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Everything posted by Gray_Jedi_Knight

  1. Is that why the shadows hide from the light you see it in everything even the darkness that would try and corrupt each of us, it hides behind us behind the tree behind the rock creating the shadow itself, the sith and dark ways are flawed, and the light and justice will always shine thru. God loves you. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually shadows are cremate by light, Darkness on the other hand is the absence of light, a if one is inclined to participate in your metaphorical nonsenes one would remember that the universe as a whole consist of 99.9997% Darkness which leaves the light at insignificant values just like your posts. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It is symbolic, not scientific, I know their is probably a scientific explanation to shadow and Light; but as the Jedi do, we must see the deeper meaning in all of God's magnificient creation. Not everything can be explained shru science, thats why my faith is in Jesus Christ the Lord.
  2. I applaud your statements, I couldn't have said it better myself, it good to see another on the path of Light, the Force FX Lightsabers are really cool, I have the blue on, and I am concidering strongly getting the green one.
  3. Is that why the shadows hide from the light you see it in everything even the darkness that would try and corrupt each of us, it hides behind us behind the tree behind the rock creating the shadow itself, the sith and dark ways are flawed, and the light and justice will always shine thru. God loves you.
  4. It doesnt matter the Jedi are the best choic and the Light is the true path. God loves you. Jesus be with you.
  5. Your on some crack!!!!! It takes a stronger man to walk away from a fight, not to give into it. Giving in to hate or anger is not strength it is weakness, weakness of your own will. And if your even concidering killing the people you love, you need some serious conunciling, Jesus Loves You and the light fills your being even if you might not admit it. The light will always overcome the darkness thats why the darkness disapears at the mere presence of the light. You can see when light is flashed on something, but you can not see anything in complete darkness. So is the Light- truth, and the darkness-lies.
  6. If youre talken about the X Box version their are codes that can duplicate an existing lightsaber. Just go to Yahoo and put in, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II Cheats and Walkthroughs. You should be able to exploit some glitches to make as many lightsabers as you want.
  7. Double Bladed and single bladed red has already been made that's why I didn't put it in. P.S. God loves all of you even the misguided so called "Sith". It's not to late to join the light, and follow Jesus.
  8. The Sith are misguided fools who's lust for power corrupts their very being. Their ideology makes no since, they kill almost any thing they come into contact with, so what exactly are they going to rule if they obliterate the galaxy.(ex. Tarris)
  9. The Jedi Order is one of the greatest ideas I have ever herd. George Lucas is a genius to have created such a great and intricacte story. I personally beleive that God may have given George Lucas a vision of the story. The Lord Jesus has no bounds on what he can create, it might have been a gift to man kind.
  10. I see Kreia as a misguided teacher, she has some very good wisdom to share sometimes, I found her insight very interesting; but at the same time sometimes she seems incredibly cruel and manipulative. Sometimes she seems to have your best interests at heart, but then she heals your enemy's to hunt your companions. What do yall think of her. I, in the end feel very bad for her. She seems to be a very torchered soul. I follow the Light Side evey time so I don't really agree with many of her views. But her view of the Universe is in some ways fasinating.
  11. I love the idea of a Double Bladed Blue Lightsaber. I hope Master Replicas makes more Force FX Lightsabers.
  12. The droids are pretty much useless, unless you are trying to construct something out of components, but bao-dur is way better at that than most. If you train Mira as a Jedi, you can use her skill in alot of the same ways. HK-47, gets on my nerves he's constantly saying some smart a** coment. But T3 is handy in some situations. I never even used GO-TO.
  13. My favorite is Return of the Jedi, because you see the redemption of Anakin Skywalker, the destruction of the Emporer,(not counting his clones), and because you see Luke Skywalker trully become a Jedi Knight.
  14. Obi-Wan Kenobi would beat him I think.
  15. The Light Side Rules!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. People should join Jedi for they have the greater purpose in life. The Sith define there existence through the constant testing of themselves, and through domination. The Sith philosify, is flawed and wrong, due to the ultimate fact that who will the Sith rule and dominate when everyone is gone. The Jedi dedicate their lives to the protection of others and the continuation of peace and happiness. I my self am a christian, and I see such beauty in the Jedi way, and I see such a sad hopelesness in the Sith. The Dark side only leads to one's own destruction and eternal damnation. The Light Side leads one down a path of peace, happiness, and salvation. Jesus loves you all, God Bless.
  17. It's not the Force Powers you use it's your actions twords others. Although a true Jedi would not use such powers as horror due to the high esteem held for life and the condition of others. As far as the definition for a Jedi in the Old Republic, most of us would be concidered Gray Jedi, due to our decision to love another romanticaly. This was changed when Luke became head of the Jedi Order, and even more expansive contriversial views were held by Jedi such as Jacen Solo, who claimed there was no true Light side, or dark side. Jesus loves you all, God Bless.
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