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Everything posted by sapientNode

  1. One thing I want to clarify about the whole rest spamming complaint I have been seeing on this thread and other threads. The camping/resting system is designed to work around the concept of attrition in line with the difficulty setting the player chooses. Thus the lower levels of difficulty (easy/normal) are set up to have copious opportunities for the player to rest. At the higher difficulties, resource management is meant to be a significant strategic factor. Thus, if you are playing on Hard/ POTD, you should be able to progress through the game using the camping supplies you carry/ find in any area you explore. If you need to rest spam to get through these difficulty levels, whether it is through mods or slogging back to an inn, you are playing on a level that is too hard for you (or deliberately altering the game to make it appear easier than it is intended to be). Either way, that play style isn't something the designers can eliminate in this type of system without making everything completely per encounter. I won't comment about whether that is the direction they should have gone in or not, but I will say that they really have no reason to design the game to accommodate those that will meta game or outright cheat to make the game easier for themselves. BTW, I do agree that the 3 original classes are the most interesting in the game, and I hope that Obsidian gets a chance to develop an original IP that moves further away from the old IE games. I understand that some people see the rest mechanic as an actual strategic system and based on the fact that they do in fact reduce your camp supplies by a good amount from Normal to PoTD I agree that the intention was to have the rest mechanic as a strategic aspect. However I do not see it working that way at all with the other added mechanics. Any person who wants to use strategy is going to go get the buffs from an inn before tackling a dungeon and unless they are for more than 1 or 2 rests per buff bonus the attribute bonuses from inns are just screaming to be utilized. So to keep our buffs which are often very helpful per encounter is quite useful. And if I lose my buffs because they want me to camp out more to get my spells up I will just use iemod or potentially trudge my way back to the inn. Which ultimately is me clicking map button clicking by exit to map. Running party in fast mode to exit click click click and click then back to the map. That just gets old and tired. And without any variance like encounters between maps or random encounters popping up on maps already visited its absurdly tedious even if I am rping. You state this commonly posted statement about cheating and meta gaming. I never quite understand when people say this. Its pretty much like if I had taxes and decided to use the tax code to write something off that is obscured from the public in general. And because of this I am cheating the system in some way. I tend to view cheating in a game as hex editing the code or manipulating the data on that level. Or using the console to god mode your party or to gain access to otherwise unavailable skills/attributes/powers in the base game. All I see is that people get upset because they did not figure out how to optimize the available variables in the game for winning and would rather eliminate things so they feel like they are on more even ground with those who can readily see how to capitalize on them. Or they want to have rules put upon them and everyone else when they could easily apply the rules to themselves with the proper discipline. I mean if you feel per-encounter is too abusive of a system or OP. Do not use it. If you feel a certain spell is too amazingly powerful dont scribe it in your book. Or choose something in the middle of that disciplined application and go suggest that iemod offers up a method to switch per encounter off or in a different variance than what it is now. Ultimately if you remove per encounter you just use more resting for tougher fights. And if you want some incredible challenge this game is not it even on PoTD. However if you are trying to forcibly challenge yourself and have the discipline to not use inns or camping supplies then anyone can do that regardless of how the game is designed. Turn on PoTD and RP that camping supplies no longer exist or that there is some lingering poison that is emitted from a Watcher that will kill your party on rest. If they wanted the rest mechanic to be truly a strategic system they would add encounter probability as well as a cool down to being able to camp or rest. At the very least add camping options in the expert mode settings. If they wanted to really make casting spells a more robust a strategic system they would add cool downs and other intricate systems that had you using more foresight. Per encounter on/off is really not the problem that seems be really being discussed here. Soon though iemod will have a more direct avenue of ability tweaking and hopefully that will grow into something where we can have more direct access to the difficulty and game mechanics. Then everyone can be happy and we can post things about additions instead of eliminations.
