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Grand Lord Revan

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Everything posted by Grand Lord Revan

  1. My list: Revan The Exile Exar Kun Marka Ragnos Luke Yoda Anakin/ Vader I think the ancient Sith/ Jedi were stronger and more powerful.
  2. I suscribe to that! Revan is one the strongest Jedi/ Sith ever. And s/he has not reached his/her full potential at KOTOR I. Moreover, s/he was one of the Jedi/ Sith with the deepest knowledge of the power. Just Luke got the potential to reach Revan.
  3. What a question :D . Revan of course. The strongest and most powerful Jedi ever. Then comes Luke. I think you forgot Exar Kun, Malak, Marka Ragnos and some others.
  4. Well, if I would be a man I would chose Visas. She is a quite good character and good looking as well. The disciple is not bad, but they could have made him more interesting and more handsome. There are also female players out there :D . Unfortunatley you restricted the poll for KOTOR II. The sexiest male character in KOTOR is Carth .
  5. I go for the Jedi-Watchman. I like the idea of protecting the galaxy.
  6. I really hope they're producing K3. If they don't, I could not understand it as there is a market for the game and thousands of fans are waiting for it. And not everybody is playing a multiplayer game. They really should develop K3 or at least another Jedi Knight for single player. It really sucks. All good games are disappearing afert some time. Especially the intelligent games such as Deus Ex. I am fed up with these stupid egoshooters and numb killing of aliens. KOTOR is my absolute favourate game, so I would like to have K3 as soon as possible (w00t) .
  7. If they had not rewrite his/her memory than s/he had not loose its abilities at all. You always refer to the technical side of the game as an argument for the abilities of some chars. Well, some are set, true. But some chars abilities are more than the sum of its parts. I do not want to repeat myself over again. The abilities of Revan, her or his role in the SW-World isn't set by the character classification but by SW Galaxy and Fiction (developed by GL and LucasArts). This classification just serve for game amusement and to make the game playable. The rest is fixed, therefor Revan was the most powerful jedi at that time. That has nothing to do with hype, technical score, experience levels etc, but with fiction. If you take only the technical structure than Luke would have been much weaker than Revan and Bastila. What would I like to have in KIII is the following: 1. more planets 2. some chars from KI + KII (maybe Carth, Mission, T3 M4 (it's so cute!), HK) 3. to experience system in KII was ok, I liked the specialisation to Jedi Guardian etc. 4. a better store system for wapon, lighsabers etc. I would like that my chars personal lightsaber to be named in the store so that I know that my char is equipped by this special lightsaber. 5. more opportunity to design the char at the beginning (hair color, clothes etc.) in addition to the already known char designs of KI+II 6. maybe a stronger influence possibility on the chars and more election opportunities of dialogues. 7. NO GENETIC MANIPULATED RANCOR! (I hate these animals) 8. No required Swoop. That was quite good in KII. 9. More side missions.
  8. But we are not talking about the technical side of the game and the RPG realisation. We are talking about the history of KOTOR and the characters that have a fixed place in the SW history. Well, it seems to be that you don't know what I am trying to say. My viewpoint has nothing to do with the "hype". The historian view of Revan is given in the Expanded Universe of SW by GL and not by chosing some features in the game and experience levels.
  9. I fully agree with you. I think that you - ShadowPaladin V1.0 - are just focusing on the game structure of experience and strength and relating it to the powerfullness of Revan. This is a fault as this is just the game part. As Jediphile said Revan was more than just this level classification. In the real Star Wars System there is no experience level 20 etc. for Jedi. This thing applies just for the game, although the char Revan, exile and Bastila etc. are fixed char in the SW-World. Once again, the experience levels do not state the strength of Reven & Co. Jediphile has put it nicely in his/her statement. In a Star Wars lexicon is stated that "Revan proved to be not only one of the most powerful Jedi in history, but also a master tactician." "Aboard the Star Forge, Revan almost single-handedly defeated an entire army of Sith and Dark Jedi, a testament to his power in the Force and mastery of lightsaber combat." (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darth_Revan)
  10. Simple enough. The CRPG structure required a character for which the player could make choices. Pre gen characters dont work here because they already have a personality. The exception being if you wipe that personality out , usually through amnesia (must like PST). You were needed to find the Star Forge that's all. Beyond that, like I said any of your Jedi companions could have easily taken down Malak. There was nothing special about you that meant you were the only one who could do it. Had they not found the Star Forge and destroyed it , then Malak would have won. Thats your "crucial" role. But all the key plotpoints revolve around Bastilla in some fashion. Even the choice of good or evil, all tied to Bastila. Revan's a lot like Drizzt. The hype far exceeds the reality. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I still can't agree to your viewpoint. True, the structure of the game required a figure with whom you can make choices. But that doesn't eliminates the fact that s/he was a.) much stronger than Bastila, who was just a young jedi, b.) had a special fate to fulfill that affected the whole galaxy and the future and c.) had knowledge and abilities that didn't have the rest of his co-chars. I do see it quite impartial and not ignoring facts because of the "hype". But that is the history of Kotor. It's not a history about Bastila. Sorry. It seems that you are on a Bastila hype . You really underestimate Revans role in the hole KOTOR-plot. He was to face the True Sith, not Bastila. Juhani and Jolee were to weak for this fight. Revan was much stronger than they were. I suscribe to that! That would make me extremely disappointed!
