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Darth Sion:P

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Everything posted by Darth Sion:P

  1. tx but dose this have any inpact on the story of the game? fx u get to meet bastilla or something (sorry if i misspell her name)
  2. i read on a forum that u can deside weather revan shoud be a Jedi or a Sith trough a conversation.... is this true? and if it is where do i make that choise and what shoud i say to make him a jedi??
  3. Pop means popular and therfor is not a real genere... as for the question at hand i think both generats equal inteligent questions in lyrical therms... i don't think music has anything to say about how smart u are but it certanly has somthing to say about how intelligent the writher of the songs is
  4. Children Of Bodom - Hate me
  5. the safest places to find it is the queen's chambes in the palace and greeda/rodian female on nar shadda
  6. that's exactly what im saying and my previus statment is why i belive she woulden't use nihilus.
  7. Nihilous was a force user, he fed on the force by using an old sith tecniuqe as kreia called it, ergo he consumes the force he dosn't destroy it. he is not a hole in the force mearly somone that has become addicted to it and consumes it to satisfy his hunger.
  8. i'v played as ds and ls but it has always been just the remote and Goto HK never showed up.... how do you make him show up???
  9. is it possible to have a romantic act with Bao-dur ??
  10. handmaiden as male and atton as female
  11. it dos not matter wich charges you use but you must have a hig level in demolitions at least 20
  12. Why want a Sith mask when a Das'skar hunting mask looks just the same and gives better bonuses?
  13. Vader is classic and i love classic;D
  14. It came down to either Visas or Mira but i'm weak for red hairs so Mira it is
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