  2. Obsidian can you please set a trend here. Can you please sit down with your distributors and ask them or tell them depending on what kind of power you have that they need to be more clear on how the patches work and how they number them and how they are handled. I feel like today with all these avenues of distribution (Steam, Origin, GoG) that we have taken a PC and turned it into multiple gaming consoles. Which is fairly illogical but everyone is so obsessed with monetization it was inevitable. Steam does not update their news feed and they auto patch unless you disable it. They usually get patches first. GoG numbers their patches and games in such a way it is very difficult to tell what patch/game correlates to what version of the game. I have no experience with Origin but I am sure they have their own methodology for handling distribution. All of them share very really direct information regarding patches known issues readmes or installation instructions. They do not even have rpominent links saying hey if you want to know more info look at these links which are stickied over here in this forum. Of course we don't even have those stickies here so... So on top of waiting an extra day or two between Steam and the rest I have no clear understanding of what the patch is or what order they go in if there are multiple instances of them. I am on GoG. And add to that these distributors do not post good information directly. For that I must return to this forum or to your web page. Of course you are lacking as well in this regard but at least there is more community activity here. This situation has only been amplified by the fact we must apply 2 separate patches to White March and then to the Vanilla game or vice versa. Do you understand how absolutely convoluted inefficient and time consuming this has become for us players? My guess is you could not even distribute your own game anymore anyway because they own certain distribution rights. In addition you might as well call the Steam GoG and Origin version completely different games. Its like they take the game and then wrap it up in some proprietary wrapper and for what? I recall being able to just go to a developer's website to find a patch and it was one patch or multiple patches for different OSes. Now on top of the multiple OSes we have 3 4 5 or more different versions of the game. In theory initially and perhaps on some levels these methods of distribution have helped the community of gamers. I know they have garnered a lot of revenue for Steam and all but forced all devs to sign on with them but it is so incredibly inefficient. It is like taking a wheel and making it square and adding more hoops to jump through when there were already enough to begin with. Can you at least start a discussion with your distributors about creating some form of standard so that potentially you could eventually just post patches again on your own site with all the relevant information. At the least get your distributors to stream a standardized news feed that you can control so we know the notes and known issues and installation instructions. I say this because recently I had the big pink mess issue in White March and I found the solution was an illogical one. At least to my mind. I had to install the White March patch and the base Game patch. Both were for 2.01. This made no sense to me and seemed like I was just going to overwrite stuff if I used one or the other. In this scenario you really should make a patch that detects if White March is installed and if so it Patches the base and White March and if it is not detected it just patches the base game. I feel like we are going backwards technologically with issues like these where we should be heading towards a more efficient and direct approach and not reverse engineering every little bit and repackaging it so it can be monetized in different arenas. There are so many added variables in just the distribution of games today that it has become even more difficult to reproduce or hone in on issues as how can we tell if it is related to the distributors who are becoming a lot more liberal and their packaging or the game itself. I myself would love to go back to a time where we just got our games from the devs but that is incredibly unlikely (almost impossible) so please start some dialog about standardization and information sharing please. At the very least all distributors should have the same patch notes installation procedures and readmes available to us. They should also all have known issues shared across forums and within the distribution systems themselves. I mean who is responsible for relaying this information anymore? In addition please get rid of this 2 patch nonsense. It is ludicrous and on top of the already convoluted miasma I must partake in to get this on my machine it is very frustrating. I understand the reason behind these distribution methods and thank goodness GoG stepped up and gave us that option. However just like pre-midi days we are starting to see what I think is an issue that will balloon over time and that is a total lack of standardization with distribution. There is an incredible lack of communication with the distribution. And since I doubt we are going to get more employees to go around and make sure the info is available I would suggest creating an automated feed that is shared across the distribution platforms and one that you the developer has control over.
  3. oh no I just got done figuring out what the hell happened to me when I updated last time. I just barely got to White March and I guess I didnt patch White March and just did the Vanilla patch. When I did that the rest of the world was fine but White March was a big pink mess. I do not know if the order mattered but I ended up re-installing everything and then doing White March patch then the actual Vanilla game patch. And this was just for 2.01. Now I do not know if I want to update to 2.02. Between 3 different main distribution methods (Steam, Origin and GoG) and now with 2 different patches... I just sigh in frustration. I remember getting a patch from the dev website and it just worked. Now you get it automatically from Steam and it may work. Steam does not update their news feed. GoG has decided to number their patches with a confusing numbering scheme so I have no idea which patch refers to which. Now on top of that we have to patch the game twice with 2 separate patches. Talk about a steaming pile of inefficiency. My apologies for the rant.
  4. Both the Misshapen construct and the Rotting flesh Construct are not in the bestiary. The Ring of Wonder never procs second chance on unconscious.
  5. yikes I have not updated to 2.02 yet. I guess I should remove all her gear before updating.
  6. No matter how long I play these games I still find Rogues my fav character. I made a Hearth Orlan Rogue. Went with high perception and the 2 early stilettos for now. She has the mechanics gloves. I actually got lucky and found 3 of them so far. She has the dex belt move speed boots and liliths cloak on. She has the highest dmg crits hits and biggest enemy downed. awesome!!!
  7. Since its a full attack does it actually benefit from dual weapon style? As stated I think the only use of it is with certain Monk builds Or early game. This is another reason id like to see a more robust crafting system so we could overwrite enchants like this and keep the weapon or armor. They could of course also alter bash to make it more potent. If it had a chance to stun or knockdown that could be a balance for the loss of damage.
