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Everything posted by Llyranor

  1. Wow. Star Wars art has never looked this good. Not even close. It's been a while since I've been this impressed by game art.
  2. Hmm, seems like it was runner-up for best RPG at E3 at gamespot http://www.gamespot.com/features/6098994/p-14.html
  3. My only complaint so far is the somewhat stiff animations. Other than that, it looks and sounds great. I just LOVE the trailer music. I got a friend interested in it. MP coop would really kick butt.
  4. Will it be possible to have, say, 4 active party members at once (as opposed to the rather random 3 from the original game.... was it a technical limitation?)
  5. It's been almost ten years, and I can still remember most of the music in Secret Of Mana. Same goes for virtually all RPGs with good music. I'm scary that way.
  6. This track was AWESOME. It contributed to the atmosphere and immersion, and made the murder scene on Dantooine my FAVORITE part of the game. Everything about the scene was perfect. It wouldn't have been the same without it. AT ALL. I'm actually the opposite of Shdy314. I never buy music CDs. I never listen to popular music. I have no reason to. Music convey emotion? Well, I can't connect to it. I have no reason to. It doesn't MEAN anything to me. Hey, back in the old days, I didn't pay attention to gaming music. Until I stumbled upon a little game. Secret Of Mana. My first console RPG. For the first time, I was playing a game not only for the gameplay, but also for the story, the characters. For the first time, I started paying attention to the music. Music wasn't just background noise anymore, it was part of the experience, which wouldn't have been the same without it. Then came Final Fantasy 6, and Chrono Trigger. I've loved gaming music ever since. When I listen to music, it has to connect to me. It connects me back to the experience. I wouldn't listen to something I don't know anything about. I'd have no reason to. Same goes for movies. Music > graphics for me. Hey, most people would rather be deaf than blind. For me, it'd be a tough choice to make. Ultimately, I'd choose the former, but gamewise, I'd rather have no graphics and awesome music then the other way around. Oh wait, I can have both.
  7. Wrong. You should be executed for even suggesting something like this. Has anybody here ever forgotten John Williams score after whatching the original Star Wars for the first time ?!? Or Basil Poledouris on Conan : The Barbarian ?!? Has anybody ever forgot the Jaws theme ?!? Or the Bartok music for Celesta, String and Percussion in The Shining ?!? What about Ligeti's Requiem from 2001 : A Space Odessy ?!? This days, wheter it's a game or a movie, musical scores are threated like cosmetic additions of little relevance, it completely sickens me... Indeed. Music is one of the most important features for me to REALLY experience a game. In fact, it's often the thing I remember the most from a game if it's been a long time since I last played it. Heck, it's usually what drives me to replay the games. I love game music.
  8. Neat. Time to read that Questions To Devs thread.
  9. Has ANYONE played any of those games? Comments?
  10. I loved KOTOR, but one of my major gripes about it was how the camera was locked. It's not exactly a BIG issue, and maybe be because adaptation to the Xbox or something, but it'd be nice to have it unlocked in KOTOR2. I was playing NWN just before this, and not being able to move the camera freely around (up and down, zoom) kinda annoyed. Even NWN managed to unlock it fully with a mere xpac (and even before, it was already more freeform than KOTOR), so I don't suppose it's asking too much of a sequel? Heck, there was already some sort of free look option in the game, you could simply expand on that. This would be imo one of the coolest features you could improve engine-wise, at least for me. :angry:
  11. NWN was ideal for me. I know nothing about programming (though I had to learn a bit for NWN), but the toolset was fairly simple to use (though I'm still learning new things about it). It gives me the opportunity to make what *I* really want. Sure, it's somewhat limited, but it's still the most powerful toolset out there (for losers like me, at least). I guess the OC suffered because of the focus on everything else, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I surely don't remember NWN for its campaign, but for its toolset/DM client/multiplayer capabilities, etc. Hey, I don't have any plans to go in the gaming industry, and I sure don't want to have to learn any more programming than I need to. I'm certainly not a "real" modder, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't enjoy making a game. This is where NWN satisfies all my worldly urges. That being said, I do agree with Eldar that not every game should require a toolset. I never touched Arcanum's, nor Morrowind's. Never cared to. I indeed would rather the devs focus on making a good game rather than making it highly moddable (unless that was the focus, like NWN, but you don't need too many of those types of games).
  12. I haven't actually played any of those games. Is he actually good?
  13. "To complete the rich graphics, you'll hear a new score from Mark Grisky, who intends to stay true to the franchise while introducing some cool new elements in the game's two-hour score that will draw on many classic themes from the earlier games." Who?
  14. I just came here because Magical Volo came! Magical Volo rocks! He's great!
  15. They should have access to the Ultimate Power in addition to the Force. We want NINJAS :ph34r:
  16. I concur with the two people flirting above.
  17. http://www.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/dungeonlords/media.html Movies. It's hard to tell so far, not enough footage. The fighting animations themselves looked kinda cool, but the movements (urg, strafing) and magic ones were a bit too repetitive. I hope there are lots of moves and combos, and I hope the blocking/parrying system isn't limited to just the shield.
