these effects ALL from his sheer power? Did Lucas ever intend for Luke to truly be that powerful? It seems to me that other force users are always increasing his power with the power I have gave above in the link and battle medetations. Oh and the Kaibur crystal would increase his power.

  14. Best for weapons master or sith maruader - strength


    Best for sith lord - wisdom or charisma


    EDIT: Oh and strength is VERY important for wepaons masters and stuff. It GREATLY INCREASES your damage which is very important. My Sith maruader can hit about 300 with 47 strength. That's not using any cheats or anything for the record. If I hadl ike 10 strength I could probably hit like half that.

  15. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Force_Meld


    I always wondered why almsot all his SUPER impressive were at the Yuuzhan Vong War. Well they used this power to draw off each others powers which greatly increased Lukes power beyond normal abilities. All the jedi combined as ONE to create incredible power. Also Luke got a small piece of the kaibur crystal which was said that the kaibur crystal could icnrease any force users force pwoers by one thousand fold.

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