  11. Maybe, I have fallen for the Revan hype (w00t), but why did we all play Revan and why was s/he so important if Juhani or Jolee could have done the job so easily? Was he just important to get the plans for the Star Forge? Why must s/he leave to face the True Sith if Juhani or Jolee could have done it? So, there must be a point why Revan was so crucial for the stability of the galaxy and why s/he was the pratagonist in the game. I don't think I lost my sense for reality .
  12. Why you are all idiots voting for Revan 1. Revan is a fully customizable character, you only say it because you guys want to make yourself sound better than Luke 2. Luke is way more famous than Revan. The original series characters own the video game characters. 3. Luke knows way more powers than someone back in that time. Revan knows only few powers, because Jedi in that time didn't know as many powers as of today. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hey, what's your problem? If this thread sucks to you then don't post! Why we all voting for Revan? Because we have a good taste :D . To 1: nonsense. (I also like Luke as much as Revan, they're both cool characters) To 2: No offence, but this is no argument. Popularity is no relevant point. The video game characters are part of the Star Wars System and are official characters. If Luke should have gone to a biblio and looked up for Revan he would've found him in history books. To 3: I doubt it. IMO the Jedi had all the same access to the powers. I guess Revan was more familiar with the force than Luke in EIV. In K1 s/he was regaining the power again, so not the full range of power was shown there.
  13. KOTOR isn't all about Bastila at all. It's the story of Revan, the most powerful jedi of his/her time. Bastila was bound to Revan. S/He was more stronger than her by far. I think you're wrong here completely. Therefore, the story as to be concluded with the fate of Revan who will kill the True Sith with the exile who is also connected with him/her and maybe a third person - the new PC, who will also be connected with him/her. Thus, the new main PC has to be strong in the force and have a special task to carry out that is necessary to carry out the ultimate task - namely to prevent the True Sith's regime. The guys who want to play as a normal soldier etc. and to kill a dozen of Siths or Jedi should refer to Battlefront . KOTOR is about the Jedi and the story of Revan. :cool:
  14. Yep, story needs closure to both histories. But I don't agree with the killing them off during the opening text crawl. I didn't mean that the PC should have amnesia again. S/he could be a non-Jedi and later become a Jedi. S/he is just force sensitive at that time. I am also fed up with the amnesia solution.
  15. Of course you can. Both characters are part of the Star Wars World. Revan is a part of the Star Wars history that applied to EI-IV. That has nothing to do with fanboys/-girls. True that in video games there are more possibilities regarding forces etc. But that is also valid for the new EI-III in which GL had a broader range of special effects. Well, as I like both very much and I am a fan of both, I have to say that Revan could be a bid stronger as s/he had a deeper knowledge of the force and experience. S/he was the "chosen one" of his/her time. But it also depends which Luke we are talking of. Luke in IV was at his beginning of using the force so I guess he would've lost the fight. But in the EU the situation could be vice versa. That just apply to the games. I don't think there's a classification in levels for jedi. They're jedi padawan, jedi knight or jedi master and that's it.
  16. What about a Jedi or soldier etc. who was blown out into the galaxy during the battle at the star forge and later saved by being picked up by a pirate/ smuggler ship or similar. Later s/he will be found force sensitive and the story will continue.... But I still believe we need Revan and the exile to face the true Sith found to be in the unknown region that is the story KI + II is all about. Everything else is nonsense.
  17. That's true. But I think Revan and Malak were at the same age. Thus, both is possible. Hey, let Revan be female and Malak male and the new PC is the child of both )))))).
  18. Your a genius! Superb idea hawk... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That quite a good idea. But me, personally, I would hate to play as the child of Darth Malak. This guy was a pain. I prefer of being Revan's child then ;-). Hey, I got an idea. Carth Onasi had a son, who was trained at the Sith Academy. Maybe he could be the next PC. But then we had no choice of a male/female char. That's bad.
  19. Star Wars. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Even in fiction there must be logic ;-).
  20. I don't see such much problem in that. Revan is about 30 in K1. He/She is middle aged. Old enough to have children. The story can thus play 4-5 yrs after K2. Or the new PC could be a twin. There could be a connection between the Old Republic and the happening in the New Republik Luke/Leia (Maybe they're all far relatives). That's just an idea. I just wanna mention that in every game a new super hero is quite unrealistic. Thus a connection with a former hero would explain why the new hero would be have such abilities.
  21. Well, they could stay there for some time. But I prefer that they will be part of K3 again. What things do you think are wrong with the Revan son/daughter idea? IMO it would be quite strange to produce in every sequel a new super hero, who saves the galaxy. Thus, a family relationship between the new PC and Revan/exilant would explain why the new PC would be so strong in the force. I am not so happy with that solution either.
  22. If Revan and Vader would fight, I think that Revan would have won the it. He/She was the most powerful jedi at this time and his/her knowledge of the force was immense (rumour that Revan gained inmortality). I thing Revan would have smashed Vader.
  23. Maybe you're alright in saying that the most easiest way to design a possible KOTORIII is to create a new PC and having Revan and the exilant as NPC a major role in the game. Maybe the new PC, who is strong and new in the force could be the son/daughter of Revan? That would close a gap between the former games and the heros as well as the ability to use the force.
  24. Well, I would also prefer Revan as a female character. Why should every interesting char and hero be a man? For a possible KOTORIII I would like to play as Revan (she/he should be the main char) and to see the exilant again. It would also be pretty cool to see Carth Onasi. In my game, Revan and Carth had an indicated lovely relationship :D . Atton was very uncool, this char was the only one that I really didn't like. I really hope they're developing a KOTORIII!!!!!!!
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