  18. Hey, if the fighting system is fun, bring it on! "Of course, attacks will be a bit more involved than the click fest of the basic Diablo attack. Instead, a combination of keystrokes and mouse clicks can be used to create different sword strokes and attacks to take down foes. Controlling the attacks takes a little bit to get used to, but I can see that it would be fun after a bit. There's no lock on feature here, but that was apparently a conscious decision on the development team's part in order to create even more need for skill and precision on the part of each gamer. The shield is definitely there for a reason however. Your enemies will attack and attack hard. That shield is the only thing keeping you from your demise. " "Even better, up to eight players will be able to experience the entire single player campaign together allowing for some interesting teamwork to come into play. Because the combat system in the game actually allows for directional damage, this should up the ante for most friendly parties interested in playing together." If this turns out good, I have to get some friends to get it. A good RPG with a good action-based battle system sounds good right about now.
  19. Hey, NWN is still the game I play the most often nowadays. I'd take performance over graphics anyday, and NWN performs well. Between the Community Expansion Pack just being released, and seeing how the largest projects have yet to be released (CODI, DLA, D20 Modern), and the upcoming mods from experienced builders, the community is far from dead. Heck, they're even still updating the game (1.63 is already in the plans). Not to mention plans of a Digital Distribution system.
  20. I think diplomacy is a good thing (I usually play diplomatic characters), but like ShadowPaliepoo said, it shouldn't be a be-all-end-all tactic. It should work for dumb morons or with characters with which the diplomacy would also benefit, but not for everyone. For people who want you dead, there should be other nonviolent ways to confront them (perhaps for not confronting them at all). In my NWN mod (NWN SUXXORS), I'm trying to make up CREATIVE ways to avoid combat, and talking won't work all the time.
  21. From http://rpgvault.ign.com/articles/429/429260p1.html : "I think the most compelling aspect of Dungeon Lords is the dual emphasis on involvement with the story and its unfolding events, interacting with the different warring groups and the story's main characters, combined with real-time in your face battles against enemies and creatures that you will meet along the many quests. The sense of excitement, believability and player involvement - that's really the driving force. And weaving these elements together within the context of developing a personal hero capable of braving the many challenges is what computer RPG is all about - creating an RPG experience that is real." "In truth, while combat in Dungeon Lords is certainly fast-paced, high-energy action, labeling the game as an "Action" or "Fighter" RPG doesn't really do it justice because there is so much more to the game than just fighting hostiles. The choices the player makes, which characters to befriend, which quests to pursue, which skills, abilities, and magic powers to boost when leveling-up your character - these all play critical parts in a player's ability to survive the perils in Dungeon Lords. It is a world that's gritty, dangerous and real, and the better and more resourceful the player, the better their chances for survival..." "At the same time I was designing this new RPG game system, I was also formulating the foundation of a storyline that represented the kinds of situations and encounters offering the most opportunity for the mysterious and the unexpected, yet possessed at the heart of it a touching human drama. The story has evolved through many periods of new inspiration, evolving the original seed of the storyline as the personality of the main storyline characters has emerged to reveal all sorts of hidden schemes and backroom plots within the game world." "At the same time, the proficiencies of the hero determine things like the ability to hit the opponent, parry or dodge, perform combination attacks, cast magic spells, etc. This means it's important to develop the character thoughtfully and wisely, even more so when you consider the game includes more than just bashing monsters. Combat skills are vital, but focusing only on them can have drawbacks. For instance, they won't be much good when you're trying to do things like deal with traps, solve puzzles and obtain information from NPCs" "Along with the monsters and enemies, the game world is also full of NPCs, and it is through interactions with these characters that the player experiences the story and learns about events in the world, so the NPCs are equally important as extremely valuable sources of information leading to many of the needed quest acquisitions in the game. " "There are the many main story quests, and the player's progress to victory is fairly dependent upon achieving some type of resolution to these, even though some may have alternate possible means. The player will usually have at least several of these quests to embark upon at any given time, and is free to explore the world in a non-linear fashion to achieve their completion. Without giving anything away, by the time the player leaves the town where the game begins, they will have at least three crucial mission quests, all important, and all leading in different directions. Of course, events that occur during the pursuit of any one of these can affect what the player will encounter when undertaking the others. Unpredictability in my games is my favorite subject. There are also many personal quests, most of which lead to special acquisitions and character development options. While not directly a requirement to complete the game, they are how the player can acquire the really cool, rare and unique items and special abilities in the game." Sounds promising. As for combat, as I said, it's wait-and-see for me.
  22. Depends how good the fighting system is. If it's bland, and the game has nothing else worthy of note, then bleh. A fun fun FUN battle system (NOT plain old hack and slash) might get my interest. EDIT: Well, from the website, the game looks interesting enough.
  23. Well, console RPGs were what got me into CRPGs in the first place, so I love both genres
  24. FFT, Xenogears, Wild Arms 2, Suikoden 2, the list goes on
  25. I think Obsidian would be better off starting with a brand new cast. Kinda like the FF series.
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