  8. I think its time to stop trying to tie this game to the predecessors and just go ahead and keep pushing ahead with designs like per encounter. I absolutely love the new mechanic of scripted events and the story is great but the combat and itemization and all the arguments revolving around them tend to be wanting to adhere to the old days. Which we all may have nostalgia when thinking back but we are in a very distinct new age of gaming where it is time to take it to the next level. I know Divinity: Original Sin may not be everyone's cup of tea but that game is doing exactly that and pushing boundaries and setting a foundation for evolution. Per encounter is an evolution just like not having to rest to scribe spells every time you change the spells in your book. And when it was changed there was complaints about how it would wreck things. Now who the hell would even want that system or even defend it. Luckily they are not entirely doing away with per encounter spells so the design and system will stay in place. Is there anyone that can explain the logical reason why people are upset about per encounter to begin with? If I utilize my low level spells in a spam fest I do not do nearly as much damage because I forego my higher tier spells in favor of something that has the illusory appearance of being more abundant. If I camp a lot or go to inns (even if I stop my dungeon crawling) I end up with the same amount of spells per encounter. If my caster is helping me win the battle isn't that a good thing? Is the issue centering around overall difficulty and an issue that combat becomes trivial or something with a large number of per encounter spells? Because I am playing on PoTD and sometimes I forget to cast spells because I am micro managing my rogue and the battles are often extraordinarily trivial at times simply using some auto attack and endurance buffing. I am glad they are taking the vocal nature of the community around the issue to heart. I just think that vocal nature could be focused on a more robust system rather than a nerf. Similar to the argument that "crafting sucks and needs to be removed." because it totally breaks the game. I just do not understand nerfs and really never will. Even if it takes longer to add more power to other classes that type of solution increases the core flexibility and allows for more creativity and robust mechanics. Relying on nerfs is meh... It has shown it never pleases the people who are vocal because they just move onto another thing to be vocal about. And it can create a greater degree of homogenization in the game play. Where like an MMO you end up having less and less difference between classes.
  9. Thanks. this fully answered my question. Some were saying just do WM patch and not vanilla. I did both and im good to go.
  10. Its quite confusing to be honest but also understandable since they are patching non-DLC and DLC simultaneously.
  11. Apologies for back to back posting I do not know how multiquote works. Along with the above post I agree with I agree here as well. I have not ever understood the idea of eliminating as a solution. I do not get it in most MMO decisions and I especially do not get in a single player game. They could easily introduce more power to the other classes over time based on feedback or their own internal discussion/design groups. Why is the only solution to these sorts of problems a removal of something. Why not instead of reporting that casters are OP instead make statements about increased power other classes could receive to balance the situation. Especially in a game like this which is single player and does not step on toes of the super competition element we could have a lot of varying additions to skills and powers instead of the easy less time consuming nerf bat.
  12. This will not prevent the 4 slickens. Wanna slicken your way through? Rest before each fight. The only place it will make a difference is in the pit. Other than that you can just rest as much as you want. This is exactly what I have been saying. I guess certain groups of people role play the rest mechanic or use it as a block that isn't a block. Per rest meant you slept before each big fight. Per encounter means you do not spend either 140-180cp at an inn or you do not burn your camping supplies. Usually a map even on PoTD consists of groups in such a way that you might use 1 or 2 camp supplies and you can still use slicken a lot. Especially if you get the awesome ring from the cave. But if your spamming slicken your basically not able to use your really great spells in the higher levels. So it ends up being a choice. Even with high int slicken does not allow for perma disabling and casting of other attack spells. I have encounter spells enabled through iemod at level 6. And even with them enabled I definitely do not sit there and spam fest slicken. I would rather make use of the spell tier I just learned and actually have variety than sit and spam slicken and fall asleep anyway. I mainly have per encounter so if I am up in the really long stamina fight and I am out of upper tier spells at least I have a fall back. And as of now with the ring I am at 6 level 1 spells before rest/encounter. That is a fairly significant number even for the masses in PoTD. I feel like this may just be to calm the people who have been getting really vocal about the OP casters. Which ultimately is like a MMO argument in a single player game. As stated also in this thread this change when studied actually increases the power of a Mage/Caster In an MMO I kind of understand the arguments about per encounter but a single player game. I mean we are not competing against other players playing their single player game. And if you are internally competing with your caster and another melee class I think that is a whole different problem altogether. I am glad this option will stay in iemod because for me all it does is allow for less of a time sink because I do not have to go back to town or drop my bedroll and take a clicky nap. Sounds like the change pleased some people though so great for them. Doesn't entirely make any sense because nerfing is really for mmo games in my opinion unless its an absolutely absurd imbalance. I honestly do not get it in an MMO even because who cares who gets to the end first or is more powerful. Eventually we all end up there just with a different story to tell. I would of much rather seen them refine the crafting system or add things to the game. Or add fighting to resting. Or better yet make the modding functionality more robust so we can tweak the game as we wish.
