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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. George Sr. the Torpedo Bomber
  2. alanschu


    I was laughing at the hilarity of it all. I couldn't believe we tied it up.
  3. Except that he stated straight up that disallowing it would be with respect to the association it has with Nazism.
  4. alanschu


    What does this have to do with the Patrick Stefan
  5. I'm a huge fan of System Shock 2, but I wholeheartedly agree.
  6. I thought I was able to convince the bandit leader to become a lieutenant at Fort Locke. I can't remember though.
  7. I don't think there really is a distinction between best game and favourite game, when it comes to one's own opinion. I'd find it odd if the game you felt was absolute best was not at least one of your favourites. Having said that, I suppose it is possible to look at somethings objectively. I can recognize that Starcraft is an excellent game, even though I was no longer playing RTS games when it came out. So what do I know?
  8. Is that truly possible? By stating something is morally wrong, aren't you (even unintentionally) imposing moral judgement?
  9. I remember Xen and its mediocrity, but I would still pick it as the best FPS ever. The reason why I stuck through Xen was because the first 2/3rds of the game had me so hooked that it could have been **** on a plate and I'd have still eaten it up like mad. The only FPS that really gave Half-Life a run for its money for me, was Deus Ex. And that's probably because Deus Ex was a genre busting game, that I don't really consider to be a "pure" FPS, more like a conglomeration of ass kicking awesomeness. Whenever I make my list of best games, both games frequently occupy the top two spots. I typically put Half-Life ahead of it, since it was first and was pretty much the game that brought me back to PC gaming. The only other "pure" FPS that typically makes the list is Half-Life 2. The other FPS game that would be a fixture would probably be System Shock 2. Naturally just my opinion.
  10. Ghosts? It's been a while since I played it, but where were the ghosts?
  11. alanschu


    Always! I'm still writing this off as the traditional midseason funk our team always seems to get into. The HFBoards is hi-larious right now though.
  12. All I remember is when I hit the Undead, I went "Ah, boo" and didn't really keep playing the game. I had similar experiences with Farcry and Silent Storm, when things just started to get a bit too weird for me.
  13. I may be confusing it with the second one then.
  14. I liked Thief, but IIRC, didn't it go all supernatural?
  15. True, but I remember him talking about convo skills specifically I can't remember if it was in one of the videos they released prior to shipping or from those developer diaries that Gamespot featured. Either one. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, there were quite a few times when I tried lying/bluffing, and after failing, Neeshka would chime in instead. Same goes for Kelgar and Intimidate, and sort of stuff like that. I don't remember games off the top of my head that seemed to use it as extensively.
  16. Wooo, my air force out of Amboina hit the pay dirt. The Japanese got a little too close to it with a couple of carriers, and once I realized it, I switched out the commanders of the bombers with exceptionally aggressive leaders. I suffered fairly high losses, especially compared to normal, but after a few days of withering the Zero CAP, I was able to get multiple torpedoes and 500 lb bombs to hit a few of their carriers. I sunk one, and damaged one as it limped away. And as luck would have it, I stumbled across it limping away with a submarine, which put more torpedoes into it, sending it to the bottom of the sea just south of Japan. That's 2 fleet carriers, 2 light carriers, and an escort carrier I have sunk. As a result, I'm feeling even more aggressive with my carrier Task Forces. Carriers Wasp and Hornet just completed their rounds, operating out of Wake Island. They caused extensive casualties, primarily to shipping fleets heading into the Marshall Islands. After doing a few rounds, they retired to Pearl Harbour for the October Upgrades (seems 80% of my fleet was eligible for some sort of refit on 10/42). Most of my fleet is in harbours, enduring upgrades at the moment. But I'm not too concerned, as the loss of 5 carriers (to none for myself) has to be exceptionally devastating for the Japanese Navy. Enterprise and Yorktown are continuing a sweep of northern New Guinea, and have made devastating hits against the merchant fleets heading to Rabaul. Planes operating out of Guadalcanal sighted some heavy cruisers, as well as some battleships. They were able to score some hits with some bombs, but the ships were able to move away before my carriers could get nearby. The Southwest Carrier Task Force is returning to Darwin, and is expected to head down to Sydney for upgrading. I am also getting a new ship type quite frequently, called the SC (Sub Chaser). They are armed with light guns, a Mousetrap and two twin depth charge racks. They aren't very experienced, but after some Shakedown cruises, I've dispatched them to Australia. While not being particularly devastating, there are constant reports of submarines off the coast of Townsville, and on the east coast of New Guinea. Most of their casualties have just been the ASW patrol craft hunting them, but they are becoming a pest. The Air Forces flying out of Port Moresby and Townsville have been invaluable however, sinking several submarines themselves. Still, hopefully these subchasers can give them a run for their money. The Mousetraps are significantly more accurate (since they are a forward firing weapon that explodes on contact), albeit not quite as powerful. Once the Destroyer Escorts start coming out (in about 100 days), I'm hoping for it being rough times on the Japanese submarine fleet. Until then, the crappy Flush Deck Destroyers, Minesweepers, and Sub Chasers will have to do.
  17. alanschu


    At least the end of the game was very entertaining. I'm sure Petr Nedved was very happy to score a PP goal his first game back as an Oiler.
  18. I don't necessarily mind that some stuff is only PC specific though. Otherwise, some of those choices in character development don't necessarily mean anything. The same thing happened in KOTOR 2 with item deconstruction. If any person could deconstruct it, there was pretty much zero incentive for the PC to ever put skills in repair, since there was already a few that had it. It's gamey, but it ultimately lead me to have differing playthroughs through KOTOR 2.
  19. I have played all those, and the only one I'd consider dislodging Half-Life would be Starcraft.
  20. Agreed. Now to just finish off setting up that base on the Northern end of New Guinea, and Rabaul will be permanently cut off, and uh...er..... So yeah, about that War in Iraq.
  21. Isn't that when Fry was responsible for giving up like 200 points in a few minutes of a basketball game? Heh, as a funny aside, in my War in the Pacific game, I just invaded Tarawa for just that reason :D
  22. I can still replay the original Half-Life and have a good time. The only part of the game I find lacklustre, even today, is Xen.
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