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About FellintoOblivion

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. The whole multiple characters situation in this game is horrendously opaque. There is no information given to the player about why characters have multiple iterations, what the difference between those iterations are, what deleting or moving them around to different parties does or how they affect the game in any way whatsoever. This is definitely a design process that suffered from the developers being too far up their own backsides to realize how bad it was turning out.
  2. A week later and my quest mode is still utterly unplayable due to the reward card shooting off the screen when you try to turn it over. Any eta on a fix for this? Not pleased on spending $25 for a game that is half (actually more since quest mode is the main way of attaining gold) broken.
  3. Which doesn't address why we shouldn't get the gold reward for beating a scenario on lower difficulty with a party that contains only characters who haven't beaten it before.
  4. Not really. Farming for gold on anything but legendary is a waste of time. The only reason to ever play Normal (or heroic) again is for the cards. You HAVE to play a scenario on normal difficulty with a brand new party before you can play it on a higher difficulty. You are now penalized for this relative to how it was before the update and it's a stupid design decision. That's not true. I can place an entirely new character in an entirely new party and manually select legendary difficulty straight away. Then there is a visual bug showing anything but normal difficulty as being locked to a new party even though you can select it and play on a harder one.
  5. Not really. Farming for gold on anything but legendary is a waste of time. The only reason to ever play Normal (or heroic) again is for the cards. You HAVE to play a scenario on normal difficulty with a brand new party before you can play it on a higher difficulty. You are now penalized for this relative to how it was before the update and it's a stupid design decision.
  6. While not a bug it IS a stupid design decision.
  7. Prior to this latest update you could get gold from replaying a scenario on lower difficulty levels with a new party. I don't think this was intended. Now you no longer get gold from beating a scenario unless it's on legendary difficulty regardless of the party composition. This is pretty stupid as it penalizes you instead of rewarding you for playing the game more.
  8. That's great! When's your boss going to send LadyKaieta a private message apologizing for your immaturity, rudeness, and meanness? Probably never as my job responsibilities don't include being the public face of a company.
  9. So you're just going to ignore the question about missing out on level rewards when dying?This has been addressed in other threads as a bug and is being fixed.Then why hasn't it been added to the known issues list? http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/86273-updated-known-issues-and-some-possible-fixes/- If a character dies in a scenario, they will not get rewards on a subsequent playthrough. Potential Workaround: If a character dies, forfeit the scenario Please check the official known issues thread regularly, it is updated as issues are confirmed.Yea that's not even remotely the same issue as dying and not receiving a level up reward during the QUEST you just completed. Please check you understand the actual question being asked. That actually is the answer to that, 'Scenario' same as it is in Story Mode, we try to keep terminology consistent to reduce confusion. The level up reward issue is a bug that applies to all Scenarios, not just Quest mode. If you have confusion about terminology within the game, the rules section in the app is a great resource. Yes, your boss actually explained it in a concise, articulate manner in the message he sent me apologizing for your attitude.
  10. If you complete a quest with dead party members they still receive XP.
  11. So you're just going to ignore the question about missing out on level rewards when dying?This has been addressed in other threads as a bug and is being fixed.Then why hasn't it been added to the known issues list? http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/86273-updated-known-issues-and-some-possible-fixes/ - If a character dies in a scenario, they will not get rewards on a subsequent playthrough. Potential Workaround: If a character dies, forfeit the scenario Please check the official known issues thread regularly, it is updated as issues are confirmed. Yea that's not even remotely the same issue as dying and not receiving a level up reward during the QUEST you just completed. Please check you understand the actual question being asked.
  12. 1. I immediately restart a game where I receive the wildcard power that discards a blessing when you fail to acquire a boon, it's simply unfun and changes the way the game is played to a degree I don't find it fair. 2. You absolutely receive gold for replaying story missions on lower difficulty levels.
  13. So you're just going to ignore the question about missing out on level rewards when dying? This has been addressed in other threads as a bug and is being fixed. Then why hasn't it been added to the known issues list?
  14. So you're just going to ignore the question about missing out on level rewards when dying?
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