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About lazhu

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    Pillars of Eternity
  1. Oh yeah! Munacra Arret is just OP. To turn half the pack on each other can be such a fun, especially those annoying assassins. And being available so early in game. And cool-looking also - that stylish monocle which leaves your hairstyle visible ))
  2. Thanks Boeroer! The pale elf option looks actually quite in line with my bit of rp-ing. Have 3 elven sisters: Alleria and Verissa are a wizard and a rogue, the last one is the cipher, and you can guess the name )) Her being a pale instead of wood is gonna look quite in line with a story. Will check the timetable for Rymrgand in act 1. UPD: Worked like a charm. And now i'm gonna retrain to the proper glass cannon build =))
  3. Rogue is fine, just vanish (shadow beyond) and get to the stairs (I gather it's the only class who doesn't need a figurine). Tried about 50 times with a cipher and it looked hopeless. You can get 2 phantoms to stun each other with whisper of treason, but after that they are either dead if I cast a FoF scroll or (if I try to get some focus by shooting a farther away phantom) the charm falls off, and it's all over. The most frustration comes from that it's not the class weakness (you can solo the whole act 1 bar killing Raedric in 4 levels), but just the dumb phantoms stunning on every hit 100% And yes, it's solo PotD of course. I mean the whole game is just a faceroll with a party.
  4. To revive the old subject. Can phantoms be beaten without a figurine? As a rogue you can vanish but that's that it seems. Need to cast 3 scrolls to kill em all, and even if i manage to get them in line with a shadow in front, it dies of the first one and then i'm done.
  5. Just slew her on PotD. Well, that's just ridiculous in comparison with the original game. Even w/o starting WM2, it's way too easy on level 12. You run up to her all-party-in-line, cast hold beasts, relentless storm, get her stunned !!!!! and carve into mincemeat. Matter of 10 seconds max. Protection from fear, devotions and cleansing flame - that's the only casts by priest before she dies. Should try solo. Druid, it seems, is quite capable.
  6. Hi All I've noticed a weird stuff: when you shoot an enemy out of combat using a special ability, say paladin's FoD or ranger's WS, the counter of this ability may be updated by -1 or may be not, and in that case you have say 3 uses per encounter instead of 2. Is this a normal behaviour, and what conditions should be met (if any) for either case? Sorry, if it was discussed earlier, could not find anything in search results
  7. That's a pity. Rotfinger gloves used to work like charm. Actually, one of the essential items on wizard solo in 2.0
  8. Hi all Sorry, if it's already been discussed. Is this only my bug or EP has no access to wizard's spellbind items anymore? It has a bag icon on HUD, and it's panel has some length but contains no items.
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