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About whoopdido

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    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. So what exactly does the original post mean? I played a round of quest mode yesterday with my 4 level 40 characters after the update and didn't receive any of the stuff mentioned in the first post. No gold, chests, dice or cards. Does this mean I'll receive th stuff when the next update comes out or should I have received it already just for playing?
  2. Yes, he will receive both the reward for the failed scenario and the adventure reward.Had a similar situation where one of my characters died during 1-1 scenario and didn't get the skill feat reward. Once I completed the whole adventure, they didn't get the card feat either. When I replayed the 1-1 scenario and got the check with that character, I got both the skill feat and the card feat. Thanks
  3. So in order to get the adventure reward can you not die during any scenario? I just beat the latest adventure deck and the reward was a card feat. Everybody survived the final scenario and Valeros,Harsk and Kyra were given the card feat. Ezren was not given a card feat. Ezren died during one of the previous scenarios. I thought as long as you survived the final scenario then you would be given the adventure deck reward. When I look at the completion screen Ezren is missing a check mark for the scenario in which he died. If I go back and complete that scenario again and Ezren lives will he then be given the card feat that he missed out on?
  4. Do you automatically get these rewards or do they just go in your vault so you can randomly encounter them later? I just completed the latest adventure on legendary and the reward is some kind of book. But it didn't go to any of my players. It just went into my vault. I can't remember what happened with the other legendary rewards. I have them all but I can't remember if I received them immediately after completing lengendary or if I randomly encountered them and acquired them later.
  5. I just have to ask. 2,500 chests at 500 gold each = 1,250,000 gold. I guess there used to be a break for buying chests in bulk so let's just use a round number of 1,000,000 gold to open 2,500 chests. Completing Legendary with a 6 person party nets you 250 gold. I havent done the math, but I don't think you get too much extra gold in a scenario for killing monsters and closing locations but let's just say it's another 150 gold per scenario. That's 400 gold per scenario. Let's also be very conservative and say you've salvaged 200,000 gold. That leaves 800,000 gold to open 2,500 chests. 800,000 gold divided by 400 per scenario = 2,000 scenarios. Let's say each scenario takes 15 minutes to complete. That's 30,000 minutes or 500 hours. I think I'm being very conservative here. Have you really spent 500 plus hours playing this game? Since the initial release date, we're talking roughly 3 hours every single day. Is that possible? Hell, that's some major dedication. I can't see myself dedicating that much time to anything.
  6. This is an unacceptable work around. What do you do if you're down to your last blessing and you're on the villain? There's a chance you could lose but there's also a chance you could win. Forfeiting because you MIGHT lose just so you don't forever miss out on a level up because of gameplay bugs is ridiculous.
  7. I've had this happen to me as well. Annoying to say the least. I've missed out on at least 2 rewards now that I know of. Gave up playing for a long time since there was no new content but started up quest mode recently. It never worked for me before. I thought quest mode would entertain me until the next adventure came out, but alas, bugs, bugs and more bugs remain. Quest is unplayable in my opinion until this is fixed. The entire point of quest mode is to level up your character and if you forever miss out on level ups due to game bugs then that mode simply can't be played.
  8. It's a bummer. I followed the development of this game from the very beginning. Came here, posted, speculated, etc and dealt with all the delays. I bought the full game on day one and played it a bunc. Enjoyed it despite the hundreds and hundreds of bugs. Unfortunately I've pretty much lost all interest in it at this point and haven't played it in weeks. Considering there are still countless bugs and I've finished what I can (can't get quest mode to work) there's just no reason for me to play it. It's more frustrating than fun at this point. Probably what I should do is forget about it entirely for about 6 months and try again and see how it's doing. Hopefully by then the bugs will be fixed and more content will have been released. I'm more looking forward to the next version of the physical game (Mummy's Mask) that comes out in November.
  9. Did you try force-closing the app (not "Do you want to quit"-minimizing it) and restarting? Yup. Tried that.
  10. Sorry. After the patch it still doesn't work. I updated the game and the timer was at 9 minutes and said 1 day remaining. Came back later and the timer reset (now at roughly 20:30) and it still says 1 day remaining. I was given no gold and I still am not able to rebuy the 30 day gold deal. Too bad. I would like to give you money, but alas...
  11. Mine seems to be broken as well. It counts down and resets but it's said I have 1 day remaining of my original 30 days. It's been like that for a while. I'm not able to buy the 30 day plan again either. Even though it continually says 1 day remaining, I haven't been getting daily gold either. So I can't receive gold, nor can I rebuy the plan to receive gold for a further 30 days.
  12. Unless I don't understand it, I didn't beat it but it let me continue anyway. The first time I played I lost like 28-5 or something. I got the victory screen and received 100 gold but wasn't allowed to play the next scenario. I played again and lost I think 33-6. Again I got the victory screen. I didn't get the gold that time but I was allowed to move onto the next scenario. I don't understand the concept of that scenario at all.
  13. So I was curious what it actually meant when people were talking about the dead characters not getting a skill feat fix NOT being retroactive. I guess it means that character will NEVER get the skill feat. I just replayed the scenario where my character died and didn't get the skill feat the first time and when I won, that character wasn't rewarded with a skill feat. Now I know I guess. Considering I've put a lot of time into my current party and have no desire to start over I guess my Harsk will forever be one skill feat behind.
  14. Bought a treasure chest for 500 gold. Tried to open it and it wouldn't open. Just froze on that screen. Completely closed out the app. Came back and the treasure chest is gone and my 500 gold is gone. Net effect...500 gold gone and no treasure chest.
  15. I've had this happen to me too. I'm almost positive it wasn't a "if not proficient..." issue nor was it a wildcard thing. I would just play a weapon and all of a sudden the bane would go from 8 to 11 or whatever. I guess I could have been overlooking something, but I don't know what it would have been. I'm only using Valeros, Harsk, Ezren and Kyra and it only seems to happen when a character other than Valeros or Harsk uses a weapon and I've made a point of only keeping weapons that DO NOT require the character to be proficient. I've gotten to the point where I just don't use weapons with Kyra or Ezren even though I should be able to use the ones that don't require proficiency.
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