  13. Yes after spending more time searching around forums I figured out that is what I did wrong. But I had no idea I was doing it wrong because there was nothing telling me what I should be doing. This is definitely a clear sign to me that all these distribution methods have gone the opposite direction away from efficiency and clarity. thanks for the info
  14. thanks... I get so frustrated with all these distribution methods for games now and trying to figure out what is even what. We have one game wrapped by 3 different entities and all of them have different time frames for release and numbering systems and methods of distribution. I so so so so miss just downloading a patch from the developers web site. I am on a GoG version so I have to wait a day or more until they make it live on their servers even though the patch is already live.
  15. it is labeled 2.01. I updated via patches from GoG 1.06 > 2.0 > DLC >2.01 I am likely going to have to go back and redownload the entire bloody game from GoG and do a re-install.
  16. It would be fantastic if there was better AI. Since taunts given the current AI would likely just be engagement to a greater degree I do not understand the issue. I am not talking about spamming a yell button and all enemies run at the guy. I am talking about mechanics like the pull that already exists and perhaps some other additional engagement slots for tanks. I do not use choke holds to cheese the game. I just get tired of my rogue going stutter stutter stutter stuck on some invisible collision and then run a lap around the entire group of enemies getting engaged by everything to finally end up 5 meters from where she began so she can backstab. If I put my guys all in a basic clump fest on PoTD they just run randomly when trying to get positioned and basically grab extra aggro which they shouldnt because they are chugging stuttering around trying to path find to their locations. Choke holds or at least pulling enemies through a smaller opening is a sure fire way i can position myself without running into the issue that the location my guy was running to is now occupied so my squishy may decide they will now run a lap around the entire perimeter of enemies pissing them all off until that location is now empty again. I know good AI is incredibly difficult to pull off in games because teaching a AI potentially could take a very long time to really refine. So what we have is a situation where we make do and added taunts is not hurting anything. As I stated already face smashing the AI so it locks on to the nearest target is just a sloppy version of what I am saying. Whether that is choke holds or in an open area I think everyone uses there most resilient character as the meat shield while archer rogue caster launch their attacks. Even in high DR armor the base mechanics of a mage is not set to being pounded on. Of course once we have iemod with the ability modding we can do what we please to the skills and wont even need to have discussions which end up devolving into arguments about how adding things will absolutely break the game. I am really looking forward to when the game is patched solid and those capabilities are made available more fluently through iemod.
  17. Has anyone had this problem before? I travel to White March. I get the introduction story part. I click done and I am dropped in I guess the town of Stalwart. Except the entire place is pink excluding a few spots where I have run to. It looks like perhaps the cloud or smoke texture. However roaming around aimlessly on the pink I have also bumped into some Ogres and a White wolf. both of which are completely pink and have no AI. When I get into Stalwart someone screams about Darzir or something but in the vast pinkness I can not see any models. Only my weapons floating in the air.
  18. I just finally traveled to White March. Upon entering stalwart the entire screen is just pink. My characters are not rendered. The ground is not rendered. I think I could see my characters weapons floating as I moved them around an a flat pink landscape. I reloaded 3 times with the same issue. I also changed my resolution and messed around with graphics options in the hopes it would force a reload of the textures and models. Nothing worked. Its totally unplayable. I am playing version 2.0.1 GoG Is this fixed in 2.0.2? Is there another solution I can use?
  19. I would not call this a nerf. The damage output of FoD is not reduced it is simply not activated. They have to fix it if they even want to by coding it so it does some kind of double or triple check for procs. I am assuming here that what happens is the proc takes precedence and simply overwrites or negates FoD . Instead it could proc the weapon after the constant FoD. Never the less I think its a bug not a nerf.
  20. It is not just a mention of him or knowledge of him. The exact statement or close to it is: So you are looking for Thaos huh? (paraphrase) As in we had a convo about the situation. It is triggering before I even have heard of Thaos. I guess Sagani could be talking to a future version of myself somehow.
  21. ?? What is being changed about draining weapons? Or has been changed?
  22. If I go to the bluff/cliff where Persoq is and talk to the spirit part of Sagani's dialog consists of asking me about Thaos. I have not even done the parts in Defiance bay that would give me information on Thaos.
  23. Thanks. I cant check it out until GoG has it. I really miss the days we could just get patches direct from the dev website instead of waiting for a third party to make it available after you send it to them. Totally inefficient way to distribute something. Oh well as it is...
  24. The weapon Unforgiven is not applying its accuracy bonus and potentially not its damage bonus either.
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