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About Masterteo89

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    (2) Evoker
    (2) Evoker
  1. Infinite ships is fine for me. It'll make the archipelago feel more alive. But I like ship combat, so I might not have the most common opinion. Exactly. Infinite ships would be a plus for who like ship combat, but a disappointment for who dislike it. I hope the developers won't force it on us. I cringe at the idea that whenever my party sail there is a good chance to be bothered by a random pirate. Not to mention that to people like me that do not enjoy ship combat mechanic...a battle on the sea is simply : 1- Skip the whole minigame by simply keep going straight and ramming against the enemy's ship 2- Start the battle and hope you are not facing a ship with a crew of 2+ levels in comparison to your party.
  2. Ship respawning? Both Great and annoying. In my opinion, the best way to make it works is having the " defeated " ships respawn once you reach fixed points in the plot. Like : Let's say that during the main plot there are 10 more or less important location that more or less advance the general progress of the main story. Each time you reach one of those points, the ships are refreshed. Respawned. So, it means also adding the challenge of creating a strong and effective enough party so that you can destroy as many ships as you can. Because with my suggestion, the respawn is not unlimited but tied to reaching " fixed points ". So, early in the game you'll have problem taking down some ships (your low level...) This adds the challenge to test yourself and see, for each ship respawn event, how many ship you can sink before being unable to destroy the " bigger fish of the sea ". ------------------------------------------------ In my opinion this is better than a random general respawn once in a X hours or minutes.
  3. Now, i may be wrong (that's why i'm asking this here... ). But, isn't this DLC included in the baker DLC season pass (that i bought months ago as a baker)? Because if that's the case, i do not have access to it. GoG ask me money for this DLC.
  4. And now a small video to show my party (as you can see, my party just killed another bounty ). 1- Amaleari, barbarian archer ( notice her damage reduction for melee attacks, it is not less than 17. That allow her to get hit without getting killed, plus she gains healt for a short time like a warrior do, plus my druid can cast healing spells on her) 2- Ayrn, dual-whield paladin ( i try to make her a strong damage dealer. She work, but if too many monsters target her she requires help. She is effective but not reliable for now, her survival chances are high but not high enough ) 3- Eder. 4- Frejya, pale elf monk ( she is my second favourite of the party. I use her to kill the annoying enemy archers / mages / clerics and such things. Usually i support her with my barbarian archer and druid with arbalest. Fists and arrows to destroy annoying bugs ) 5- Fury, druid ( In short, the second archer of my party and the bodyguard of my barbarian archer. He is always near my barbarian. If monsters attack my barbarian, he casts the thunder spell that stuns monsters, then he cast a support healing spell that affect both him and my barbarian, then he morph in cat form and maim whoever attacks my barbarian) 6- Palegina Other things... 1- my party wear heavy plates because i like my characters to be offensive / defensive. Never only offensive or only defensive. I like to drag battles.
  5. I drown them each time because you have to remember that they are a cult of fanatics that don't think twice before killing people. I kill also all the monks. Eradicate the cult.
  6. As the title says, it is an ongoing experiment. A very succesful experiment. All started when i thought " if my main character is a ranged cleric, how can i defend her ? " So my first idea was to give her 2 bodyguards, but during the development of the party i did something better. So, the party. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My main line : () are the real stats, non () are base stats Eder ( saber , shield and heavy armor) : STR 16(18) COS 16(19 DEX 11 PER 12(16) INT 10 RES 13(14) AIM 79 LEVEL 12 HP 300 Rain ( sword, shield and heavy armor ) : My moon godlike warrior, this girl is basically a Eder without defender but with top perception at the cost of RES. Useless to write the attributes. Kana ( stiletto, shield and heavy armor ) : Yes, a tank - Kana. Not really a tank, but he can fight in melee and afterall most of the enemyes target Eder and Rain instead of him. Main purpose : buffs and the enchantments that raise 3 attributes of a lot of points for more or less 40 seconds. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ And now comes the second line, my cleric and the 2 druid sisters : Airys ( Arquebus and heavy armor ) : My cleric. Look at the stats, you will notice that she is fast for a character that use a arquebus and heavy armor. Plus, her damage is huge ( 36 - 54 ) and her high accuracy helps. STR 15(17) COS 3(4) DEX 19(21) PER 20(27) INT 18(20) RES 3(4) AIM 79 LEVEL 12 HP 124 As you can see, her main problem is health points. She is frail, meaning you have to plan how you fight or she will die fast. But she can cast spells very fast, plus her ranged damage is more than enough to kill monsters. A glass cannon, in short. Sorrow ( 2 battle axes / scepter , heavy armor ) : My moon godlike druid. She and her sister are almost the same, so i will discuss later on how i use them both. Oh, can become a cat for 23,3 seconds nd in that time her fast and strong attacks hurt. STR 16(19) COS 8 DEX 16 PER 16(19) INT 19(21) RES 3( AIM 80 LEVEL 11 HP 141 Rage ( 2 spears / hunter bow , heavy armor ) : Sorrow's sister. STR 17(20) COS 3 DEX 18 PER 17(22) INT 20 RES 3 AIM 72 LEVEL 11 HP 117 ------------------------------------------------------------- So, how do this team work ? Suppose that i face a hard battle, this is how my team work. Eder, Kana and Sorrow ( 2 warriors and a tank chanter ) engage the monsters. Kana, as soon as he reach 5 points, will cast the enchantment that gives +5 to PER, dex and INT for 42 seconds. To my 2 warriors. So i buff my concentration, speed and aim. Behind them, i keep my ranged cleric in the middle with the 2 druid sisters on her right and left. The cleric buffs the warriors, the 2 druids attacks with bow and scepter. So they both use ranged weapons. The cleric, when no shooting with the arquebus, buffs the warriors aim, will and damage reduction bonuses. The druids will cast the plague that decrease Concentration and damage monsters on a long time. They will cast also the spells that stun multiple monsters. But first of all, both druids cast the level 4 healing spell on the warriors and on themselves. If a monster try to get to the cleric, they both switch weapons ( 2 battle axes and 2 spears ). Also, they both morph in cat form and... ...well, look at their stats. More or less 16 DEX and 20 PER without buffs. Think of them when they are buffed and on cat form. They completely rule the battlefield. It's hard to explain, but this is a very effective party. Fast druids in cat form are awesome glass cannon bodyguards, always protecting my cleric and allowing me to rule the battlefield. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The key of this party is building it in a way that all the members keep getting health point during the battle, no matter if they do not need it. And micro-managing. Afterall i have to use 2 druids that goes ranged or melee.
