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Everything posted by DarbiusMaximus

  1. As this was my post initially, I think another response is warranted. I'm glad to hear that the game will actually alternate between player and computer. That being the case I don't mind it as much. I also think getting something cool by beating a totally optional tournament is not a terrible idea. Anyhoo, glad to hear it's fixed.
  2. Amen. Criminy...If I have to hear that little mandalorian girl say "moocha shaka baka" one more time I'm gonna put a whole through my TV. Even when I was light side I wanted to kill her or give her the boot just so I wouldn't have to listen to her talk. I later decided to just mute it during that entire part. This also goes for Twi'leks. Aside from the fact that one guy did all the twi'lek voices for the entire game, that twi'lek mechanic who built T3 (and all other female twi'leks since it was the same woman) in the beginning was terrible. Her acting was reminiscent of the anime where for some reason the Japanese directors decided it would be a really good idea to hire porn stars to do the voice work. You can guess how well that worked. I know twi'lek is a foreign (and nonexistent) language, but most of it was about as convincing as Keanu Reeve's performances in anything post-Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure (okay, and maybe Matrix...and the sequel to Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure). Take us back to the days of "te wanna wanga" and "ne jabba no badda." As for the name calling, I didn't so much mind. When your name is El Pollo Darbo, you kind of want them to say your whole name.
  3. Pazaak was one of the lamest mini-games I've played since that stupid-freaky-tic-tac-toe-with-monsters-and-stats-that-make-no-sense card game in Final Fantasy IX. How is it even fair at all when the player ALWAYS has to go first? You're not playing against the house. This isn't Vegas. Actually the house is fairer in Vegas than Pazaak is in the game. You're gambling against other NPC's. Dealing should alternate who it starts with each round. Flip a coin to find out who gets the first card in the first round. Or be able to choose whether you want to hit AFTER the NPC gets his card or something. Either lose pazaak all together or at least make it fair. Gambling with another person is all about luck, not being at a constant disadvantage to the other guy.
  4. Here is the way I see it. Jedi are about dexterity, speed and acrobatics while Sith (at least more so) are about brute force and strength. This is a much easier concept to think about when you forget about Darth Maul (who was only as fast and acrobatic as he was because Lucas wanted to recruit and acrobat/stunt man to make a bad-ass fight scene). Even though it didn't make the most sense, I never really minded the armor restrictions on some powers. Whenever I had a guardian I never wanted to use any of the armor restricted powers anyway so it didn't really matter. When you're dealing with brute force like that, everyone would save against your force attacks anyway, so why bother in the first place? But I absolutely agree with the strength modifiers to attack. I have never understood that. I think strength should modify DAMAGE, but dexterity should modify ATTACK as well as defense. Of course, any kicks or punches thrown in there could still work on the strength modifiers or as proposed above. But that brings me to my next point: Why does strength have anything to do with rolls to hit or damage when you're talking about a lightsaber? The blade is pure energy and it cuts through pretty much anything. I think lightsabers should be ALL dexterity. Don't get me wrong though. Despite the complaints KOTOR was still a great game. These are just areas for improvement. The devs shouldn't be afraid to move away from the D&D system a little bit and change it to really fit the Star Wars Universe.
  5. There used to be a skills topic, but it's gone now, so I'm starting a new one. Anyway, this is a quick, easy suggestion. In order to make security a more useful and necessary skill, I think it would make more sense to either do damage to some of the items in the chest or just get less stuff when you bash, possibly missing something cool that you might have gotten if you'd used security instead. This would help increase the incentive to have skill-based party members like Mission around. I've played through the game multiple time with 3 soldier/jedi types and virtually no secondary skills just bashing things open as I go. I mean, how much sense does it make to whack open a lock with a lightsaber and not hit anything inside?
  6. That would be AWESOME!! I absolutely loved Shadowrun and Shadowrun on both the Sega and SNES (although they were both totally different). One could even adapt the D&D-like system used for KOTOR to the Shadowrun Universe. Using the same engine, it could be a totally awesome game. Besides IGN has already written about it being a game they'd love to see remade. http://ps2.ign.com/articles/504/504985p3.html Just scroll down.
  7. Who says T3 doesn't toast bagels?
  8. We need more heads!!!!!!!! I actually don't mind not getting too specific on minute character creation aspects with the face. Whenever you do that, it gets harder and harder to make the face look good in the actual game. I just want more choices for heads!
  9. I'm sure this has been covered somewhere in these forums, I just can't find where, so I'm creating a new topic. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give multiple love story options. It helps make the game so much more interesting. In KOTOR, I can kind of see how Bastila serves the light and the dark romance because you can sway her one way or the other, but what if you're playing a chick? I recently played a female dark-side guardian because I just wanted to try it out and there was no romance really...it was really boring. Well, I did the carth romance, but why in the hell would he ever fall in love with someone so pitifully and completely evil as my guardian? It would have been awesome if we could do a romance with Canderous if your evil or Juhani, just to switch things up (Mission's waaaay underage, so I'm not touching that with a 10-foot pole). You could also take some romance conflicts from Baldur's Gate II where a fellow party member challenges you if you choose to do a romance with a certain female. In BG II there were 3 female romance options (only 1 male, but who really cares about that in a game like BGII) which did a great job of keeping me occupied. It was also funny because you could try playing the field (all 3) and they'd get mad at you at the romances would stop. Anyway, it's such a great way to keep yourself occupied while running around doing other stuff and it ups the replayability even more.
  10. I have been thinking for quite some time about how to make the melee combat in KOTOR more interesting. Don't get me wrong, it was good, but it could be so much better. A few suggestions: 1. Make one-handed fighting better. There's absolutely no question that a master of two-weapon had a huge advantage over a master of dueling. Maybe the solution is to give master duelists a much higher attack rating but do less damage (or the same amount since they only have one weapon). 2. Explore different fighting styles with different light sabers. If anyone recalls, Dooku in episode 2 had a curved light saber hilt meant specifically for dueling. It was much harder to use, but far more deadly than the average light saber. He used a bit of a rapier mixed with long-sword style. Also, when Revan has the vision in the first game of bastilla confronting Revan, Revan does this awesome spin with his/her light saber and then drops into a sort of raised katana stance before he/she gets blown up by Malak. That could be an awesome style and there's no denying the asian influence in Star Wars. A single-weapon character could also have a more chinese style of fighting like Li Mu Bai in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. I think being able to learn the different styles would be totally awesome and severely ramp up the replayability. 3. It may be possible to incorporate some new light sabers and styles that go with them. For Instance, how about creating a bastard sword/claymore sized light saber with a long-long (and maybe wider blade) with a two handed hilt. It would be longer range and more powerful but also more cumbersome and harder to wield. Another possible weapon could be a spear-like saber with a vibro-pole (so it can repel light saber strikes) and would also create a totally new style to go along with it (a la Onimusha 3, Bushido Blade, etc.). Anyway, I think this would make the combat system much more badass, because when you think about it what makes a jedi a badass (at least a light jedi)? The light-saber. Make the light sabers cooler and more varied and you will get five times the replayability in the game without having to add more quests or story. This is purely a modification of the existing engine. Let me know what you think (hopefully a dev will let me know....)
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