  7. asnjas, he wants to save redceas without proofs of a true menace. He is a watcher and he had a vision, ok. So that justify the destruction of Stalwart ? If his idea of " protecting his people " is to destroy an innocent town...well, i can't consider him a good guy. You says that he is a defender. But don't judge a man based on how he treats his people. Judge him based on how he treats the others.
  8. As the title says, i'm curious to know what did you do with Adaryc, the leader of the Redceas fort. Did you let him live ? And if so...why? I killed him without a second tought. And i believe that if you play as a good character, this is the only good solution. ( The best solution would be to persuade him to go away, but you don't have that choice ) Killing him is the best solution because regardless of his reasons, the point is that he is a conqueror. Durgan's Battery belongs to Stalwart, and he desire to crush innocent lives only to obtain the cannons and the Durgan's steel and gold. As stated in the ingame dialogue. So, my party simply judged him for what he was, an evil guy. And my party destroyed him and evry single soldier in the fort. -------------------------------------------- I'm aware that probably you can turn the dialogue in a way that he becomes an ally. But he is a pillager, nothing more. A good guy would have nothing to do with people like him. Not to mention that you can afford to kill him. It's not as if he has a whole army. That would be different, because in that scenario you would start a war. There is a difference between being a good guy or a good but stupid guy.
  9. If i retrain i can change animal companions ? I don't know how was i able to beat the game on PoTD , considering how many things i still don't know.
  10. Thank you for your help and advices, i can't wait to try these bows. About skills and companions, i already have Swift Aim and lion companions, so in this matter i can't turn back, i fear.
  11. So i should give Persistence to one ranger and stormcaller to the other? 2 questions then : 1- Where do i find both bows ? 2- What kind of skills, talents, should i do ?
  12. Interesting, i have to say. Don't know those items because i never do WM, but this time i will do WM1 and 2. I have a feeling that i'll need WM items if i want to beat Talos with my unbalanced party.
  13. you know, you are right. On a side note, what weapon should i put on my 2 rangers ? I was thinking of war bows, but i don't know. I would like to give them unique bows. Not guns, bows. What bows should i find and where to find them? Plus, i'm not used to do ranger class : in what kind of skills should i focus ? Improvement of my rangers or improvement on my animal campanions?
  14. UPDATE Just to make things a bit more harder... my rangers will be naked. No armour means faster attack speed, but it also makes then 2 glass cannons.
  15. As the title says. After i cleared the game on PotD with full party of 6 allyes, i wanted to try something else. So i said : why not making a party of only 4 custom character, unbalanced and with Hard (no PotD, because it's an unbalanced party) ? So i made my godlike party. 4 godlike girls ( NO SCROLLS as a rule of my personal challenge) : 1- main pg, a fire godlike barbarian with 18 STR and 19 COS. (tank) 2- a fire godlike druid with 18 perception and 20 INT. ( accurate and strong with spells) 3- a moon godlike ranger with lion companion , 20 DEX and 18 Perception ( very accurate and fast ) 4- a nature godlike ranger with lion companion , 19 Perception and 20 INT ( very accurate and intelligent, but way slower than the other ranger) ----------------------------------------------------------------- So, a party that first of all is weak in the front line, with only a barbarian and 2 lions. Second point, 3 of 4 members of this party have low hp, on hard difficulty it could make things hard. Third point, no one can raise dead allyes, because i'm not going to let them read scrolls. Meaning the Druid should act as my party healer AND magic damage dealer. Fourth point , Druid normally should deal damage, but mine has to became also the only healer of the party. Fifth point, no one can buff my allyes. I won't use scrolls and i have no clerics. --------------------------------------------------------------- In short, it will be so easy to mess things up... Any suggestions about what i should do to make this party beat the main game? ( no WM) I have some ideas, but i'll like to hear the suggestion of you veterans of the game.
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